Leaving Shadows


Hello my friends

Another week has passed us by leaving
shadows of itself in the future.  Judy and
I drove down to Cutler Maine Saturday
and we took a load of pictures.  It was a
beautiful day with a high of 71 degrees 🙂
Cutler is about a 115 miles south of us.
It’s a small fishing town by the ocean bay.
We had a good time.  We stopped off at
a few places to take pictures along with
taking pictures of the bay.  It was filled
with boats.  I took a walk on the docks
and took a lot of pictures.  Judy didn’t
walk near as much as me being that she
doesn’t walk so good.  None the less we
both took pictures.  We brought Rocky
with us and he enjoyed getting out of
the car and exploring of course while on
his leash.  He loves to ride in the car and
is very sad when we have to leave him at
home when it’s either too hot or too cold
for him to wait in the car for us when we
go shopping or something of the sorts.
Anyways,  Other than our drive Saturday,
we didn’t do much.  I have been giving
mowing a break being every time I have
mowed,  my health would drop a notch.
My voice is gradually returning for some
odd reason.  LOL maybe it’s because I’m
fixing to kick the bucket or something 🙂
I used a throat spray last night that I
used most of the time when I had a case
of pneumonia and my throat had gotten
sore from coughing and when I used it
last night,  my voice began returning
gradually.  It had gotten to the point
that I could barely speak loud enough
for Judy or anybody to hear me and
the more I tried to speak, the more my
voice weakened.  So,  now after using
my throat spray a couple of times,  my
old voice is gradually returning and my
wife then can tell me to be quiet LOL.
I believe you might recall our phone
line being down in the passed week.
Well,  they finally came out Friday and
did what they should of done in the
first place and replaced the line coming
into the house.  I kept telling them that
the line that was outside was not good,
but they wouldn’t listen.  OH well,  I’m
hoping that we do not have any more
issues with it or our internet.  We told
them we were not paying the bill until
it was fixed and were going to deduct
5 dollars a day from the bill until it
was repaired.  I think they could tell
that I was miffed in great extreme LOL.
Yet,  with the phone repaired we were
able to have a nice joy ride down south
to the ocean and take pictures.  On the
way down we stopped off at the Million
Dollar View and took pictures and we
had a guy to drive up and park and ask
us if he could take our picture using my
camera.  It was very strange,  being after
he did so,  he handed my camera back
and said have a great day and he drove
back the same way he came hehehehe.
So,  Judy and I got our picture taken
standing in front of the Million Dollar
View :).  The picture turned out great.
Of course it was a windy day and our
hair was blowing all over the place :),
but the picture still came out very well.
I’ll put that picture along with many
of the pictures that we took while we
were on our drive.  I was more like on
a ride,  being Judy does the bulk of the
driving.  I don’t drive much anymore,
but I can if I need to.  For a while we
thought our car was having problems
making a whirring noise,  but we soon
figured out after we got on a different
road that it was the road causing the
noise,  so that was a relief 🙂  God’s still
watching over us as we experience new
things in our life.  We’re sure that many
angels and kindly spirits are also with
us watching over us,  giving help when
they see it’s needed.  We most surely
feel blessed.  The storms of life cannot
defeat us as long as God is in control.
We’ll have problems and struggles,  but
what’s meant to be will be.  I pray that
you have God in your life.  May God
always be with you as you cross many
thresholds of life.  Father God ,  please
keep Your mighty touch on our family
and friends as well as people that we do
not know of.  AMEN and AMEN.  Now
I believe it’s time for me to be reading
back over all that I’ve written here to try
and find a word or phrase for the title of
today’s brand new poem.  So it’s away I
go to that place of my recollection that I
always like to call RECOLLECT VILLE.
Well it seems as though I may have found
me a nice title on the first and second
line of my rambling LOL and now after
checking I see that it has not been used
yet,  so used it shall be.  Here goes…

Leaving Shadows

Thoughts and actions
will show their paths
within the moments
that come to pass.
Liars will formulate
stories to fact
with all their words
on a deceiving track.
Don’t let the truth
to be hid away
and become reality
when night meets day.
Locate the patterns
that truthful shows
and then say a prayer
for better flows.
Find the perspectives
that are truly real
not leaving shadows
you wish to conceal.

©By Bill Pearce
July 21,  2024

Well,  there ya go.  I hope you liked the
poem and maybe even little bit of my
 rambling.  I haven’t anything else I can
think of to tell you other than what I tell
you nearly every week which is,  I wrote
some more poems and haiku.  Yep,  10
more poems and 22 more haiku for all
the haiku lovers out there.  I hope you
can find 1 or 2 of either or both that you
like.  Now with that said,  I think  that
it’s time for me to begin my search for
that hardly elusive off switch,  but not
before I wish you a truly blessings filled
week.  Remember,  Jesus loves you and
we do too.  Okey doke,  so where can
that ornery off switch be trying or not
to hide this time???  Hmm and Hmm
again LOL.  Where in the heck is that
silly contraption??  LOL Oh I see you
now.  You just couldn’t contain your
excitement that you hid fairly well this
time, huh.  Well I see you now being
that you starting dancing behind my
bifocals glasses holder.  You sort of
made it to move about and make it
easy to see you.  Congratulations
on a good hiding spot,  but I take it
away being you still suck at hiding 🙂
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Searching To Find

Roadways as doorways
might open and display
the ages of memories
that went the wrong way.
Time shows our choices
thru now and again
that become our echoes
bestowing as the wind.
Try to find answers
in the pathways of time
and don’t stop thinking
while searching to find.

©By Bill Pearce
July 15,  2024

Seeming as a Mirage

Wintertime’s scenery
can often be found
within our memories
as time looks around.
Seeking the moments
our hearts embrace
scents of Christmas
with a scenic taste.
Becoming reflections
of a wintery dream
in a snowing desert
as a holiday theme.
Time as an ornament
like a snowy collage
found within a dream
seeming as a mirage.

©By Bill Pearce
July 15,  2024

Tracks Unending

Days of travels
times might find
tracks as trails
of scenic design.
Daily memories
created from life
might be found
to later arrive.
Unleashing sight
a time attains
such as dreams
of distant trains.
Beckoning styles
times ascending
growing beyond
tracks unending.

©By Bill Pearce
July 16,  2024

Edge of Eve

The day may seem
to show a sight
glimmering truly
as an eve of light.
Time conveys life
as windows views
with scenic colors
and changing hues.
Opening doorways
to life’s interface
blessings from God
as heavenly grace.
Giving perspectives
we can perceive
found in moments
of an edge of eve.

©By Bill Pearce
July 18,  2024

With Just a Thought

Beginnings and endings
might align as a breeze
blowing in directions
that are hard to believe.
Transcending shadows
that become as a breath
with timeless reflections
that heartbeats attest.
Created from memories
moments had bought
transferred to daydreams
with just a thought.

©By Bill Pearce
July 18,  2024

Life in Contrast

Tempting a stage
to become a heart
can be confused
as a work of art.
Losing the vision
in dreamers views
can create scenes
of mystical hues.
Created rhythms
in a style of love
can unleash life
in the sky above.
See the reflections
of future and past
and let them grow
as life in contrast.

©By Bill Pearce
July 18,  2024

Green of Growth

We might often hurry
to try and complete
the things in our life
we can’t stand the heat.
When watching others
we might try to find
the passage to hurry
to be in their time.
We all need to grow
in our own time frame
not seeking hurry
just because of a name.
Let yourself to learn
of the best way to be
with green of growth
that’s just you and me.

©By Bill Pearce
July 18,  2024

Time’s Memoirs

There might be times
we find we remember
that still burn bright
as a firelight’s ember.
The flame is still seen
as a reflection surreal
found within a photo
that dreams can feel.
The scent still exist
as a time and place
thriving loved ones
that hearts embrace.
It might be a moment
that lives in the stars
of love that passed on
within time’s memoirs.

©By Bill Pearce
July 18,  2024

Autumn Reminds

Seconds of colors
created from time
may become living
as autumn’s design.
The stages awaken
becoming so bright
within moments
of autumn’s delight.
Seasonal pictures
taken to remember
harness the colors
on thru November.
Seeming as a book
in a worded detail
ending with colors
as leaves all set sail.
Colors might seem
a dim point of view,
but still give sights
for me and for you.
Textured with styles
of colorful times
is life’s reflections
as autumn reminds.

©By Bill Pearce
July 19,  2024

Traveling Doorways

Following memories
into living details
might find a photo
of old dusty trails.
Roadways pathways
might open wide
allowing memories
to live deep inside.
Becoming reflected
within our memoirs
traveling doorways
now seen as stars.

©By Bill Pearce
July 19,  2024

for July 20,  2024

Mysteries of life
often appear in our dreams
as reality.

Methods of learning
may be a few realms to teach
that might be painful.

Living for others
can become your kryptonite
as ones might deceive.

Our now and again
might seem as a reflection
of what we once were.

Some tender moments
might seem as not so tender
when they’re happening.

Efforts of lazy
only provide excuses
with no good reasons.

Thinking you’re needing
when want has taken over
can create problems.

You can create doors
that your life may hide behind,
but one day exposed.

Seeking for a dream
that others might seem to live,
you might find nightmares.

Nursing your mistakes
not learning what not to do
you might make them worse.

Flavors of a life
may often have many tastes
due to who’s tasting.

Ripples in our lives
can often create doorways
into confusion.

When wielding a sword
it pays to know how it’s used
or you will get cut.

Regretful moments
that we still see in ourselves
might need adjustment.

Visions of dreamers
might see beyond reality
thinking it is fact.

The patterns we make
as we walk within our life
need Lord God’s guidance.

Blindly stepping out
into a time’s tornado
you might blow away.

Venturing thru life
that has not been made for you
can create demise.

Moving too quickly
can unleash many problems
you’re not ready for.

Opening a door
that is not ready for you
might give a backlash.

Often a movie
will show actors in a scene
that you think as you.

A liar will lie
even when truth is better,
but they still do it.

©By Bill Pearce
July 20,  2024

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill