Hello my friends
How’ve ya been? We’ve been doing OK. Our car is
finally fixed thank God. Danny at McCann’s Auto did
a great job. Anyways, we’re glad to have the car up
and running. Now on with the journal hehe or at least
attempt to. Benny is in an excited mood and running
around the house LOL. Sounds like the gallop of little
horse hehehe. The weather up this way has cooled off
a bit more. I’m sitting here with my allergies sneezing
my fool head off LOL. Hard to type in between sneezes.
Hehehe Ahhhchew, life goes on. Well, I once again
got a late start on the poems and haiku hehehehehehe.
Oh well, I got em written just a bit ago. Judy helped
me look for typo’s as she does most times. Lil Benny’s
under my chair right now licking my feet and I don’t
have to tell you how distracting that is hehehehehehe.
Now he’s gone up under Judy’s chair and licking her
feet LOL. She said, she’s not eating, so lick away.
Today’s been sort of rainy, but temperature wise it’s
been rather nice. Right now it’s 48F degrees at 7 PM.
It’s supposed to get down to 39F degrees tonight 🙂
Nice snuggling weather. Tomorrows high is supposed
to around 63F degrees. Yeppers, summer has left
the building. Wintertime is slowly coming this way 🙂
There hasn’t been much that has changed up this
way in the Pearce’s Place. Judy, Benny and I still
enjoy the days and nights together. We’re still doing
all of our Farm Town farms on Facebook hehehe.
Hey, it might be silly to you, but we enjoy it. We
love to wrestle with Benny also. He loves to play 🙂
I thank God for being blessed with so much love.
Things might go wrong, but God is always there
with His Love and all that He gives. We are all
human, so yes, we will have problems from time
to time, but God through His Son Jesus is with
us to help us through the problems. He expects
us though to do our part. God won’t do for us
what He knows that we can do for ourselves and
yes many will get sick and die, but that’s not the
end, but the beginning of a wondrous existence.
Our days on Earth in these bodies are numbered
and when it’s time to go, it’s time to go, no matter
how old or young you may be. Let God and love
fulfill your life as long as you live and breathe and
surely Heaven will have a place for you to reside.
Ok so it’s time for me to cease my rambling and
go back through all that I’ve written to see if I
can find a good word or phrase that might work
for the title for today’s brand new poem. So, it’s
away I go to that place of my recollection that
I like to call RECOLLECT VILLE. I think I may
have stumbled on a good title. hehehe now I’ve
gotta see if I haven’t already used it for one of
my previous poems LOL. It gets harder every
day being I’ve written well over 7000 poems 🙂
Yes, I write a lot hehehe. It keeps me busy or
so many might think hehehehe. Ok so I haven’t
used this title yet, so here ya go….
A Wondrous Existence
Many times values
of yesterdays things
might just turn into
some nightmarish dreams.
A wondrous existence
can be everyday
if you keep value
to kneel down and pray.
Yes a little prayer
to God up above
can make more wondrous
your heart full of love.
So many people
will seek for resistance
that’s found through Jesus
a wondrous existence.
Life might be troubled
with many a view,
but prayers to Jesus
will carry you through.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 23, 2012
There ya go hehehe! I hope that came our right.
I never have a clue of what I’m going to write or
anything. It’s something I’ve done for decades 🙂
God somehow works using me and my abilities
that He gave me. Well, I hope you enjoyed all
of my rambling. There ain’t much else to tell
you except what I tell ya every week and that is
I wrote some more poems and haiku hehehehehe.
Yes I wrote them all today just before I started
writing this 🙂 So yeppers, there are 10 more
poems with 2 of them being Christmas poems.
Also once again I wrote 22 haiku for all of the
haiku lovers out there. LOL yes that includes
you Scott R. hehehe. So I reckon it’s time for
me to be searching for that blasted off switch,
but not before I wish you a most blessed and
wondrous existence all throughout the week.
Now to find that off switch. Ahah, found it
hiding behind my aspirin bottle hehehehe. It
must of had a headache or something LOL.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce
Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Southern Skies
In my memories
I can find
southern skies
within my mind.
Seasons changing
spring to fall
then through winter
I recall.
Southern skies
of long ago
had not much of
fallen snow,
Yet the summers
there and then
are of those
where many swim.
Swimming in the
waters found
to get off
the hottest ground.
Southern skies
of setting sun
are remembered
having fun.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 23, 2012
Hidden Scenes
Views we’ve daily
passed right by
leave so many
wondering why.
Things of beauty
hidden scenes
are so many
wanted dreams.
So when driving
stop to view
hidden scenes
of thereunto.
Let not hurry
lose your sight
in the daytime
and at night.
Hidden scenes
are all around
just awaiting
to be found.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 23, 2012
The Past Has Passed
The past has passed
and now is here
so let lose of
Don’t let heartaches
make right now
three shades of gray.
Let God help you
find some peace
letting heartache
then to cease.
Things we’ve done
or had done to
should not live in
every view.
Learn the lessons
then move on
for that time
is dead and gone.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 23, 2012
Winters Way
The days are fastly
changing tune
as winters way
is coming soon.
Scenes around me
now from old
are most surely
getting cold.
While winters way
is coming in
it relieves
the summers wind.
The stage is set
for days to come
with winters way
each morning sun.
Soon the snowflakes
will be seen
covering up
a rushing stream
and the valleys
there and to
will have snow so
white and new.
Fluffy scenes
with every trail
winters way
will have set sail.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 23, 2012
Closer To Christmas
Within the shadows
of yesterdays mind
I can remember
a wonderful time.
Closer to Christmas
brings me the sights
as I remember
all that delights.
Scenes then of beauty
found everywhere
closer to Christmas
displays in the air.
Each wondrous fragrance
that Christmas bestows
is heighten greatly
as wintertime snows.
Seasonal memories
become as our glance
as some mistletoe
brings ones romance.
Wonderful moments
of sweet Christmastime
live as an echo
inside of my mind.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 23, 2012
Within Our Worry
When we are worried
and cannot see true
what we are needing
or then which to do,
we need to let Jesus
give answers with peace
and let our worries
to then sort of cease.
Of course we will worry
with our humanity,
but we can ease up
with Jesus for free.
He is there for us
each day of our lives
within our worry
when timeless survives.
Let Him to help you
in troublesome flurry,
because He can ease us then
within our worry.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 23, 2012
Some Call It Xmas
Some call it Xmas
this day in December,
but it is Christmas
I’ll always remember.
Christmas for Christ
is surely the reason
not at all Xmas
this wondrous season.
Why in the world
would anyone say
Xmas for Christmas
that wonderful day?
Christmastimes blessings
come unto me
as that of glimmers
from my history.
I remember Christmas
with me, mom and dad
singing so greatly
for all that we had.
Christmas light looking
as we drove around
seeing the scenes then
all over town.
Some call it Xmas,
but to me it is not.
It is still Christmas
that I love a lot.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 23, 2012
Tomorrows Jumbles
Trivial times
of jumbled emotions
find us tomorrow
with many times notions.
Tomorrows jumbles
might be mistaken
for what the future
one day has taken.
Let not tomorrow
to fall into worry
with only made up
thoughts of a flurry.
Tomorrows jumbles
might fall in place
if you will let them
fill with God’s Grace.
Tomorrows not here yet
so just let it be
and focus right now
on what you can see.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 23, 2012
Many Temptations
Inside of our minds
are thoughts many dreams
leading us often
to troublesome streams.
Many temptations
will take us away
and leave us staring
at one yesterday.
Also temptations
will lead us down roads
filled up with troubles
in life’s heavy loads.
Let not temptations
to tarry your course,
for they will often
end with remorse.
Look for the truth in
your destinations,
before you’re misguided
from many temptations.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 23, 2012
A Simple Stone
Within a river
is a stone
lying there
and all alone.
A simple stone
of waters words
watching all
the fluttered birds.
There beside
the river wide
a simple stone
lets love inside.
It feels joy
in days that pass
as the waters
move so fast.
A simple stone
might surely be
how ones view
both you and me.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 23, 2012
for Sept 23, 2012
Windows of today
might be flavored with heartache
left from yesterday.
Favoring what’s wrong
can make some bad conclusions
of what that is right.
Today is a shadow
of what yesterday displayed,
but it can be changed.
So many answers
can confuse to questioner.
Make sure that you’re clear.
Time can become stale
if there are no actions made.
Don’t become stagnate.
Within the seasons
lies chances for a revival
of your heart and mind.
Various problems
come as assorted moments
we may have needed.
Misguided people
become tomorrows troubles
if their not set straight.
So many blessings
are hidden in the woodwork,
but God sees them all.
Morning brings sunshine
along with chances to choose
a different path.
Life is a journey
that many find too bumpy,
but may be needed.
A train off the tracks
leads a wavering pathway
that’s without structure.
A glance at today
might not see what’s truly there.
Take the time to look.
Egotistic souls
could find themselves all alone
if they’re not careful.
Scenes in a snowfall
will maybe grow into blessings
right there in your sight.
Time is a rhythm
that is counted by many
as then through today.
When making mistakes
there are lessons you can learn
if you are watching.
Simplistic value
gives peace a definition
of lesser of stress.
A four wheeler ride
leaves dusty trails to follow
with some memories.
Believing in Ghost
needs a truly opened mind
of what that exists.
Some tears may seem sad,
but they cleanse the heart and mind.
Healing will begin.
Braving a action
that could possibly kill you,
could be stupidity.
©By Bill Pearce
Sept 23, 2012
God bless from Bill and Judy.
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on UTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂