Sort Of Distracting


Hello my friends

It’s been a cold and snowy week this passed week.  First off
with some good news,  my doctor called last week and he said
he has some good news.  They got the test results back and it
turned out that the tumor was benign,  but he told me that he
didn’t think he got it all and asked me if I wanted him to set up
a visit to a surgeon to remove the rest of it.  I said I wasn’t sure,
so he said I can think on it and let him know what I would like
him to do at my next doctors visit.  I though have decided to
go ahead and have him set it up for a surgeon to check and
remove the rest of the tumor.  Now onto another page of my
journal.  Milo got really sick last week. He was really weak.
He wouldn’t eat and he had been drinking more water than
normal so we took him to the vet Friday and he had a 105
temperature and his blood sugar was 47 which both of them
should be close to what ours would be.  The vet gave him
some shots and some medicine for us to give him.  She said
it’s possible he’s diabetic,  but the reason for his blood sugar
being so low now might be that he hasn’t eaten.  So we’ve
been giving him his medicine and all and he has begun to eat
a little bit.  He even woke up when I fixed Judy and I some
breakfast and a some extra bacon and sausage for him and
Benny.  When Milo got a whiff of it he got up and began
barking at Judy saying in his words,   that smells good,  I
want some hehehe.  Anyways,  he seems to be feeling a
little better thank God.  We don’t bounce back after having
a 105 fever so why should we expect him to.  I went to
lie down for a bit before I began writing and I felt some
eyes looking at me and Milo had his paws up on the side
of the bed looking at me saying he wanted to lay with
me,  so I got up and and went and picked him up and put
him in bed with me and covered him up real good with
a doggy blanket and that is where he is now hehehehe.
We’ve had tons of snow to come our way and it looks
like we have some more to come beginning tomorrow
afternoon.  I got dog tired of shoveling snow yesterday.
I had to keep the steps shoveled and a path for the
boys to go out and go potty and it seemed the snow
was falling faster than I could shovel it hehehe.  I had
to re shovel 4 or 5 times before the snowing lightened
up a bit.  We were sure glad that we took Milo to the
vet Friday,  because it would of been rather difficult
to do Saturday LOL.  Our driveway has been plowed
since all of that and Judy was able to get out to go
and take care of her mother.  I went out and brushed
the snow off of the car and got it warmed up before
she left and I took a trip down to Cameron.s Market
to get me some Mountain Dews.  I only had 3 left.
Judy headed out shortly after I showed her all of
the pictures I took of my drive to the market and
back.  Hehehe I had the camera set on the dash and
just snapped pictures hoping to get a few good shots,
but I did stop from time to time to take a few pictures.
Anyways,  the pictures came out pretty good.  She
could see how bad the roads were.  I told her that it’s
drivable,  but to not go much faster than 35 MPH
and I asked her to call me when she gets there 🙂
She called me and said the roads on route 1 were
better than our road and she made it OK.  That was
a relief.  I was worried,  but then we have seen
much worse roads and had no trouble with a little
caution.  Benny just strolled in here to say hello
and now he’s lying in a doggy bed right beside me.
Milo is still sound asleep on our bed with a doggy
blanket on him 🙂  We love these boys and treat
them like our children.  Judy and I gave Milo his
medicine before she left.  It takes one to hold
him and one (ME) to open up his mouth so that
she can get the medicine in and then me to hold
his jaw shut to make him swallow it,  because if
I don’t do that,  the pills get spit out and it gets
nasty after that LOL.  We mix his pills in with
some of their dog food,  but I think he can sense
that something ain’t quite right hehehe.  Anyways,
he gets his pills and they seem to be working.
One is for diarrhea and the other’s an antibiotic
to help with his fever and all.  Benny seems to be
able to tell that something is wrong with Milo,
but he just can’t put his finger/paw on it.  The
weather is getting colder.  It’s 7 F degrees right
now at 5:15 PM and supposed to get down to
minus –17 F degrees by morning.  The high for
Monday is supposed to be around 3 F degrees
and we’re expecting about a foot more of this
white stuff tomorrow as well beginning in the
evening.  Yeppers,  more snow and from the
looks of my weather program it might clear up
Tuesday to only begin snowing agin Wednesday
and then on into the weekend.  I was thinking
that we might get a light winter this year,  but
nope.  It’s putting its best foot forward hehehe.
Me and Benny have been making our trips out
to the mailbox and back of course aside from
yesterday when the snow was too deep for him
to follow me hehehe.  He followed as far as he
could,  but then waited for me to come back
and carry him back through the deep stuff that
he had managed to maneuver through hehehe.
The driveway has been plowed since then,  so
he won’t have any trouble going with me to the
mailbox tomorrow,  but after that,  we shall
see hehehe.  Milo is going back to the vet
tomorrow so she can check to see how he’s
coming along.  Keep the little boy in your
prayers.  I can tell that Benny misses his big
brother.  They like to play chase through the
house.  Hopefully,  Milo will be back to his
old ornery self soon.  Well the temperature has
dropped a few degrees.  Now it’s 3 F degrees
at 5:30 PM hehehe.  Yep,  it’s getting colder.
The thermometer is getting a workout tonight.
I think I’ll fix the boys some bacon in a little
bit.  I’m sure that Milo will enjoy it :).  That’ll
wake him up with just the smell of it while I’m
frying it hehehe.  I’m sure Benny will wake
up hehehe.  Benny is usually in the kitchen
under foot when I’m cooking anything hehehe.
He usually ends up parking himself over in
the next room where he can watch and wait to
see if he gets anything or if I drop something
on the floor that he can clean up hehehe.  Our
little vacuum cleaner with teeth LOL.  Thank
You God for keeping Your Mighty Hands over
our home protecting us and please heal Milo
and give him a few more years with our family.
Hehehe Benny is in the living room barking at
the snowplow.  It’s sort of distracting,  but I’ll
manage hehehe.  I just went and checked on Milo
and he was still sound asleep.  I had to wake him
to make sure he was OK.  LOL ain’t I mean :)!
He woke up and looked at me as if to say, (what
do you want,  I’m sleeping here) hehehe.  He’s
gone back to sleep now after I tucked him in
good.  Well it’s 1 F degree at 6 PM and I think
it’s time for me to begin my searching back
through all that I’ve written here to see if I
can find a good word or phrase that I can use
for the title for today’s brand new poem.  So,
it’s away I go to that place of my recollection
that I always like to call RECOLLECT VILLE.
I think a found a good title back just a few lines
or so hehehe and now after checking I see that
it has not be used as of yet,  but used it shall be
today yes,  as Yoda says LOL.  Here goes.

Sort Of Distracting

Winds of time blowing
on times window sill
might be distractions
with joy to fulfill.
Sort of but not quite
distracting the day
some things become as
a wonderful way.
Sort of distracting
some things might be seen
that are the best for
filling a dream.
Don’t let distractions to
just become pain.
Find all the blessings
distractions can gain.
Often distractions
are needed as tools
to make us look up
from dismal life’s pools.
Look passed the anger
distractions can make
and see the goodness
in joyful awake.

©By Bill Pearce
Feb 1,  2015

Okie dokie,  there ya go.  I know it might seem a bit
silly to ya,  but hey,  that’s what I came up with using
that title.  You see if you can do it better hehehe.  So,
what have I forgotten to tell you that is actually worth
saying?   Hmm,  I can’t think of anything.  It’s getting
colder outside by the minute which means,  the boys
will have to make their potty breaks rather swift and
Benny won’t be able to stay out and play in the snow
as he loves to do.  Milo has been going down to the
bottom step and doing his thing which means we have
to watch where we step until I can get out to clean
it up.  But I’m not gonna punish him.  He’s sick and
I don’t want him outside no longer than he has to be.
But,  when he gets well and it warms up a bit,  that
will stop hehehe.  He will go elsewhere to potty LOL.
Can ya tell that we love these boys hehehehehehe?
There’s not much else I have to tell you other than
what I tell you every week and that is,  I wrote some
more poems and haiku.  Yeppers,  10 more poems
with one of them being sort of Christmassy.  I also
wrote once again 22 more haiku for all of my haiku
lovers out there.  I hope you can find one or two of
either or both that you like.  Now,  I believe it’s time
for me to be searching for that not so elusive off
switch,  but not before I wish you a most wonderful
God filled week.  Remember,  Jesus loves you and
we do too.  Now where is that cantankerous switch
hiding at this time?  Oh for Heaven’s sake,  could
ya at least put forth a little effort in finding a spot
to hide?  Standing up acting like you’re thrilled to
be on Mount Everest atop of my salt shaker is
not what I call hiding.  Try harder next time will ya.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Benny and Milo Pearce

Now on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

The Signs of Times

The things we see
found far and wide
the signs of times
are then applied.
Greatest journeys
our times display
the signs of times
are day to day.
Scenes as magic
with whispering winds
the signs of times
show what transcends.
Sometimes viewpoints
that we’re seeing
the signs of times
seem as repeating.
Journeys threshold
gathers its speed
the signs of times
is then what we read.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 31,  2015

Painted White

A snowy day
as winds unite
becomes a scene
that’s painted white.
Snowflakes falling
blowing too
the painted white
becomes my view.
Every snowflake
that falls down
paints each scene
that’s all around.
Out my window
I can see
painted white
the snows degree.
Wonderful scenes
within my sight
are as pictures
painted white.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 31,  2015

Past And Present

Now and then
what comes ahead
is just found
as what we dread.
Past and present
will collide
with the truth
that many hide.
Often moments
thought as gone
will be found
another dawn.
Past and present
then show true
the things we might
not want to view.
Doors will open
to our lifestyles
past and present.
So let lessons
become learned
times remembered
we’ve discerned.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 31,  2015

Wishing Snow

A winter white morning
with snow given free
my wishes become as
a billowy sea.
Oceans of snowflakes
all gathered around
building a story
upon the cold ground.
Then as the snowflakes
continue to grow
I begin dreaming of
white wishing snow.
A wishing well sight
that falls from the sky
finds me just wishing
that I could fly high.
In the wishing snow
that falls every day
I can imagine
I’m drifting away.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 31,  2015

Today’s Equation

With hands of time
the stage is set
today’s equation
ones forget.
So many people
will lose sight
what’s today
and what’s tonight.
Today’s equation
brings to view
counting moments
me and you.
Within the pages
books of time
today’s equation
shows a sign.
Today meets time
as devastation
when we’ve lost
today’s equation.
Ones united
black and white
with some others
in our sight.
Today’s equation
needs be found
with us each
on common ground.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 31,  2015

As Now Begins

Each day that’s done
leaves things to see
as now begins
our history.
Each word we say
and action made
as now begins
there’s truth displayed.
The stories told
as false or true
as now begins
it displays you.
Every moment
that we ignore
as now begins
it shows some more.
It’s perception
of our own sins
that learns lessons
as now begins.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 31,  2015

December’s Delight

I now remember
December’s delight
Christmastimes glory
found day and night.
Scenes all a blinking
a wonderful hue
Christmas trees decked out
for passers to view.
New England snowflakes
landing in place
December’s delight
with Christmastimes grace.
Every single house
with lights lit up bright
shows me the blessings
December’s delight.
Christmastime scenery
also is heard
songs on the radio
word after word.
Then as the morning
of Christmas is found
December’s delight is
with sight and sound.
Joyful the blessings
that Decembers bring
December’s delight
is as angels sing.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 31,  2015

Looks Of Love

Ones with emptiness
only will find
looks of love
with no peace of mind.
Seen just as holes
with nothing within
some looks of love
are only of sin.
Let God help
your daily quest
for looks of love
the very best.
God will open
doors up wide
and then let
true love inside.
The looks of love
will find their mark
if they’re true
and not so dark.
Let God’s blessings
live in you
and looks of love
will find you true.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 31,  2015

As Rivers Flow

Snow covered rivers
with ice under thick
as rivers flow
they might be so quick.
Ice waters rushing
under the view
as rivers flow
the way that they do.
Yet found up topside
the only thing found
is maybe white snow
that looks like the ground.
But if you’re careless
and don’t know how thick
the ice could then break
and swallow you quick.
Then you’ll be seen
beneath ice and snow
trying to swim then
as rivers flow.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 31,  2015

Blindly Searching

Footsteps walking
making prints
blindly searching
winters scents.
Snow is blinding
in sunlight
making searching
not so bright.
Blindly searching
needs to find
searched another
time to time.
Learning not to
head out fast
searching for
a shadows cast
might become
your best survival
later found with
clear arrival.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 31,  2015

for Jan 31,  2015

When you’re with worry
many doubts will come alive
causing  you to grieve.

Yesterdays flourish
as memories come alive
with views found today.

Without a moment
time cannot be completed
for each second counts.

The snowflakes falling
become as many patterns
painted here and there.

Now is a timeframe
that many will overlook
because they’re asleep.

Leaving a footprint
in the places that you go
lets others follow.

Many walk away
from a troubled ones lifestyle,
because they’re judgmental.

When time brings troubles
let God help you find answers
while living on faith.

Links to tomorrow
began long before today,
for our past connects.

Doorways to windows
might disclose some deception
hidden in the cracks.

Beyond what we see
is the sight that gets passed by,
because we are blind.

January storms
are often joined with some snow
and cold winds blowing.

Doors that aren’t closed tight
will tend to swing in the breeze
and even blow off.

Life can be laughter
found at any avenue
but not always good.

A glimmer of love
can be found in someone’s hatred,
for it stems from it.

Winters survival
comes as seasonal pathways
that soon will pass on.

Judgmental people
often see themselves as good
when they’re no better.

A lonely person
might have some trusting issues
that stems from their past.

Morning shows winter
as some snow painted hillsides
with glistening hues.

Some get excitement
from death defying journeys
that could bring them death.

A glimmer of time
displays stories remembered
that make us alive.

As four paws walk on
they leave a few distinctions
of what all they did.

©By Bill Pearce
Jan 31,  2015

My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
{Moonlight and Owls by Judy Pearce}
and her newest
{Hello My Name Is Benny}
They can also be found at Amazon
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂