Hello my friends
How’s it going in your part of the world? It’s
been sort of cold and rainy over this ways, but
not too bad. We only got a bit of snow Sunday
night and Monday. It’s almost non existent to
be seen now, but I’m sure we haven’t seen the
last of that white stuff hehehe. Our grandson
Christian came yesterday and spent the day
and night with us. He’s here right now playing
with his I Pad viewing videos on Youtube. Me
and him spend a lot of time on my computer
watching them when I’m not busy doing other
things such as writing. It’s sort of chilly today.
It’s 23 F degrees right now. Not too bad for
wintertime. It will most surely get much colder
before it’s over with hehehe. We had a great
Thanksgiving. We spent Thanksgiving day
over at Judy’s twin sister’s house. Rocky got
to meet some of his cousins for the first time.
He met Dennis and Trudy’s four yorkies. He
has already met the others. Rocky was real
good. He played with the other pooches and
there were no potty epidemics from him. Yep,
he was a good dog, but he ate too much of
the turkey scraps. I think he might of gotten
a hold of some turkey skin and that’s not good
for dogs. He ended up with diarrhea and a
tummy ache, but he’s OK now. We played
2 of the games that I had bought last year
after Thanksgiving. Being we had so much
fun playing games then, I thought I might
find some different games for us to play 🙂
1 of the games was called You Must Be An
Idiot and we liked it the best. The other
was called I’m With Stupid and we all got a
chance to wear the dunce hat that says I’m
Stupid. All in all we had a blast. I took a
number of pictures of us all wearing the
dunce hat and Judy took the rest being
I couldn’t take a picture of myself very
well hehehe. Judy and I watched a few
Christmas movies Friday night and we
watched one last night with Christian 🙂
I think we might put our Christmas tree
up this week and hopefully Rocky doesn’t
try to yank everything off of it. Benny
and Milo always just wanted to sit and
look at it. Rocky on the other hand is a
little bit hyper if ya know what I mean 🙂
Maybe he will surprise us and not mess
with it. Maybe even he will just want to
look at it the same as Benny. No matter,
the tree is going up and Judy and I are
also planning on doing our Christmas
pictures with us and the boys being we
have many with Milo, but none with
Rocky YET. He has come a long ways
and he’s learned to let us know when he
needs to go potty. This morning, I was
lying on my right side facing the edge
of the bed and he came up and gave me
a lick on the face saying, GOTTA GO.
So when I said ya gotta go, even Benny
hopped up and ran with him to the door.
I guess he figured, why wait hehehehe?
Yep, now if he would just let us cut his
hair. Benny enjoys getting his hair cut
as he will most times just lie there and
go to sleep. It took both Judy and I to
try and hold Rocky in one place to give
him a hair cut and we still never got done.
We tried to cut his toe nails, but once
again, he’s hard to hold. We might give
it another try later, but then maybe take
him to the vet to have them do it LOL.
Judy and I have got scars on our arms
and legs where he jumps up wanting
to play and that hurts. We know he
doesn’t mean it, but those claws must
be trimmed LOL. Benny’s needs to be
trimmed as well, but he doesn’t jump
on us like Rocky does. Benny used to,
but he’s grown out of it 🙂 I’m sure
that Rocky will too, but we’re thinking
not soon enough hehehehehe. Oh well,
next topic. It’s supposed to get down
to 9 F degrees by tomorrow morning.
I am so happy that our landlord finally
got our furnace working again. Our
water would surely freeze at 9 F LOL.
We would be OK with our radiator
heaters in here and in our bedroom,
but there is none in the bathroom or
in the other part of the house. We’ve
got an extra radiator heater, but our
breaker box will not suffice that much
juice coming from all of the heaters,
plus our electric bill is high enough
already, we don’t need to add to it.
Hmm, tomorrow is my moms B Day
and I will write her a birthday poem
like I try to do every once in a while.
My sister Peggy’s birthday is Dec 6
and I might write her one too. I miss
them. I wish they could of made it up
for the fall colors, but maybe next
year. I am excited to see my daughter
and granddaughter as well as Jamye’s
boyfriend and his son this Christmas.
I hope she’s not ashamed of our home.
Judy and I are happy, but she might
see it as a slum. I hope not. We’re not
rich and we cannot afford a fancy home.
We look for the good in the moments
and the scenery. No matter, I’m sure
we will have a wonderful visit. I hope
it’s not the one year that it decides not
to snow for Christmas. That would
be a bummer. We’ve had snow for
Christmas every single year since 2007
when we moved up here so hopefully
it doesn’t change. I know, most of
the people that are from up here hate
the snow, but I love it. I hate the
slush that comes when it’s melting
and ice that comes when it freezes
again, but love the snow hehehehe.
It creates some magical scenes that
I manage to often capture in photos.
It could be that I’m a born and raised
Texan and I never had the chance to
experience snow like this down there.
Yep, seeing snow tends to turn me
into a kid again, wanting to go and
play in it. I am getting antsy to use
our new snow blower. The snow
that we had Monday wasn’t quite
enough for me to use it. I’m sure I’ll
have many times to use it as winter
plants its foot firmly in place hehehe.
I know it gets cold, but God gives
us the beauty to make up for the
coldness. For everything that we
might see as bad, there is good to
come from it if we look hard enough.
Yes, there are many things that we
might say to ourselves, where is
the good, but somewhere in God’s
plans there is the good. He knows
the future and right now might be
confusing, but the puzzle is not yet
fully in place. Have you ever been
putting together a puzzle without the
picture to go by? Did you in those
moments wonder if it would ever
come together and what it would
look like? Yes I’m sure many of
you have. I know I have. It’s the
same with life. We don’t know what
the picture is supposed to look like
and our own decisions of what it
should be begin to interfere. Let
God be your guide as you use some
common sense to do what’s right.
Don’t let others negativity to change
your views to the wrong path of
life. Now I believe I have rambled
quite enough and it’s time for me to
begin my search back through all
that I’ve written here to see if I can
find a good word or phrase that I
can use for the title of today’s brand
new poem. So, it’s away I go to
that place of my recollection that I
always like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE. I think I found a decent
title near the middle of my rambling.
Now, let’s see what, if anything at
all I can do with it. Here goes 🙂
Cannot Afford
Now as the days pass
Thanksgiving is found
leftover memories
coming around.
Times we were seeking
and left in the rain
maybe transfixed on
all of our pain.
That thought comes to be
that we cannot afford,
but often our views are
not of The Lord.
Money’s true value
is to provide home and food
with I cannot afford
words found misconstrued.
Now look at each day
as what they can be
while learning the lessons
from our history.
Don’t let I cannot afford
to sadden your heart,
for there are many others
that need our impart.
Ones without money
and no food to eat
cannot afford anything
veggies or meat.
Be thankful for blessings
that God has given you
and then I cannot afford
won’t be all you view.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 29, 2015
So, there ya go, a little Thanksgiving poem.
I hope you liked it, but if not, Oh well. I can’t
please everybody LOL. I hope I didn’t put you
to sleep with my rambling. but if I did I guess
you needed a nap. Just call me Mr. Sandman
hehehe. Christians mom came just a little bit
ago and visited and took Christian home. He
was a tired boy. I went to bed around 3:30,
but they stayed up watching videos till about
5:00 and when Rocky came licking me in the face
this morning around 8:30, to tell me he needs
to go potty, Christian was still up sitting in
the recliner playing with his I Pad. So I’m
sure he didn’t sleep much hehehe. It’s always
nice having him around. I wish Chance the
oldest grandson could come and visit, but
he is a busy young man. Christian is 14 and
Chance is 19. Chances little sister Rylee
is a cutie. We love her to death. She likes
to bang on my conga drums hehehe. It’s
obvious that God is looking out for us as
we watch each day go by. Thank You
God for all that You have done for us 🙂
Now I believe it’s time for me to tell you
what I tell you almost every week and that
is, I wrote some more poems and haiku.
Yep, 10 more poems with 5 of them being
Christmas poems and 1 being actually sort
of Christmassy titled A Lonely Snowflake.
I also wrote once again 22 haiku for all
of the haiku lovers out there. I hope you
can find 1 or 2 of either or both that you
like. Now it’s time for me to begin my
search for that (lately) not so elusive off
switch, but not before I wish you a most
wonderful weekend or whatever’s left
of it and a truly blessings filled week.
Remember, Jesus loves you and we do
too. OK, so where are ya hiding this
time you silly off switch? I hope that’s
not you I see behind my Advair hehehe.
If it is, for crying out loud, you’ve gotta
be kidding. It is you ya little varmint 😉
I think you’ve become lazier as each
week has passed hehehe. Try harder
next time. Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Golden Threads
Hearts united
miles apart,
golden threads
are like pure art.
Sewn together
day to day,
golden threads
a wondrous way.
Similar views
within design,
golden threads
will then entwine.
Hearts connected
to and fro,
golden threads
will surely grow.
Passions doorway
opens wide,
golden threads
to be well tied.
Days uncounted
might just seem,
golden threads
a wondrous dream.
With the pages
many read,
golden threads
will plant a seed.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 27, 2015
Life and Times
Passed days thought of
at a glance
are a life and times
of song and dance.
Many turnstiles
entered through
are a life and times
of something new.
Some found dismal,
some found grand
are the life and times
ones sit and stand.
So many journeys
are found in place
as a life and times
ones might disgrace.
Yet, many turnstiles
that find our eyes
are a life and times
with beautiful skies.
Don’t look at then days
as better to see,
for sometimes the worst
is our history,
but many viewpoints
are lemons and limes
viewed incorrectly
as our life and times.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 27, 2015
Christ In The Day
Some start illusions
of what Christmas is
lost in perception
of TV’s show biz.
Many commercials
with their selling game,
only sought prices
and not Jesus Name.
Lost in the culture
of many sought more,
Christ in the day
was not in a store.
Yet as time’s passed by
we’ve let greed to win
while Christ in the day
was forgiven from sin.
Let this years Christmas
show truly the way
the same as it did then
with Christ in the day.
Be thankful for blessings
and all that is true
and let Christ in the day,
now live within you.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 27, 2015
The Lonely Snowflake
Winter winds blowing
as the weather grows cold
shows snowflakes floating
just like times of old.
The seasonal patterns
of snowflakes that land
will often become as
a place where I stand.
Yet a few moments
will show just one flake
floating from the sky
as my eyes partake.
The lonely snowflake
just floats in the breeze,
seeking for the ground
but lands in the trees.
It’s just a portion
of what’s yet to come
seen as so lonely
it’s own beating drum.
But soon there are others
that follow its cue
as the lonely snowflake
started the view.
Snowflakes fall faster
as more comes to be
to join the lonely snowflake
that one I did see.
Then I could swear
I could see for a while
the lonely snowflake
with a great big smile.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 27, 2015
Christmas Coming Soon
Now as I sit here
I watch and I wait
Christmas coming soon
my heart does elate.
Seeking for old Santa
and his flying sleigh
I dream of Christmas
that wonderful day.
My inner emotions
transfixed upon then
Christmas coming soon
I want to begin.
Remembering Jesus
the manger in the hay
I seek for the blessings
that wonderful day
Christmas coming soon
is a joy to acquire
seeking to hear ones
songs of a choir.
Singing of Lord Jesus
and even Santa Claus
teaching us of giving
without an applause.
I’m now just thinking
of each Christmas tune
that is so merry with
Christmas coming soon.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 27, 2015
A Star I See
Christmas Eve
I watch and wait
sat in bed
so very late.
A star I see
I wish upon
and it quickly
just moves on.
I seek the jingle
sounds to hear,
Santa’s sleigh
this time of year.
My eyes grow tired
and I can’t no more
keep them open
to explore.
A moments time
is then a dream
Santa flying
so to seem.
I’m then awakened
by a sound
I look up then
and all around.
I go downstairs
real slow and quiet
and I see him
in the night.
Santa there
with a great big sack
laying presents
in a stack.
He looked at me
and gave a wink
and up the chimney
in a blink.
I found that night
a star I see,
might of been him
watching me.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 27, 2015
So Many Nights
Lights all a glistening
colors so bright,
seem to be living
as Christmas takes flight.
So many nights
are filled full of wonder,
from over here
to way over yonder.
Christmas beginnings
as each day moves on,
as so many nights
are lit up till dawn.
December glimmers
of wonderful sights,
found within Christmas
of so many nights.
Christmas trees decked out
with lights all aglow
and some even sprayed with
a can of white snow.
Trees in the distance
outside I can see
are so many nights
God’s given to me.
Blessings uncountable
with Christmas inlaid,
so many nights are
Jesus displayed.
Christmastimes scenes
all decked out with snow,
found so many nights
with everywhere I go.
So as we drive onwards
while looking at lights,
I see all the blessings in
so many nights.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 27, 2015
Lost In A Dream
Wonders we imagine
in dreams that we view
at night while we’re sleeping
might one day come true.
A voyage in the sky
with a magical way
riding with Santa
in his wonderful sleigh.
Lost in a dream then
alive with passion
dreaming of Christmas
maybe old fashioned.
Life in a moments time
then comes alive
while lost in a dream
and learning to fly.
Scenes filled with snowflakes
falling so free
become as a real place
happy to see.
While lost in a dream
the Christmastime glow
comes forth with Santa
and white fallen snow.
Even some icicles
that your dream procures
seems to be magical
mystery tours.
Time becomes minutes
of a Christmassy stream
glistening truly
lost in a dream.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 27, 2015
God At The Wheel
Driving through decades
of turbulent notions
we’re needing God to
heal our commotion’s.
For we’ve so often
allowed time to sway
and cause us to judge ones
a wrongful display.
With God at the wheel
we might have a chance
to find us some peaceful
a moments advance.
Yet being human
we all want control
while that so often
will cost a great toll.
I think we each need to
not judge so harsh
and put all the wrong ones
in a deep marsh.
Let God be your guide
to choose what is right
and then you might find
the truth in The Light.
Don’t drive your life
with a wish to conceal.
Try to drive surely
with God at the wheel.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 27, 2015
Desperate Measures
Now is now
and then is gone,
minutes ticking
dusk to dawn.
Desperate measures
come in sight,
sometimes as
a moments fright.
Learning lessons
now and then,
becomes tools to
help begin.
Desperate measures
God bestows
on each one
that thinks he knows.
Surely we don’t
know it all
and we sometimes
surely fall.
Desperate measures
often find
God with lessons
for our mind.
Sometimes painted
as someone,
that we may have
chose to shun.
Then Lord Jesus
comes to give
desperate measures
ways to live.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 27, 2015
for Nov 27, 2015
Too many people
will live only for themselves
and nobody else.
Seasonal snowflakes
come with their own perception
and how they must look.
A small blade of grass
holds onto life through winter,
but looks like it’s dead.
A fleeting moment
is often just a fragment
of all that’s to be.
A ripple in time
might seem like an ocean wave,
but be just a pond.
Eyes that we look through
will often get real dirty
if we don’t clean them.
Various thinking
can conclude multiple thoughts
that might not be good.
A bridge over time
creates some hurried moments
that we need to see.
Basking in sunlight
will often cause us sunburns
if exposed too long.
The needs of many
are still the needs of the few,
but just all combined.
A dogs forgiveness
is that which we should all learn
and not hold grudges.
A persons heartbeat
is many times misconceived
as how they survive.
When painting pictures
you must look within yourself
to find ability.
Cherishing flowers
can become your own downfall
as they lose their bloom.
Beyond the starlight
there’s a world of the unknown
waiting to be seen.
Simplistic moments
might often seem as too large
at the time they’re seen.
The winds of winter
bring forth many things to view
carried by the breeze.
Life in a turnstile
will often display chances,
but end when they’re closed.
With happy and sad
comes different perceptions
and how we view them.
A small cloud of white
can hold its own for a while,
but needs more to storm.
A little drizzle
is so often overlooked
as it hides lightning.
Our tomorrow’s wants
might all change as it arrives,
for we do also.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 27, 2015
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
{Moonlight and Owls by Judy Pearce}
and her newest
{Hello My Name Is Benny}
They can also be found at Amazon
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂