Hello my friends
How has your passed week been? Has the weekend treated
you well? It’s been getting colder each and every passing day
up this way. Benny is loving the snow as usual hehehe. Milo
would rather just stay inside and if he never had to potty, I’m
sure he would never wish to go outside unless it’s to go for a
ride in the car. Him and Benny love to ride with us in the car.
Benny is outside right now. he went out when Milo went out
to go potty, but he wanted to stay and play. I’ll have to go
and check on him in a minute. I mean, it’s 14 F degrees and
I don’t want him to freeze. Benny has his sweater on, but it
isn’t that much added warmth. I just went to see if Benny was
ready to come inside and he just stood out there looking at me
like, what do you want? Hehehe I coaxed him in with one of
his noise making toys. One of his favorite, the bird that when
you squeeze it in the right spot it starts chirping LOL. Benny
has it now in the living room in his mouth making it chirp LOL.
Love that boy! Milo is lying on our bed in my spot hehehe :).
He’s nice and comfy. Benny has made it to our bedroom and
is now on our bed with Milo. I noticed that the big water jug
that fills their water bowl was empty, so I filled it up and after
setting it in the floor, I fell down while trying to stand back up.
I think I’m OK. I just sort of twisted my left wrist while trying
to pull myself back up. Getting old is a bummer LOL. Milo
watched me from the end of the bed with a worried look on his
face. I’ll live. By the way, I got the results from the Ultra
Sound that I had done on the one inch lump on my shoulder.
It’s a cyst and I am scheduled to meet with a surgeon early
in January to prepare to have it removed along with a few
moles that he also wants to check and make sure that they
are not cancerous. Anyways, I’m relieved about the lump,
but I’ll be so happy when it’s removed, because it’s putting
pressure on my shoulder which it along with every other part
of my body has arthritis and the cyst makes it hurt even worse.
Oh well, life goes on. It’s with the aches and pains that we
realize that we are alive and breathing :). Also it brings our
own mortality into view in a clearer picture hehehe. Yep,
I’m alive whether ya like it or not hehehe. Ok, so what’s
happening around this place? Hmm good question. Oh yea,
I got an email from my friend Rich in New York that does a
Public Access TV broadcast and he is going to use more
of my Christmas poems in the Christmas broadcast as he
did last year. He told me he would do as he did last year
and let me know which of my Christmas poems he will be
using and send me a DVD of the broadcast and upload it
to YouTube and Vimeo so I can share with ones that are
not able to see the broadcast on TV. That’s what he did
last year. Anyways, Judy and I will enjoy watching it when
we get it. OK, next topic. It’s most surely feeling like its
wintertime. Right now at 2 PM it’s 12 F degrees. It was
minus -12 degrees this morning LOL. Yep, even if the
calendars say it’s not officially winter, I say it freaking
looks and feels like it hehehe. I still take the boys out in
the field for a walk from time to time. Milo doesn’t come
out as far and Benny and me. He doesn’t care much for
that white stuff, but I have caught him playing in it from
time to time LOL. Both Benny and Milo have come inside
with white snowy beards from sticking their faces down in
the snow hehehe. Yesterday they were romping around
in the snow together and when I opened the front door
they came running side by side with snowy faces up the
steps and into the house :). They then continued playing
as they romped around the living room snatching up some
squeaky toys and making some racket hehehe. They are
our little boys. My asthma has been acting up a bit more
lately and the respirator that my New doctor prescribed
for me seems to only make it worse. He prescribed one
of those Advair DISKUS inhalers. Monday I’m going to
give him a call and see if he can prescribe me what I had
been using before. I’ve had bronchial asthma all of my
life. My daughter (Jamye) called me last night and we
talked for a while, but my asthma was making it hard for
me to breathe and do much talking and that Advair only
made it worse. I hope Jamye will call me again. I’m sad
that I was unable to talk long. Judy could see me from
across the room struggling to breathe. When I’m trying
to get some sleep, my lungs begin wheezing making it
real hard to relax. I usually end up pacing the floor and
then turning the fan on that’s on my nightstand. It usually
helps me to breathe a little bit. Otherwise my wheezing
will even bother Judy. That’s my life in a nut shell LOL.
I do though totally enjoy watching it snow and even from
time to time going outside and playing in it. That’s the
little boy still alive within me :). Benny loves it when I
go outside with him and play with him. Milo will even
go outside from time to time and play with us. I can’t
do the things that I used to be able to do, but I have a
good time. I love taking pictures of the scenery around
here, especially when it’s snowing or recently snowed.
Christmas is just a few weeks away. Are you ready?
Judy and I are looking forward to the Blessed day and
the events leading up to it. Even the days following that
blessed moment are special to us. Judy and I have now
lived here for 7 years. We moved up here the first of
December 2007. It’s been an awesome adventure that
I would of never been on if I had never met Judy back
in April of 2001 in a poetry egroup :). She has had the
chance to experience Texas and visit my favorite little
place Port Aransas TX. She saw her first Jelly fish and
walked in the waves. We caught many photographs of
the sunrises over the ocean and a few of the sunsets from
the KOHOOTZ catamaran dolphin and lighthouse cruise.
We took a cruise on the Texas Treasure and felt the wind
blow in our hair as the ocean shared its beauty. Judy and
I have so many things to be thankful for. We do tend to
forget them every once in a while though. That’s why our
pictures mean so much to us. We can revisit anytime
we want in our photographs and videos. Thank You God
for all that You have done for us. We might tend to let
ourselves forget about all of the good that You have done
for us, but know that we are very grateful. I can see now
Your shadows in my past as you helped me along the way
with my many struggles. Please forgive me for all of my
weakness in then and now. Thank You for giving us Your
Son Jesus Christ to die for our many sins. AMEN and
AMEN. Now I believe I have gone and rambled quite
enough hehehe. I think it’s time for me to be taking my
little trip back through all that I’ve written here to see
if I can find a good word or phrase that I can use for the
title for today’s brand new poem. So, it’s away I go to
that place of my recollection that I always like to call
RECOLLECT VILLE. I believe I found a good title
just a little ways back in my rambling and now after
checking I see that I have not used it yet, so here goes.
I hope it makes sense to ya hehehe.
Shadows In My Past
With every single footstep made
I found myself with You.
Maybe not so clear back then,
but now I see so true.
You’re in the shadows in my past
and future days to find.
Yes God I know now that you are
with me all the time.
Glimmers shadows in my past
reflect what You have done
through The One called Jesus Christ
that’s Your Only Son.
Shadows of the past and present
show Your Hands are there
with me all the time each day
and found within a prayer.
God I thank You for the things
that You’ve yet to do
and the things You’ve done for me
that I’ve yet to view.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 7, 2014
OK, so there ya go. I hope that prayer poem helped you.
I find that when I stop and just start writing down my many
thoughts that I can see answers in the words. Now before
I forget about it, yesterday Dec 7 was my sister Peggy’s
birthday. I know I wished you a happy birthday on your
Facebook page yesterday, but I tried to call you also and
wish you a Happy Birthday without success, so I hope you
had a wonderful birthday. I love you sis. Hopefully you
and mom can make it up here next year maybe for the fall
colors :). It’s getting a bit colder now with the temperature
being 5 F degrees :). Benny and Milo are still lying on
our bed. It’s supposed to get down to minus –7 degrees
by morning. Yep, that’s wintertime to me. Of course it
will most assuredly get colder than that as winter shows its
snowy teeth. It don’t matter. I’m sure I will be finding
something good to take pictures of and write about through
it all. Benny and Milo have been exceptionally good today.
They haven’t pestered me once aside from of course, Milo
having to go outside and potty. I might have to give them
a special treat for being so good. They are getting used
to being here with me on Sunday while Judy goes and takes
care of her mom. I guess they realize that pestering me
won’t get nothing but a good talking to hehehe. Especially
when I’m trying to write my article LOL. Well I believe
it’s time for me to stop rambling and tell you what I tell
you almost every week and that is, I wrote some more
poems and haiku. Yep, 10 more poems with 5 of them
being Christmas poems. Also, I once again wrote 22
haiku for all of my haiku lovers out there. I hope you
can find one or two of either or both that you like :).
Now it’s time for me to be searching for that hardly
elusive off switch, but not before I wish you a most
wonderful weekend and a week filled with blessings.
Ok, so where are ya hiding this week ya little varmint.
I have to say, you are getting a little bit better at your
hiding spots, but not so great at staying hidden LOL.
If you would just stay down and out of sight, but NO.
You just can’t stop yourself from trying and peek out
at me, can ya hehehe. Well you know what’s next huh.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill and Judy Pearce
Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Sounds of Seconds
Hear the rhythms
seconds make
found as footsteps
that sounds take.
Marching onwards
sounds of seconds
make their view.
running wild
often make ones
time compiled.
Sounds of seconds
heard by some
sounds just like
a beating drum.
Yet some seconds
that ones hear
only shadows
With each second
dusk to dawn
sounds of seconds
move along.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 6, 2014
A Snowy Afternoon
With snowflakes falling
on a snowy afternoon
the winds continue blowing
with a little whistle tune.
The glimmers of sunshine
come little so light
as there are clouds there
on into the night.
A snowy afternoon
displays scenes far and wide
with white flakes cascading
right down from the sky.
The scenes become flavored
with winters white stage
on a snowy afternoon
with the turning of a page.
Time becomes moments
of winters delight
with a snowy afternoon
that ends with the night.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 6, 2014
The Summer Sun
The Winter solstice
comes so cold
from the seasons
days of old.
There is not a
glimpse of heat,
only snow
beneath my feet.
The summer sun
is gone away
now replaced
with winters day.
Every snowflake
that falls down
covers up
what once was brown.
Even treetops
oh so high
have snow gathered
by and by.
The summer sun
is just a phase
waiting for
it’s future days,
yet now winter
holds so true
with its snowy
wondrous view.
The summer sun
will soon return
when in fact
it is its turn.
For now winter
holds the key
to the door
for us to see.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 6, 2014
Beyond The Lights
With the sound of music
and wonderful sights
I see the future
beyond the lights.
Christmases shadows
are found as a heart
glistening truly
as times work of art.
So many gathered
with songs that are sung
as Christmas joyful
of Jesus God’s Son.
Beyond the lights
the treetops glisten
so distantly
while I’m reminiscing.
Christmastimes blessings
are oh so golden
beyond all the lights
as they’re unfolding.
Children’s heartbeats
are in the sights
found within Christmas
beyond the lights.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 6, 2014
Deep In The Night
Found in the darkness
are dreams that run wild
deep in the night
of a true little child.
Dreaming of Christmas
and Santa with toys
deep in the night
their wishful deploys.
Some children praying
for so many things
such as the wonders
that Santa Claus brings.
A toy train for Jimmy
and little doll for Susie.
Maybe even a train set
for one that is so choosy.
Way deep in the night
they lay there and listen
hoping for Santa Claus
while reminiscing.
Soon they fall asleep
as the clock sings its song
ticking with the minutes
with a soon hour gong.
At the stroke of midnight
they awaken to hear
sounds of Old Santa
and all his reindeer.
His footsteps are heard
as he heads to his sleigh
deep in the night
and then on his way.
He’d already been down
their chimney with glee
bringing them presents
for morning to see.
They went back to sleep
with dreamlands come true
to awaken by morning
seeing what was to view.
But for now their own
dreamworld lives on
deep in the night
just awaiting for dawn.
Santa had been there
as time had foretold
to bring them their presents
for kids good as gold.
So when they awakened
and went down to look
they saw mom and dad
with a little Christmas book.
Reading about Christmas
and all of its splendor
telling of the story
that was oh so tender.
They said they heard Santa
that night on the roof
along with each reindeer
with hoof after hoof.
Daddy said dear children
we heard Santa too,
now look now and find what
Santa brought you.
The family sang songs
of praise to God’s Son
that God had sent them
this day that is done.
They held hands and smiled
while singing sweet songs
about Christmastime
that early morning dawn.
For deep in the night
God saw every heart
and shined down His wonderful
times work of art.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 6, 2014
Time Is Repeated
Remembering moments
time is repeated
sometimes forgiveness
has not been seeded.
Sometimes the future
finds deja vu
within the doorways
of then thereunto.
Time is repeated
with moments at glance
sometimes for bad
or much better chance.
Often our choices
become a path
that is repeated
as bad aftermath.
Time shows us truly
the essence to see,
but many only
relive history.
Time is repeated
as many walk on
sometimes with lessons
and sometimes with none.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 6, 2014
A White Snowy Day
When looking outside
I saw in the snow
footprints that glistened
there to and fro.
A white snowy day
with flakes of white falling
displayed the journeys
of a deer come a calling.
Visiting pathways
brought alive certain sights
a white snowy day
with winter delights.
When I walked to the door
and headed outside
my excitement of winter
made my eyes open wide.
The scenes of Christmastime
that were displayed
a white snowy day
was surely God Made.
With every snowflake
that fell to the Earth
I was reminded of
a wonderful birth.
The sins found of many
were surely washed away
thinking of Christmas
on a white snowy day.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 6, 2014
Fantasy Moon
Within winters nights
I hear such a tune
with the wind blowing
and a fantasy moon.
The moonlight glimmers
off of the snow
giving a wonderful
magical glow.
The fantasy moon
brings alive the night
making it seem as
it is daylight.
It shows of beauty
with clouds faraway
the fantasy moon
that makes it as day.
The shimmering light
reflects on the ground
that is now frozen
with snow all around.
A Fantasy moon
of wondrous detail
helps with a dream world
white seas set sail.
Oceans of beauty
come into tune
with the sight of the night
and a fantasy moon.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 6, 2014
Children’s Hearts
Scenes of Christmas
come alive
Children’s hearts
and children’s eyes.
Stories written
stories read
children’s hearts
at night in bed.
Christmas hopeful
lives and breathes
with what all
a child believes.
Children’s hearts
with Christmas glow
find a snowman
in the snow.
Some snow angels
also made
with tiny hands
the snows persuade.
Children’s hearts
will shout and sing
about what Christmas
has to bring.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 6, 2014
My Own Emotions
Surely as wintertime
comes with its white
my own emotions
come into sight.
Footsteps in the white snow
hither and to
become as my footprints
with Christmastimes hue.
Sometimes as markers for
Christmastimes place
becoming emotions
ones find on my face
Showing as it’s snowing
a wonderful time
my own emotions will
show their design.
Found in the makings of
Christmastimes while
my own emotions
are seen as a smile.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 6, 2014
for Dec 6, 2014
As time moves forward
the past often finds places
in our memories.
A rekindled fire
might burn with mere memories
that are extinguished.
True love of passion
will survive with two heartbeats
if not built on lies.
Completing journeys
begins with destinations
with reality.
When looking forwards
don’t forget your yesterdays
for they are lessons.
Many conclusions
come as circumstantial thoughts
not built on the truth.
Silence in the night
begins when our voices cease
and rest has begun.
Losing your patience
could cause a large thunderstorm
to erupt inside.
A rose of springtime
seeks some warmth through wintertime
to sprout in the sun.
Now is just a time
that minutes are counted
sometimes as mere dust.
A frosted window
shows the essence of winter
without looking out.
New days are dawning
as many will just look on
seeing yesterday.
The hands of true love
might be hidden in a smile
that only one sees.
As daytime begins
it leaves nighttime to find rest
until it returns.
Starry nights above
show stories high in skylight
as connect the dot.
Pointless are many
as they speak without thinking
with no conclusion.
The Challenge of strength
can be interpreted as
ones mind or body.
Our looks will wither,
but who we are never fades
if we don’t allow it.
Finding who you are
could turn into a wild trip
that could of waited.
Perfection only thrives
within arrogant people
that think they’re perfect.
Beside running streams
lies emotions of water
as ripples in time.
When night comes starry,
the moon comes glimmering too
with its smiling face.
©By Bill Pearce
Dec 6, 2014
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
{Moonlight and Owls by Judy Pearce}
and her newest
{Hello My Name Is Benny}
They can also be found at Amazon
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂