Hello my friends
We are enjoying having heat 🙂 LOL
Our landlord finally got our furnace
working again. That’s great. It was
just a tad cold in our living room and
kitchen being we only use radiators
in our bedroom and PC room. The
bathroom was a tad cold as well, but
now with the furnace running it feels
quite nice. It’s supposed to snow late
tonight and tomorrow morning so I
might get a chance to try out our new
snow blower hehehe. I’m sure that
if not, it will get used later on without
a doubt LOL. Right now it’s dark and
45 F degrees. Mornings temperature
is supposed to be 31 F and the high
for tomorrow is supposed to be the
same. Of course tomorrow night it’s
supposed to drop to 21 F degrees 🙂
This November is more like the ones
we had from 2008 to 2013. Last year
2014 November was already white 🙂
With temperatures bouncing around
it would snow, then melt and then it
would snow, etc, etc, etc. This time
we might not have that problem or
at least not that much. When winter
gets a firm grip, the snows will begin
piling up mounds upon mounds and
the snowplows will start their chore
of clearing the roads day and night.
Judy just got home from visiting her
brother at the nursing home way up
north of us. She took a lot of pictures.
Her and her sister Barbara went up
and had Thanksgiving dinner with
him. Judy said he was very happy
that they showed up. In the pictures
he looks happy. He was even using
his prosthetic leg to walk of course
using a walker for balance, but in
time he’ll learn to walk using it :).
I felt like I was having a stroke just
a bit ago, but I’m doing better now.
My right eye started doing a repeat
of what my left eye did before I lost
it. I called my mom and sat with my
eyes shut while talking to her. Then
after I while, it all passed. Thank
God. If I lose my right eye, I will
be legally blind, being my left eye
is useless and nothing can be done
for it. Oh well, I’m better now and
so next topic. I took the boys out
for a little stroll in the field today.
OK, they took me hehehe. They
were out there before I even got 10
feet out. When they figured out that
we were going for a field trip, they
were like little rockets running side
by side heading out there. When I
got out there I called out to them
and Rocky came running hehehehe.
Benny came afterwards of course,
being he likes to act like he can’t
hear me, but if you holler TREATS
or FOOD he comes running LOL.
He ain’t deaf. He’s just ornery 🙂
It’s raining right now. We don’t
need anymore rain hehehe. We’re
already waterlogged. Calvin, our
landlord got stuck in our yard when
trying to move a flatbed trailer that
he had parked in our driveway 🙂
Then he went and got his tractor
to try and pull out his truck and he
got his tractor stuck LOL. Yep the
ground is wet. Anyways, he ended
up using his backhoe bucket to sort
of push his tractor out of the mud
and then he got around to the front
of his truck and pulled it out hehehe.
It was good entertainment. Calvin
is a good man, but he didn’t think
this one through. He brought us a
turkey this morning after Judy had
left. It’s a small turkey and I stuck
in our freezer. It might end up over
at Judy’s sister Trudy’s house and
be cooked for Christmas when my
daughter and granddaughter come
up. We often spend the holidays
over their house being their house
is bigger than ours. Maybe not
bigger, but set up for wheel chairs
and Judy’s mom cannot walk and
is in a wheel chair. A wheel chair
will not fit through our doorways,
plus we only have steps, no ramp.
Boy the days are getting shorter
as winter moves on. Sunrise was
6:40 AM and sunset was 3:52 PM.
Sunrise will be 6:42 in the morning
and sunset will be 3:51 PM. The
nearer to the middle of December
the shorter the days will be. Yep
and the coldness will become more
cold hehehe. Judy just went in
the kitchen to fix her and I some
grilled cheese sandwiches. She
said they ate around noon so she’s
hungry too. I had fixed me and
the boys some eggs and sausage
earlier today, but that has worn
off. It’s 5:30 PM right now and
my stomach is talking to me and
it’s saying GRILLED CHEESE.
Cheese doesn’t bother me as much
as other foods. LOL it’s binding 🙂
Without a colon I need something
a bit binding hehehe. My mom and
dad used to laugh at me when I said
that, but they totally understood 🙂
My mom still gets a laugh when I
say I need some cheese. Yeppers,
ya gotta laugh at the problems due
to crying not solving anything LOL.
Life has thrown a few curve balls
my way, but I’ve managed to survive.
I found a woman that loves me and
cares for me as much as I love and
care for her. All in all, life hasn’t
been too bad. I could sit and let
myself to get caught up in despair
over things that have happened to
me, but it would not change a thing.
So, I try my best to not let myself
to fall into that rut of sadness and
I try to focus on the good things.
Of course it does get hard at times
when problems seem to come in
from every which way, but God
pulls us through. Maybe not the
way that we would want it, but
none the less what we need. If
life were just a pathway of easy
street. we would not earn any
tools for our future. I have been
down many bumpy roads of which
that I would rather not of gone
down, but they gave me many
lessons making today’s troubles
to be not so bad. All I have to
do is remember what I went
through and then I know that
I can handle what’s before me.
Of course it doesn’t always work
out that way LOL. Sometimes
the lessons of today turn out to
be the tools for another day and
right now just seems like Hell, but
rest assured, God is there with
you to give you strength through
prayer. Don’t try to do it alone.
Now I believe it’s time for me to
read back on all that I’ve written
here to see if I can find a good
word or phrase that I can use
for the title of today’s brand new
poem. So, it’s away I go to that
lil place of my recollection that I
always like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE. I think I may have found
a decent title just a few lines back
and now to see what I can do with
it hehehe. Here goes…..
Seems Like Hell
What now displays
might not show right
with chosen patterns
found with fright.
What seems like Hell
might surely be
Heaven’s doorway
to help you see.
Sometimes moments
might fall prey
to our troubles
swish and sway.
Without our troubles
you might not grow
to know the things
that you now know
What now is seen
might teach you well.
Times God answered
just seems like Hell.
Yet those lessons
brought you through
to a hopeful
better you.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 22, 2015
There ya go 🙂 I hope you understood
the poem. I know it’s not that good 🙂
but I tried hehehe. Hopefully though
you got the meaning of it. I also hope
that you enjoyed my rambling. If not,
then, I’m so sorry hehehe, not LOL.
Sometimes you may not understand
my ramblings and that’s OK. Maybe
next time. Well my tummy is full now.
I had to stop for a brief just a bit ago
to eat my grilled cheese sandwiches.
I wasn’t able to eat the 3 that my eyes
said I wanted hehehe and so I gave
half of one to the boys. I broke it
up into 4 pieces. They loved it LOL.
They wanted more. Not me, I am
FULL and immediately headed for
the bathroom being I’m without a
colon and it slid right through me like
a toboggan hehehe. Food doesn’t
stay with me very long which keeps
me confused to why I weigh as much
as I do LOL. Yes of course it was
the steroids that the doctors OD’d
me on to try to control my Ulcerative
Colitis. Yep, that swole me right
up and it ain’t going away. LOL
I lost my colon and a 3rd of my
small intestines anyways, what a
trip hehehe. Ok, so I guess I have
told you all that needs to be told 🙂
So now I reckon I need to tell you
what I tell you almost every week
and that is I wrote some more poems
and haiku. Yep, 10 more poems with
5 of them once again being sort of
Christmassy 🙂 Also I wrote 22 more
haiku for all of the haiku lovers out
there. I hope you can find 1 or 2
of either or both that you like. So
now I guess it’s time for me to begin
my search for that not so elusive
off switch, but not before I wish you
a most wonderful weekend or what
ever is left of it and a truly blessings
filled week and Happy Thanksgiving.
OK, now where are ya hiding you
little varmint. You’ve had so many
chances to find good hiding places,
but you seem to never use them.
You do know that you are fairly
easy to see right behind that tiny
flashlight don’t ya hehehehehehe.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Above The Earth
The sky so blue
extends so far
and then there is
the nearest star,
Above the Earth
there is a place
that’s surely found
with Holy Grace.
The love that’s there
is great to find
above the Earth
and all mankind.
This special place
is Heavenly
above the Earth
where we can’t see,
but it’s doors
will open wide
to let our souls
to come inside.
Above the Earth
with streets of gold
there is pure love
that time’s foretold.
That place in Heaven
for our rebirth
is found with God
above the Earth.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 21, 2015
A Ground Of White
As winter winds blow
and snowflakes fall
a ground of white
is seen overall.
The seasonal joy
is found on cue
with Christmastime
to surely view.
A ground of white
will grow then beyond
a running stream
to a frozen pond.
That Christmas music
that many will sing
is often found
with a popcorn string.
A great Christmas tree
that ones so delight
might be outside
in a ground of white.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 21, 2015
A Christmas Heart
Thousands of seasons
a moment apart
ones will be found
with a Christmas heart.
Strumming with blessings
with hearts violin
a Christmas heart
will then enter in.
Songs about Jesus
and some about dreams.
Some about Santa
and reindeer in teams.
A person much older
might not still believe,
but one day when younger,
they sought to achieve.
With a Christmas heart
as blessings fulfill,
so many seasons
might lessen the thrill.
So now this moment
look deep down within
to a Christmas heart
that lived way back when.
Find that great magic
that Jesus brought you
and then maybe dream of
Santa so true
You might be enlightened
with what all you see,
for you might just find
your hearts history.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 21, 2015
Thanksgiving Day
Time to be thankful,
time to look passed
what that is displayed
shadows you cast.
Thankful for Jesus,
thankful for all
so many blessings
from winter to fall.
Thanksgiving Day
is a day many eat
and some do not even
thank God for the meat.
There are ones so poor,
that have not a home
and Thanksgiving Day
is spent all alone.
Some do not even
have a nickel or dime
to buy them a meal
and not for a time.
So now this season
I’m praying for them
on Thanksgiving Day
that are out on a limb.
If you can help one
then give from your heart
and Thanksgiving Day
will in them so impart.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 21, 2015
A Deep Space Journey
I dream of a space craft
that takes me away
on a deep space journey
to another times day.
A place where the people
are joined all together,
not fighting in wars,
in peace now forever.
My eyes lock so tightly
on smiles to and fro
as there is happiness
everywhere I go.
This journey’s so wondrous
as it seems I can feel
everyone’s heartbeat
that beats so surreal.
Yes, a deep space journey
to a wonderful place
that God had created
so far out in space.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 21, 2015
Beyond A Snowflake
A midst the coldness
of wintertime’s days
snowflakes are falling
in so many ways.
Some as a blizzard
and some soft and slow
landing creating
some piles of white snow.
Beyond a snowflake
holds so many styles
that joined together
will often find smiles.
Giving the settings
for Christmas to be
often with the sight of
a great Christmas tree.
Beyond a snowflake
there might be a place
floating so wondrous
and filled with Gods grace.
So look more closely
at snowflakes you find
and see the blessings
that come Christmastime.
Often a snowflake
will have more to see
peace that is given
from Jesus for free.
Beyond a snowflake
you might find a smile
that Christmas brought you
in wintertime’s while.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 21, 2015
A Prism of White
In a field I can see
in my mind Christmas Day
a prism of white
with a wondrous display.
Snowflakes found falling
in places thereunto,
a prism of white
with a Christmassy view.
Yet, it’s just a dream,
but soon it will fall
as each day is counted
that I can recall .
The snows are yet falling,
but soon they will be
creating some blessings
for my eyes to see.
Christmassy settings
in billows of white
from prisms of snowfall
that fell in the night.
Then when awakened
my eyes look upon
Christmastimes blessings
while singing a song.
A song about Christmas
and all that is great
from God The Father
what did create.
A prism of white
that falls to the Earth
reminds me of love
and Jesus Christ’s birth.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 21, 2015
Losing Your Mind
Life and it’s troubles
might wear you away,
losing your mind
and making you gray.
Don’t let the passed to
become all you see,
for today is brand new
and then is history.
Losing your mind
over things long ago
might just prevent you
from lifetimes to grow.
Learn to forgive
both them and then you
and then move along
to a new life to view.
Time is a doorway
that cannot go back,
so losing your mind,
won’t get it on track.
Do the best you can
with today and tomorrow
and try not to fill
your life full of sorrow.
Losing your mind
over things you have done
might only cease
your new days to come.
Let God to help you
with better to find.
Don’t just continue
losing your mind.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 21, 2015
A Certain Sleigh
With children sound asleep
on Christmas Eves night
the jingling sounds
on the rooftop alight.
Some reindeer hooves
then clatter about
with a certain sleigh
without a doubt.
Then there’s the sounds
of someone up there
on the roof in the night
that flew through the air.
With a twinkling sound
the children still sleep
sugarplum fairies
dancing so sweet.
It must be Santa
down the chimney he came
doing his magic
each one by name.
Then when he’s done
he heads on his way
back to the skies
in a certain sleigh.
Calling to his reindeer
to tell them to go
while giving out a large
Saying Merry Christmas
and a goodnight
as a certain sleigh
fades fast out of sight.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 21, 2015
Hearing Yourself
Words within anger
will create a page
written regretful
that’s seen center stage.
Hearing yourself
on later days found
might create sadness
in all that’s around.
Think before speaking
and then you might hear
better tomorrow’s
not a sad yesteryear.
Listen to your thoughts
before you speak out
and then you might not
end up in a bout.
If speaking too soon
and hearing yourself.
you might just regret
what’s there on the shelf.
So, listen to your thoughts,
before making a scene
and then think it over
to know what you mean.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 21, 2015
for Nov 21, 2015
Wintertime’s mornings
bring a fresh scent of snowflakes
as it gets deeper.
The air of shadows
creates personality
that needs another.
A lost cloud of time
might find itself in the midst
of others one day.
Perception of time
is that which a second finds
as minutes gather.
Too many people
only see what others do
and not what they do.
Choice is a doorway
that will open and then close
showing good and bad.
The lines on a face
often show ones history
either smiles or frowns.
So many seasons
get lost within the shuffle
from expectancy.
Perceived as what’s right
some miss what that’s important
and lose the meaning.
Futures deception
can become moments nightmare
without any proof.
Blessings from Lord God
are often mistaken times
that we did not want.
A road to nowhere
actually leads to somewhere,
for it is a place.
Cantankerous minds
will find many obstructions,
even if there’s not.
Vindictive people
will never truly find peace
as they’re with anger.
Remembered flowers
can still bloom within the mind
as our memories.
Harnessing chapters
of a longwinded story
might need shortening.
Gradient thresholds
that our feet have been upon
might show a few slides.
Bringing now to life
allows then to fade away
as now supersedes.
Claiming what’s a lie
and not living with the truth
can create hatred.
Various seasons
come to life with emotions
that we might not see.
Change within one self
might not be seen by others
until that change is fact.
Novembers gateway
has glimmers of December
hidden in its view.
©By Bill Pearce
Nov 21, 2015
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
{Moonlight and Owls by Judy Pearce}
and her newest
{Hello My Name Is Benny}
They can also be found at Amazon
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂