Hello my friends
So how have you been and how was your Valentines day?
I hope all has been fairly well. It’s been a rather upsetting
time up this ways since the other day. I went out the back
roads to take some pictures and lost my glasses. That sort
of ticked me off. Judy and me went backtracking to see if
we could find them, but no luck. Oh well, I guess I will one
day, when we can afford it, get me some more glasses, but
until that day I won’t be able to see very well. I do still have
my PC glasses hehe thank God, because if not for them, I
wouldn’t be able to do much writing hehe. Yet they’re only
good for the distance of a foot or so as the distance from my
PC monitor to my ugly self LOL. That’s life. I did though
get some great pictures before I noticed my glasses were
gone hehe. At that time I had to fish my way back to the
house driving the car down the very same back roads that
I took to get there hehe. Anyways, on with the journal 🙂
The weather up this ways has not been too bad. Yes we
still have tons of snow LOL. It snowed a little yesterday
and snowed a slight this morning. but nothing in a grand
scale. The county road truck brought some dirt out to our
roads as well as our driveway so to help to get rid of the
ice, that I might add causes a lot of slipping and sliding 🙂
Yeppers, I was glad to see him. I had been tossing some
ice melt pellets outside in our walkway ever so often, but
I can’t do the whole driveway with them :). My body is
healing gradually from my last fall on the ice hehehehehe.
I’m hoping to not have another slip and slide on the ice
any time soon LOL. Judy and I have started playing
some hidden object games again on my PC. We haven’t
done that in a long while. We’re still goofing around our
farms in FarmTown hehehe. They’ve added a lot more
stuff to the game. Hehe now we need another farm to put
it on LOL. We’ve both already got 8 farms that keep us
busy hehehe. Yeppers, we need another farm 🙂 If it
weren’t for all the farming games and my writing as
well as us watching TV, it would get really boring in
this house LOL. Ain’t much to do way out here in the
boonies. My fingers are feeling better today than they
felt last week. Yesterday I had to bandage them up
so I could type. Every touch of the keys hurt and made
me cringe. Also the band-aids made me hit keys that
I didn’t mean to hit hehehe and it took me a little bit
longer to write the poems and haiku hehe. I got them
all written none the less. I thank God for giving me
this gift of thought through poetry. It’s that very gift
that has been a lifesaver to me throughout the years.
Often I wonder how it is that I am able to come up
with so much in so little time, but I truly know that
it is God’s gift to me. It’s a gift that I share with you
as the days turn to weeks and weeks turn to years.
I think far too many people abuse their gifts and seek
only for an applaud. Plus money only suffices a mere
moment, but a changed life dominoes to another and
yet another as they change others. Look and see what
you can do to help another without seeking a reward.
Do something good anonymously and see blessings
come to life. Heaven is the greatest reward. Well
I guess it’s time once again for me to begin my little
venture back through all I’ve written here to see if
I can find a good word or phrase that I can use for
the title of today’s brand new poem. So it’s away
I go to that place of my recollection that I like to
call RECOLLECT VILLE. I think I found a good
title. Now let’s see if I can put together some words
in form of a poem using it. Here goes!!!!
Life Dominoes
Many will venture
here there again
finding their structure
a little insane.
It takes a little
of a domino play
to maybe change ones
now and today.
A life dominoes
in good also bad
recording the moments
of happy and sad.
Start now the domino
affect as you should
showing ones blessings
so gracious and good.
Let not your ventures
to lead you astray
and leave you seeking
an ungodly way.
You’ll find life dominoes
in many a view
seen by so many
not just one or two.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 20, 2011
OK so there ya go hehehe. Did that make any sense at all
to ya? I sure hope it did. I’ve found that something I said
to one person seemed to be bounced onto yet another which
is called the domino affect. Even in moments that you think
you’re only hurting yourself, remember you could be also
hurting others without knowing it. We may never know to
the exact detail of who that is learning from our actions
or being affected through our actions of our day to day
lifestyles. You might find yourself surprised at the domino
affect that’s resulted by your actions. So try your best
to do what God would want you to do. It will most surely
reflect back to you as it dominoes around. Of course we
will make mistakes. Nobody’s perfect, except of course
Jesus. Well before I get too caught up into rambling 🙂
I guess I need to be telling ya what I tell ya every week
and that is, I wrote some more poems and haiku. Nope
I didn’t write any Christmas poems this week hehehe.
Maybe next week. But I did write 10 more poems and
22 more haiku. I sure hope you enjoy some of them.
Now I guess it’s time for me to search and find that
old off switch that loves to evade me, but before I do
that I must wish you a most wonderful God filled week.
Remember, Jesus loves you and we do too. Now to
find that off switch. Found it lollygagging around our
front door watching the icicles drip hehehehehehehe.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce
Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehe 🙂
Pages Turned
Long ago
now and then
I recall
where I’ve been.
Times remembered
from a phase
come from moments
timeless gaze.
Music’s played
to and fro
as remembered
how I know.
Long ago
then and there
I now wish
that I were there.
Timeless joy
heard and seen
now is faded
as a dream.
Pages turned
done and said
now live on
inside my head.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 19, 2011
Found Within
Without blessings
ones would be
left with only
Hells degree.
Many blessings
day to day
are just sometimes
hid away.
Hid from view
often found
many blessings
are around.
It’s our visions
seeming goal
that determines
how we know.
Minutes segments
found within
are the blessings
where we’ve been.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 19, 2011
After The Storm
When with problems
storms might seem
as a moments
dismal scene.
Faded glory
might be found
in the storms
of all around,
When with troubles
you might find
things remembered
in your mind.
One day surely
you might grow
from the storms
your times bestow.
You might feel
your bent and torn
but seem stronger
after the storm.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 19, 2011
The Healing Mist
Wonderful journeys
then there about
have many flavors
without a doubt.
The mornings segue
is soon begun
with the beginning
of each rising sun.
Yet there is often
found within cue
the healing mist of
then thereunto.
A misty morning
seemingly sought
brings us the waters
found drop by drop.
The healing mist
of morning times fame
brings many blessings
seeming as rain.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 19, 2011
The Full Moon
Echoes of nighttime
find their surmise
in the full moon
up high in the skies.
Seen in the shadows
of nighttimes charade
the full moon blossoms
scenes it has made.
Now as white snow
is falling in winter
the full moon shines then
there front and center.
It is heightened
by the color
whitish hue
that’s like no other.
The full moon shines
its last to see
as it’s making
Shining moments
make me swoon
as I’m looking
at the full moon.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 19, 2011
A Rainbowed Sea
A sea of colors
in my view,
a rainbowed sea
of green and blue.
In the distance
it just bends
seeming without
any ends.
Like a rainbow
to and fro
it might lead
to a pot of gold.
In the oceans
distant setting
there’s a rainbow
sort of jetting.
As the waters
roll about
a rainbowed sea
will surely sprout.
In the journeys
of the sea
there’s a rainbow
given free.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 19, 2011
A Colored Shadow
Nighttime comes
unlike day
without colors
bright array.
Yet there’s seen
a colored shadow
as a nighttimes
hazy glow.
Found as darkness
in the distance
I see colors
of remembrance.
I find shadows
unlike day
that are hazy
shades of gray.
Found disturbing
to a few
a colored shadow
has a view.
It’s just sometimes
less to see,
a colored shadows
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 19, 2011
An Untamed World
Lost in perfection
many will find
an untamed world
inside their mind.
Many are seeking
perfect to do
in an untamed world
of me and you.
Often our judgment
creates a bomb
that will blow up
when perfect is gone.
A mere perception
of you and I
could become problems
in our by and by.
Trivial judgments
that we’ve unfurled
show the patterns
of an untamed world.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 19, 2011
Frozen Lake
Given are blessings
of times to succeed
for all the chances
of our planted seed.
Given are chances
in life’s frozen lake
as often portals
that seem a mistake.
Often our choices
are just frozen over
giving us chances
to seek better clover.
A mere frozen lake
of timeless desire
can be the answer
to all then entire.
Frozen perspectives
seen at a glance
can become melted
within Heavens Chance.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 19, 2011
Crystal Fields
Snow has landed
all around.
Crystal fields
are now the ground.
Seen as sparkles
in the sun,
crystal fields
are having fun.
They make glimmers
late at night
in the shadows
of moonlight.
Crystal fields
of timeless views
I am trudging
in my shoes.
Seeking crystals
wondrous ways
hidden from
my moments gaze.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 19, 2011
for Feb 19, 2011
True healing blessings
will come when least expected,
fulfilling their need.
Desires of the heart
will often bring us troubles
with much confusion.
In but a moment
God can grow from a blossom
a flower that shines.
Time is but minutes
connecting lives thereunto
with seconds counted.
Looking for true love
could find you the opposite,
for life is risky.
White winter snow
finds its way to be melted
in the mornings sun.
Splendorous moments
come from sequences of time
found in memories.
Trees hold winters snow
as ornaments of Christmas
decorating time.
Alone in a dream
can cause imagination
to find a true love.
In a mere mirage
there is fathomed fulfillment
that’s empty as time.
A icicle hangs
holding tight to the rooftop
until it must fall.
The melting of ice
brings the view of sweet springtime
closer with each day.
Guarding a heartbeat
could prevent it from beating
with its true essence.
Conclusion jumping
can create pitfalls in time
from wrong conclusions.
Watching a flower
will not make it grow faster.
It might slow it down.
Some people stumble
due to them watching others
and not themselves.
The times are changing
leaving questions unanswered
of how, when and where.
Making your mark in life
is not always good to do
when it is hurried.
A tulip blossoms
soon after winters snow
to welcome springtime.
Yesterdays meadows
are today and tomorrow
as shadows of time.
Nowhere is nowhere
when somewhere is well hidden
and you’ve ceased to look.
Twenty-twenty sight
seen as just your memories
could still make you blind.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 19, 2011
God bless from Bill and Judy.
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My new site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on UTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂