Growing Every Day


Hello my friends

It’s been a rainy day today, but I’m sure it
has been nothing compared to what Mexico
got and of course Texas and thereabouts.
My mom said her rain gauge showed that
she got a little over a foot of rain. That be
a lot of water. She said she didn’t see any
signs of flooding though and that was good.
Not much has gone on in a spectacular way
up here. From snow to no snow to cold to
not so cold. I wish it would make up it’s
freaken mind LOL. I got a prediction from
the Farmer Almanac that shows that we
might get well above normal snowfall this
winter 2015-2016. So it’s a good thing I
bought this snow blower hehehe. My old
aching arms and shoulders aren’t getting
any younger hehehe. I’ll still have to shovel
a little bit, but the snow blower will cut
down on the amount hopefully. I have yet
to of been able to use it. I’m a little bit
anxious to see how well it works LOL. So,
winter, bring it on hehehe. Today’s high
is supposed to be 51 F and right now it’s
50 F. Tomorrow morning it’s supposed to
be 28 F hehehe. Actually that’s not that
bad. The nights are always colder than
the days. Of course, there have been
a few exceptions in the past hehehehehe.
Yep, ye ole weather does have a mind
of its own. The weatherman might try
and predict it, but what it actually does
will be proof or not in the pudding LOL.
So, what else is going on up this way?
Well, my Aunt Anna’s birthday was last
Thursday and I wrote her a little poem
for her birthday and called her and read
it to her. I’ll send it to her as soon as
we make it to Walmart to buy a folder
to ship the picture in that I put the poem
in. I thought she might want to see what
I look like nowadays. Anna has always
been my favorite aunt. She’s my moms
older sister. I may or may not include
the poem in the journal hehehe. Only
time will tell. So it’s onto another topic.
It started raining early this morning
and the winds picked up quite a bit,
but nothing blew away hehehhe. We
put the picnic table and chairs away
a long with the boys doghouse and pool
and strapped a tarp over them so they
ain’t going nowhere. The winds will
have to take them all together, being
they are all strapped together with the
tarp strapped to them. Last year with
winds of 50 miles an hour and above
they didn’t budge an inch, so I reckon
it will be the same this year hehehehe.
Benny and Rocky are lying down in the
floor between Judy and I. They were
wrestling around a little bit ago, but
I think they wore themselves out LOL.
Judy’s brother Ricky has finally got
a temporary prosthetic leg to learn to
walk with until he gets his permanent
leg. The nurses sent a picture of him
practicing walking and he was smiling
so proud. I am so happy for him. He
needs some good in his life. I think
this struggle in his life has brought him
out of his shell a bit. He’s always been
a loner. Anyways, I am happy for you
dude. Keep up the good work. You’ll
make it. OK, next topic. I didn’t take
many pictures this week, but I did take
a few. It’s been a bit too rainy to take
the boys out for a field trip, but I did
manage to take them earlier last week.
I’m sure we will take them out in the
field a few days this week. Calvin our
landlord has finally got the mobile homes
moved. Although he parked the old one
right in the middle of the freaken field.
I hope he pulls it a little further out. It
looks bad. He is supposed to bring us
some more front steps for our house,
being our old ones are old and rickety.
He came the other day to try and get
them a bit more stable until he can get
us our new steps. I hope they last and
we don’t go tumbling to the ground,
because then I’m afraid there will be
a lawsuit, but hopefully it doesn’t lead
to that. So, what else is happening up
this way? Hmm, well, Judy has been
putting together a large scrapbook of
childhood pictures for Ricky’s birthday.
That should make him happy 🙂 Oh yea,
Judy has finished writing her sci fi novel
and is now editing it. I will try to help
as much as I can with proof reading,
but my right eye gets tired quickly due
to not having much sight in my left eye
and so I do what I can. I am so proud
of her. She’s a great writer and I hope
good things come from her writings 🙂
She has really been a take control gal
helping with all of her brothers finances
and issues. She has power of attorney
to do what needs to be done. Yep, she
has really stepped up and I’m proud of
her. We do have our bad moments that
we get on each others nerves, but that
is to be expected when two are living in
the same home. We’ve learned to not
let the bad moments to become all we
see, for we’ve had a great life together
with much more to see. Struggles are
a part of our growth, for they make us
stronger. I know for a fact that if I were
to have to face the struggles of today
without the things I have already gone
through, I couldn’t do it. Right now
seems like a small issue, but without
past lessons, they would be mountains.
I look back on my past from time to
time and wonder how I ever made it,
but the fact is, God was with me all
the while. Yes, even on my darker
days, His Son was walking with me
allowing what was needed to get me
from point A to point B. I can see a
few times that it’s obvious that He had
stepped in, because He knew that I
was in trouble and He knew that I had
many gifts that had not yet come to
surface. So my time to die was not
yet to be. Often many will only see
an empty shell within them, but God
knows that there is much more to be
found inside of us. We each have our
unique gifts that God has given us,
but sometimes they are hard to see in
the midst of a crowd. Sometimes we
need to find ourselves in our own way
while not trying to be like everybody
else. Just as storm clouds come, they
each have their own style and path
of flowing. Some can be good and
some can be bad. We need to look
beyond the sight and see what that’s
within it to find the journey. I have
seen many a storm throughout my
life and been faced with many trials,
but they did not destroy me but only
made me stronger. Thanks to my
weird sense of humor, I’ve been able
to find the levity in many of the things
that at the time were hideous LOL.
But of course there are still a few
things that cause me nightmares
and Judy is aware of them. Maybe
one day I will be able to let those
to become just a shadow of my life.
I’m human and not perfect in any
way other than in God’s Eyes. Yes
I make mistakes and yes I often will
allow others to cause me pain with
their lies, but I am growing every
day. That’s what we all should do.
Ok so I reckon I’ve rambled quite
enough hehehe. Now it’s time for me
to be taking my little journey back
through all that I’ve written here to
see if I can find me a good word or
phrase that I can use for the title
for today’s brand new poem. And
so it’s away I go, to that place of my
recollection that I always like to call
though I found a decent title just a
few lines back. So here goes. I hope
it comes out making sense hehehe.

Growing Every Day

The stamps upon turmoil
are often well seen
found as a moments time
nightmare or dream.
For with the daily sights
time goes its way
while giving lessons for
growing every day.
Sometimes our troubles will
turn out so dark,
but then in our futures day
great to embark.
For with those troubled times
we might surely see
that we’re growing every day
to a greater degree.
Even in rain storms
of troublesome times
we’re growing every day
in unique designs.
God provides pathways
to choose or to not,
which give us growing days
a little or a lot.
Yes we are most surely
growing every day,
but growth can be better
when kneeling to pray.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 25, 2015

There ya go. I hope my rambling didn’t
put you to sleep hehehe. Oh yea, I hope
you liked and understood the poem. Yes,
I know, it wasn’t all that great 🙂 but
it’s the best I could do today or for that
matter in this moment. I probably could
do better if I took a little more time with
it, but I want to get this out today LOL.
If ya didn’t like that poem, then there
are many more to read below. Benny
and Rocky are wrestling around right
behind me again 🙂 All of that noise is
making it hard to think hehehe. They
must of gotten their second wind hehehe.
Those silly boys 🙂 Gotta love em even
if they drive us batty every once in a
while hehehe. Judy’s over on her PC
editing her book. That will take quite
a while being it’s 90 chapters. It’s not
a short novel by no means. At least it’s
not as short as some that I’ve read 🙂
LOL it looks like the boys are pooped
again. They are both lying down in
the floor again resting. Thank God!
Hehehe, they were bumping against
my chair making it hard to think. So
what else is there to tell you that I
forgot to tell you before? Hmmmmm,
it looks like I’ve said all that I can
think of, other than what I tell you
almost every week and that is, I wrote
some more poems and haiku. Yep,
10 more poems, but 2 of them this
week are Christmas poems. I also
wrote 22 more haiku, but due to me
not paying attention just listening
to music, I wrote 2 extra haiku 🙂
So you’ve got 24 this week hehehe.
I listen to Moodscapes on Dish TV
often while writing. The music is
relaxing with no words to clutter
my mind. I will also often listen to
Spa radio on Dish as well. It’s
also very peaceful. In Texas I used
to listen to Musical Starstreams
and Spa radio is almost like that.
Oh well, enough with the rambling.
Time to begin my search for that
not so elusive off switch, but not
before I wish you a most joyful
weekend or whatever is left of it
and a truly blessings filled week.
Remember, Jesus loves you and
we do too. OK, where are you
hiding ya little varmint? So far
your hiding places have been sort
of lame. Hmm, let’s see how you
did this week 🙂 Oh for crying out
loud, and I’m not supposed to see
you behind a CLEAR bottle of eye
wash. Sheesh, try practicing at
your hiding skills, because as of
now you seem to have none LOL.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22+2 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
plus my Aunt Anna’s birthday poem

Birthday For Anna
Happy Birthday Oct 22

This day brings sunshine
as time frames unfold
a birthday for Anna
with memories of old.
You’ve been a blessing
to share of your days
and love me as family
giving your praise.
A birthday for Anna
my aunt that I love
for sharing your blessings
from Lord God above.
This day is so wondrous
that finds you in prayer
a birthday for Anna
with God’s love and care.
True we haven’t always
been close now and then,
but time brought together
our heartbeats agin.
My loving mothers sister
and sweet aunt to me
takes on a journey
throughout history.
So I wish for you Anna
the best time this day
a Heaven sent journey
as life goes its way.
I’m sure time will find us
as our life adjourns
and the book of life opens
with new found discerns.
So happy birthday Anna,
I hope it’s the best,
for you are most surely
an aunt that was blessed.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 21, 2015

A Timeless Scene

An escapade
to timeless where
becomes a dream
to see an share.
A timeless scene
that comes alive
finds the rhythms
in the tide.
A simple place
where time recoils
to the sights
of different soils.
Places faces
gathered true
a timeless scene
the greatest hue.
Things remembered
long ago
a timeless scene
is a picture show.
Photo albums
seem alive
a timeless scene
that does survive.
Now as shadows
filled with glee
a timeless scene
is history.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 23, 2015

Years From Now

Blessings come
and time moves on
as they turn
to here and gone.
Years from now
we might recall
a time of joy
we had a ball.
Yet that doorway
is now closed
with a new door
to propose.
Life might seem
to be unfair,
but we might be
Many moments
come to be
as confusion
we can’t see.
Just like oceans
waves of time
years from now
might be divine.
Those memories
that come and go
years from now
might find their flow.
Blessings displayed
then and able
might just find
a different label.
Things we thought
that were so true
years from now
have different hue.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 23, 2015

Salt And Pepper

Different colors
black and white
often are
ones only sight.
Salt and pepper
shake around
many flavors
to be found
God’s creations
many colors
black and white
and some others.
Brothers sisters
you and I
should not wish
for ones to die.
God gave us
a chance to live
salt and pepper
to forgive.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 23, 2015

Doorway Of White

Morning comes open
as a doorway of white
when winters snowflakes
create their own sight.
Floating down one by one
landing in place
the doorway of white
is there to embrace.
Each one created
uniquely to see
in a doorway of white
that God gave for free.
Each tiny snowflake
gives me a smile
a Christmastime sight
to land and compile.
A doorway of white
shows joy from above
a Christmastime scene
as white as a dove.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 23, 2015

On The Walls

Markings are displayed
as our emotions
sometimes concoctions
of our own notions.
Found on the walls
are markings of time
scenes recognized
as a wondrous design.
Yet many markings
are just a sight
seen on the walls
in a moment of light.
Our mind might create
what seems to appear
found on the walls
what seems to be clear.
Yet looking closely
you might surely find
the markings on the walls
are just in your mind.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 23, 2015

Tomorrow’s Breeze

Winds of emotions
display in the trees
found as beginnings of
tomorrow’s breeze.
Today brings the chances
that tomorrow holds
found as the second hand
surely unfolds.
Minutes are gathered
as breezes will blow
found as tomorrow then
comes into flow.
Winds of emotions
find their own way
to display as a moment
connecting each day.
Then as the second hand
shows with much ease
the sights are ready for
tomorrow’s breeze.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 23, 2015

Pint Sized Dreams

Seen so small
some dreams of time
might just hide
a large design.
Hidden within
a moments sleep
a simple dream
might be so deep.
Maybe pint sized
seen by you
a dream might be
much bigger true.
A dream at night
or found at day
might seem pint sized
in a way.
Yet some times
our largest themes
might just be
some pint sized dreams.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 23, 2015

Winter’s Smile

Found through winter
winds will blow
then with Christmas
some see snow.
Winter’s smile comes
with a phase
cold winds blowing
nights and days.
Christmas journeys
come in place
with the footsteps
seasons taste.
Beginning with a
cold design
then is displayed
Seen by Christmas
for a while
is the sight of
winter’s smile.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 23, 2015

Silent Wings

Across the sky
a bird is seen
flying like
a distant dream.
Winds of time
beneath it flow
as silent wings
go to and fro.
Fluttering as
a speechless word
silent wings
carry the bird.
Distant places
come alive
as silent wings
then to contrive.
Flying like
some distant dreams
the bird is found
with silent wings.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 24, 2015

Deep Still Blue

With clouds of white
in distant sky
there is some blue
with its reply.
A deep still blue
with phases seen
some found flowing
like a stream.
The open sky
displays its game
with blues and grays
that times attain
Seasons find
so many days
a deep still blue
in many ways.
The daily sky
discerns its hue
often as
a deep still blue.
Yet so often
it is seen
only in
a moments dream.
The deep still blue
is always there,
maybe hidden
days affair.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 24, 2015

for Oct 24, 2015

The winds of journeys
display their efforts in time
as the leaves will blow.

Misty morning days
often find themselves as life
to water the plants.

Dismembered choices
from delusions of grandeur
might one day be right.

Between you and I
holds some pathways united,
but might never see.

A storm cloud of change
can turn into a rainbow
if it’s meant to be.

Looking for true love
might find you in confusion
when you awaken.

Walking down a road,
shadows can become footsteps
as fear in the night.

From now unto then
our lives might find mysteries
that time makes more clear.

As the sun rises
it gives way for a new day
to be discovered.

is the pathway to rainbows
through our hurricanes.

A rose found in spring
might last through summer and fall,
but die in winter.

Ones lost perception
will leave them looking downwards
and not looking up.

Misleading people
build their stories through fabric
that’s woven from lies.

Countless are snowflakes
that find themselves falling down
searching for others.

Mindset illusions
are as a desert of time
found as mirages.

A stargazers sight
finds a story up above
that many don’t see.

Within ones heartbeat
holds the patterns of a drum
with its own rhythm.

Beyond the starlight
many worlds are awaiting
to be discovered.

Life is not as clear
as we would like it to be,
for we still don’t know.

God helps our journeys
to find the right directions,
but we must listen.

A doorknob to turn
might have problems sat in wait,
so look for the signs.

Various chances
come with good or bad choices
to lose or to gain.

When loved ones pass on
it often tears at our hearts,
but they are not gone.

Sea dreams of passion
come forth as waves of hopeful
seeking completion.

©By Bill Pearce
Oct 24, 2015

My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
{Moonlight and Owls by Judy Pearce}
and her newest
{Hello My Name Is Benny}
They can also be found at Amazon
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂