Hello my friends
It’s looking more and more like spring
with each day that passes. Yep, but the
temperature is still bouncing around a
bit hehehe. Today’s high is supposed to
be 58, but right now at 3:30 PM it’s 53.
Of course that is Fahrenheit, not Celsius
or centigrade which is one of the same 🙂
Nope, but it looks like we might have
one day in the 80’s and that is Thursday,
but after that it’s back to the 60’s LOL
tomorrow’s high is supposed to be 48 F.
Talk about weird hehehe. It’s raining
slightly right now. Sort of a mist. It’s
supposed to rain quite a bit tomorrow.
That might explain the temperature drop.
So, what else is going on up this ways?
Well to be perfectly honest with you,
it’s been sort of a quiet week around
here. Yesterday (Friday) I decided to
do a little conga drumming video for
my Youtube, so I carried my old conga
drums outside and did a little video and
took a few pictures. Judy was over at
her sister’s house for craft night, so it
was just me and the boys. I left the
front door opened so they could run in
and out as they desired while I did my
video. They just wandered around the
driveway and Benny stayed focused on
our landlords granddaughter that was
playing next door LOL. He loves that
little girl. The video didn’t come out
as well as I had wanted being I forgot
to change the video format on my
camera hehehe. So the video came out
in 320×240 instead of 620×480. It was
just a tad smaller than I had wanted,
but it’ll do 🙂 Me and the boys hung
out and played for a bit after I finished
my video and then we went back inside.
I wrote some more poetry pictures or
poems to many of you that do not do
Facebook or have yet to of bought a
book and have never seen any of my
picture poems hehehe. Yep, I stay
busy writing. Believe it or not, writing
the poem is not the hard part (for me).
It’s the formatting the poem into the
pictures that often gives me a headache.
I do though enjoy doing them. They
help my mind to stay alive. It’s now
48 F degrees at 3:49 PM. Boy that’s
what I call a drop in temperature LOL.
5 degrees in 19 minutes hehehe.Judy’s
over at her computer doing our census.
It came in the mail yesterday. I just
went and checked on the net and the
census for where we live and it says
that the population for New Limerick
Maine was 490 at the 2010 census 🙂
We live in a small community/town.
Life out in the boonies has it’s good
and bad points. The good part is that
we have a lot of privacy and I can play
my conga drums whenever I want to.
Plus the boys can run around outside
freely without worry of being hit by
a car. The bad part is that we have to
drive 8 miles into town to buy anything
if it’s not on the internet LOL. We do
a lot of our shopping on the internet,
but ya can’t buy groceries and Pizza
Hut don’t deliver this far out in the
boonies hehehe. Today is Mother’s
Day and I’ll call my mom this evening
and wish her a Happy Mother’s Day.
I hope you will call your mom if you
are able. If they are in Heaven then
send your wishes to them, because
they are surely watching over you and
will hear you. Well it’s pouring rain
now. Good thing I didn’t open the
windows LOL. I hear of friends down
south complaining about the heat LOL.
I tell them, come on up, no heat here.
I tried to get Benny to come out for
a field trip with me yesterday, but he
was just too involved in watching our
landlords little granddaughter hehehe.
Rocky wanted to come out, but he
also wanted Benny to come out with
us. Maybe some time this week if it’s
not too wet. Today, Judy and I went
to town and bought a dozen donuts
at Dunkin Donuts and then made a
trip to Walmart to buy a few groceries
and buy a new tire air gauge being
it seems the other one was worn out.
Then we went to a station and I put
air in the tires so that the air pressure
light would go off LOL. After that,
we headed home. The light for the tire
air pressure finally went off after we
drove a mile or two. I was beginning
to think that I might have put the
wrong amount of air in the tires LOL.
So we got home and let the boys out
of their cages and they went running
out the front door to see Judy while
bouncing around like rubber balls 🙂
We couldn’t bring them being I knew
we would have many stops and I was
afraid that if we left them in the car
with donuts while we went in to shop,
they might hop over the divider and
eat them LOL. I know, we could of
gotten groceries first and the donuts
last, but still again, food LOL. They
were OK staying at home. When we
told them, get in your crates, they
both sort of frowned and walked over
and got in their crates. No argument
at all 🙂 Benny often uses his for an
indoor doghouse anyways LOL. We
love our little boys. They make us
happy. Judy just now grabbed her
camera to go and take a picture of the
rain LOL. The boys went running
with her. We might not have much,
but we have each other and God lives
in our home and in our hearts. Now
I believe it’s time for me to look back
over all that I’ve written here to see if
I can find me a good word or phrase
that I can use for the title for today’s
brand new poem. So it’s away I go
to that place of my recollection that
I always like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE. It looks like I might have
found a good title and now after
checking I seems I’ve used a similar
one, but not the same, so here goes.
I hope it comes out making some form
of sense hehehe.
Pouring Rain
With every life
comes time set free
minutes counted
you and me.
Troubles come
and troubles go
as pouring rain
will fall and flow.
Certain scenes
of our accord
need us then to
climb aboard.
Pouring rain
can bring to view
lightning striking
and rainbows too.
Even thunder
with its roar
has its beauty
to explore.
Pouring rain
can give us peace
if we let the
storms to cease.
Through its beauty
raindrops fall.
pouring rain
can then enthrall.
Giving sleep time’s
very best
God’s own blessings
time for rest.
©By Bill Pearce
May 14, 2017
I hope that made sense to ya LOL. If
not, then oh well. Maybe next week.
I hope you enjoyed my rambling. Yes,
I know, I tend to talk about nothing
for a bit hehehe. Hey, no one said that
I was the best writer. LOL far from it.
The rain has slacked off a bit now. The
temperature has dropped 2 more degrees
as well. Yeppers, it’s 45 F degrees now.
Not quite the springs that I grew up with.
I do though prefer these temps. Those
hot days of Texas are something that
I can do without LOL. I reckon I have
told you about all that’s going on in
the Pearce’s Place. So, I guess it’s time
for me to be telling you what I tell you
every week and that is I wrote some
more poems and haiku. Yeppers, 10
more poems with an added (drum roll
please rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr) 10 hehehe.
I seem to have kicked into overdrive
in my writing as I find pictures that
give me ideas LOL. Yes I wrote 22
more haiku for all of the haiku lovers
out there. No extras there hehehehe.
So I guess it’s time now for me to be
searching for that ornery off switch,
but not before I wish you a wonderful
weekend or whatever is left of it and a
truly blessing filled week. Also I want
to wish all of the moms out there a
Remember, Jesus loves you and we
do too. Now where is that silly switch
hiding or better yet trying to hide?
Hmm, I think I saw something under
Benny’s head as he raised it up to see
what I was doing. Yep, there ya are.
It might of worked, but I think Benny
was raising his head up because you
didn’t make a good pillow and also
the fact that him and Rocky needed
to go potty LOL. Anyways, hehehe,
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
and Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our book 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10+10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
A Scenic View
The life of light
in skies above
is filled with truth
and so much love.
It paints a scene
as clouds will form
a scenic view
to then be born.
Life that moves
as time bestows
becomes a sight
that surely grows.
A scenic view
as a book of time
is found within
a scene sublime.
With shades of gray
and others within
a scenic view
will then begin.
It continues
to then accrue
a gift from God
a scenic view.
©By Bill Pearce
May 8, 2017
Sunshine Beckons
A sunny day
with fluffy clouds
displays signs of
Heavens shrouds.
Streams of sunlight
shine on through
as clouds of white
highlight the view.
Sunshine beckons
scenes delight
a sight I love
that is so bright.
A sunny day
and peaceful mind
will then become
an awesome find.
Strands of light
becomes displayed
as sunshine beckons
a cloud parade.
My eyes can see
the moments grow
as sunshine beckons
to me below.
©By Bill Pearce
May 8, 2017
Seeking The Pier
When waves are crashing
upon your each day
don’t let the moments
to make you all gray.
Look passed the waves
and see where to strive
while seeking the pier
to keep you alive.
Time can become as
a portion of pain,
but seeking the pier
can display your gain.
Move a steady course
in the ocean of life
and don’t let it fill you
with struggling strife.
When seeking the pier
a day can expose
the scent of the ocean
as a sweet smelling rose.
©By Bill Pearce
May 9, 2017
Sunrise Campground
Scenes of sunlight
form a view
within a tent
of thereunto.
Sunrise campground
finds a place
life’s own turnstiles
saving grace.
Through a doorway
enters in
scenes of dreams
that do begin.
A high mountain
might display
sunrise campground
break of day.
A lake might also
become found
there within
sunrise campground.
©By Bill Pearce
May 9, 2017
Cracks Of Life
Weathered grounds
we’ve stood upon
might become as
nearly gone.
Cracks of life
we’ve seen each day
might be life
a weathered way.
A time of life
that washed about
as ones seek
a way to get out.
A moment of sorrow,
a moment of pain,
the cracks of life
might drive us insane.
Yet a mere moment
might find fresh air
through cracks of life
a moment of prayer.
©By Bill Pearce
May 9, 2017
Sunflower Days
Seasonal memoirs,
moments are found
those sunflowers days
when we look around.
The minutes ticking
as stages are set
found with sunflowers
that time can’t forget.
Those sunflower days
that bring us a view
sights of some yellows
with a wonderful hue.
Seasonal memoirs
bring forth a sight
all of our memories
day unto night.
Those sunflower days
are greatest of scenes
filled full of yellows
as wondrous cuisine’s.
©By Bill Pearce
May 9, 2017
Beyond The Daylight
Sunflowers fade
in the evening sky
as the day’s ending
and saying goodbye.
Beyond the daylight
holds such a view
found with a pinkish
and blue sort of hue.
The sky’s releasing
a moment in time
beyond the daylight
a fantastic find.
Just like a movie
a story well told
beyond the daylight
begins to unfold.
Flowers of colors
display such a sight
seasons own decor
beyond the daylight.
©By Bill Pearce
May 10, 2017
Sunset Pond
Painted waters
of the mind
become as a
great design.
Scenic splendor
with a phase
pictured of the
springtime days.
From the road
the sights become
as a painting
setting sun.
Life of sunlight
leaves the scene
as a moments
wondrous dream.
Seen at sunset
time goes on
singing seasons
sunset pond.
©By Bill Pearce
May 10, 2017
Weathered Green
Life’s perceptions
come to be
as the seasons
set them free.
Weather turnstiles
bring each day
scenes we find
from gold to gray.
Planted moments
flourish true
as the minutes
make their view.
Weathered colors
times unfold
coming from our
days of old.
Seasons painted
as time flies
often seen
before our eyes.
With the magic
from each scene
there are colors
weathered green.
©By Bill Pearce
May 10, 2017
Dreams Of Snow
Sights of beauty
found displayed
are the times
that Heaven made.
Dreams of minutes
thoughts come true
time becomes a
wondrous view.
Winter displays
snow of white
scenes of beauty
times delight.
Our dogs playing
all the while
sights of Christmas
with a smile.
They find paths
of timeless fun
side to side
to play and run.
Our two dogs
so truly so
always have their
dreams of snow.
©By Bill Pearce
May 10, 2017
Upon The Logs
A photoscape
of days of past
leaves me with
a slight contrast.
With me sitting
upon the logs
joined right then
with our two dogs.
We sit and watch
the time fly by
as shadows meet
the seasons sky.
Upon the logs
I find we share
my dogs and me
a breath of air.
Just sitting smiling
me and my dogs
a sweet memoir
upon the logs.
©By Bill Pearce
May 10, 2017
Painted Dandelions
They might seem real
to watch them sway
and take pictures
day after day.
But they’re portrayed
a persons design
painted dandelions
left from a time.
Their color has turned
and left in its place
the white of the seeds
for life to embrace.
Painted dandelions
create such a view
a scene so supreme
with a wonderful hue.
They go from yellow
to white of the seeds
providing the years
of springtime’s proceeds.
©By Bill Pearce
May 11, 2017
Old Dog Of Mine
Back years ago
when I was so young
I had a good dog
with a life begun.
She was my friend
the greatest of all
as time went by
what I now recall.
Those days she ran
in our backyard
back and forth
and near and far.
She was always
there for me
those distant days
of my history.
We grew together
that life and time
me with my friend
old dog of mine.
©By Bill Pearce
May 11, 2017
Spring Has Awoken
The snow is melting
bringing to view
a doorway to spring
of life thereunto.
Spring has awoken
with lifetimes of green
that was well hidden
in a snowy white scene.
Seasons of grandeur
are soon to behold
spring has awoken
from time oh so cold.
Winter is leaving
its face in the wake
as time is counted
with spring to partake.
Spring has awoken
and winter is passed
leaving but only
some snow melting fast.
©By Bill Pearce
May 12, 2017
Upon A Pole
One day I saw
a bird up high
upon a pole
not wished to fly.
It sat and watched
me down below
while he smiled
to say hello.
This pole of light
was found secure
to give this bird
a scenic tour.
Its timely stance
was there upon
a pole by day
to soon be gone.
It soon was then
in flight so high
with its wings
within the sky,
but it recalls
its moments goal
to sit and rest
upon a pole.
©By Bill Pearce
May 12, 2017
Summer’s Past
The days go by
with little signs
found within
the scenic times.
Summer’s past
is found on stage
a moments time
of age to age.
Like a window
to give a view
the minutes pass
from old to new.
Summer’s past
is like a coin
flipped to see
times to be born.
Learning true
the lessons seen
a mountain high
or seasons dream.
It is a moment’s
life to find
of summer’s past
another time.
©By Bill Pearce
May 12, 2017
Scenic Quest
My eyes they search
for sights of God
within the scenes
I do applaud.
I see His hands
in everything
the sights and sounds
of each great scene.
A scenic quest
my eyes are on
day to night
and dusk to dawn.
I might see signs
of mountains high
or scenes of birds
up in the sky.
I might see signs
of wonderful things
such as the rhythm
of rushing streams.
The stage is set
the very best
the sights I find
a scenic quest.
©By Bill Pearce
May 12, 2017
Old Front Door
Seen as a shadow
an old photograph,
I see a picture
of our distant past.
It’s our old door
to a day and time
a place far away
found on my mind.
Our old front door
a Christmas view
that I remember
so timeless true.
It’s painted now
inside of my brain
our old front door
that times attain.
It is a place
from long ago
our old front door
we used to know.
©By Bill Pearce
May 12, 2017
Clouds Will Speak
Scenes are displayed
fluffy and white
clouds like oceans
sunshine in sight.
Points of perception
become as a style
formed as a picture
seen as a smile.
Clouds will speak
with words of phrase
that of emotions
found within days.
Time is a porthole
with minutes desire
found in the sunshine
as moments acquire.
Life is a journal
that’s written in time
as clouds all billow
their daily design.
The sky is a canvass
for time to accrete
giving the pages
as clouds will speak.
©By Bill Pearce
May 13, 2017
Winter’s Last Glance
Rivers of winter
are snow melting fast,
scenes all enlightened
as remembered past.
Left from the season
is a watery flow,
winter’s last glance
of the fast melting snow.
It is but a doorway
for springtime to view
as a page from a book
with a watery hue.
The words are written
as a pure text of white
displaying snow
as it melts out of sight.
A pathway, a doorway
to life’s song and dance
springtime’s beginning
and winter’s last glance.
©By Bill Pearce
May 13, 2017
for May 13, 2017
Lost in a dreamworld
reality might get lost
and display false hope.
Challenge of a day
begins with a place and time
to show its true self.
Losing direction
could find you then returning
to where you started.
Looking for someone
might uncover some bad choices
that you may have made.
Peace is from within
for a war might be your sight
that you need to change.
Life’s like a flower
that can either wilt away
or become beauty.
Believing in love
doesn’t make it as a fact,
for it needs the truth.
Without some water
a plant would shrivel and die
leaving only dust.
Tomorrows pathway
might not be clearly seen now
so take time for prayer.
As the sun beckons
it gives life within its view
to blossom flowers.
As doorways open,
then too, others will find end
filled with memories.
Someone’s losing streak
might turn out to be a win
with what all they learned.
Without our mistakes
the lessons would not exist
and we would not grow.
A trail that we’ve found
might lead to nowhere at all,
so don’t burn bridges.
Today’s twists and turns
could become life’s straitened roads
hidden in a thought.
A heart that’s empty
cannot contain any love,
for it needs Jesus.
Dreaming of Heaven
can be an enlightenment
of life after death.
Forgiving others
is a good pathway to choose,
but forgive you too.
Thoughts can become life
and turn into a nightmare
if you allow them.
The storms in your life
might be but only rainbows
to make you stronger.
Winds of time are life
that show us our directions
with God at the helm.
Chances are given,
but many are not noticed
because of choices.
©By Bill Pearce
May 13, 2017
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
and if you are not in the USA or would just rather buy
them at you can buy them all below.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂