Tiny Horses


Hello my friends

I hope you’re staying warm or cool as
the case may be for you LOL.  We’re
doing well.  It’s snowing again right now.
Yep,  expecting around 8 inches,  but it
shouldn’t be too bad.  The temperature
up this ways is warming up a bit.  Yep,
it looks like we might see an early spring
after all.  LOL  OK maybe not so early,
but it is warming up a bit.  Of course
warming doesn’t mean that it won’t be
cold and freezing at times hehehe,  but
yes it is getting warmer,  at times.  It’s
26 F degrees right now and that’s the
high for today.  It’s not supposed to be
but about 25 F for the low tonight 🙂
That’s warm for up here.  It’s supposed
to snow all night tonight though hehehe.
Judy and I just got back from town a
little while ago and it was snowing quite
a bit.  When we left the house the roads
had no snow on them,  but when we
were headed home,  they were covered.
We had a couple of things we needed
from Walmart and then we headed off
to Subway and got us a couple of sub
sandwiches 🙂  So,  neither of us has to
cook tonight LOL.  I bought another
bottle of anti gel fluid for our oil tank,
being this month I bought 147 gallons
of the cheap stuff that tends to gel up
and not flow when temps get near 0 F
and it got below that last night and the
furnaces wouldn’t work.  I turned up
our small radiator heaters to keep us
from freezing until morning when the
temperature warmed a bit and then I
reset the furnace and got it ignited 🙂
The furnace literally shut down on us
Thursday night at midnight and so I
called our landlord and he came and
tried to get it going,  but he couldn’t
figure it out so he called a guy and he
came and worked on it and got it fixed.
So,  we should be OK now for a few
more years,  hopefully LOL.  We had
to make a trip into town yesterday due
to Judy’s cell phone having problems.
Monday we did grocery shopping and
of course forgot a few things hehehe.
When we got back home I took my
tripod and camera outside and took
a few pictures of Judy and I while it
was snowing.  LOL we’ve been to town
3 times this passed week.  I make use
of it by taking pictures while Judy
drives 🙂  So you see,  we’re not that
exciting hehehe.  Benny and Rocky
have been enjoying the snow.  LOL
our driveway looks like a war zone
with poops everywhere.  I have to go
out time to time and shovel them up.
Though we are very happy that they
do their business outside and not in
here 🙂  It took us a while to get that
through Rocky’s head,  but he now
will do everything he can to get the
point across that he has to go out
and do his business,  but he prefers
it when Benny goes with him hehehe.
If Benny doesn’t go with him,  he
goes out quickly and is back at the
door barking in no time saying that
he’s done LOL.  Hehehe They’re like
Mutt and Jeff.  Our little home has
an abundance of life within it with
the sound of tiny horses galloping
through it with Benny and Rocky
running side by side to get back in
here with us.  They’re sleeping side
by side right now as they most often
do.  Yeppers  they love each other
and we can most surely tell that
they love us 🙂  God has blessed our
home greatly.  We have all that we
need and we have each other.  Yes,
we have a few problems from time to
time,  but that’s part of life.  It’s
the struggles that make us stronger.
Thank You Lord for all that You
do for us and all that You allow us
to learn.  Now I believe it’s time for
me to look back over all that I have
written here to see if I can find a
good word or phrase that I can use
for the title for today’s brand new
poem.  So,  it’s away I go to that lil
place of my recollection that I like
to call RECOLLECT VILLE.  Hmm,
it looks as though I may of found
me a fairly decent title just about a
4th of a way back in my rambling.
So now after checking I see that it
has not been used as of yet,  so used
it shall be today.   Here goes…

Tiny Horses

Life of a moment
life of a year
footsteps continuing
what that we hear.
Our dogs galloping
running around
all through our house
and out on the ground.
Little tiny horses
are so they may seem
galloping daily
as a fun little dream.
They find the joy
in a moment or so
found while galloping
then to and fro.
God gave these moments
to us prayerfully
the sights and sounds
to be what they’ll be.
Often as barking
like a dog doorbell
or to in their way
have stories to tell.
These little blessings
are a great gift of life
that in a way then
help end our strife.
Thank You Lord Jesus
and Lord God above
for filling our home with
oh so much love.
For as troubles come
in often strong forces
we are with laughter
sounds of tiny horses.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 10,  2019

LOL I hope you liked my poem.  Hey
that’s what my old mind came up with
when I saw that title.  Yes I know it’s
a little silly.   Anyways,  I hope  that
you enjoyed my rambling even if you
didn’t care too much for the poem 🙂
I just now put the TV program that
we watch each week (God Friended
Me) on record,  because it looks like
I won’t be done with this by 8 PM 🙂
It’s 7:52 PM right now LOL.  So is
there anything that I have forgotten
to tell you,  I’m asking myself hehehe?
Nope,  nothing other than what I tell
you every week and that is,  I wrote
some more poems and haiku.  Yep,
10 more poems and 2 of them are
Christmas poems 🙂  I also wrote 22
more haiku for all of the haiku lovers
out there.  I hope you can find 1 or 2
of either or both that you like.  Now,
I believe it’s time for me to begin my
search for that silly hardly elusive off
switch,  but not before I wish you a
most blessed and wonderful week.
Remember,  Jesus loves you and we
do too.  OK,  so where can that lil
ornery off switch be trying to hide
this time????   LOL I see ya you lil
whippersnapper.  Trying to hunker
down in my miniature rock collection
on the top tier of my desk hehehe.
Next time maybe find someplace to
hide that isn’t smaller than you LOL.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Benny,  Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Remembering Memories

The past has a way
of reflecting in today
and in our tomorrows
of a timeless display.
Life is just a dream
or at times so it seems
as the echoes of then
are as living streams.
Flowing that of times
as memorized rhymes
lifetimes remembered
in awesome designs.
We often look back
and see but only black,
yet maybe find a way
to get back on track.
For as that of scenes
we find as our dreams
the past fades away
to our future routines.
Leaving then as seas
so timeless as the trees
as magical moments
remembering memories.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 6,  2019

Hands of Time

Christmas snow
as a distant day
becomes as a view
in an awesome way.
Such as a dream
a scene of white
a Christmassy day
so many delight.
The hands of time
become so alive
giving that of life
for time to survive.
It might be early
as November snow
as the hands of time
see the season grow.
Then as December
comes into view
the hands of time
tick on thereunto.
Presenting a page
from a photograph
a scene as a dream
of yesterdays past.
The days of bliss
are centered around
those memories
of sight and sound.
It might be a story
it might be a book
a page from a scene
a time you mistook.
A Christmas carol
you sung by the fire
that’s now the past
and found as desire.
We might remember
an awesome design
a living memory
of the hands of time.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 6,  2019

Clockwork Dreams

Beneath the sky
of a cloudy day
time ticks onwards
shades of gray.
A clock of style
ticks on with time
as our dreams
create a design.
A design of life,
a design of age
clockwork dreams
a moment’s stage.
Just like a book
with pages marked
dog-eared  scenes
of times embarked.
Beneath the sky
there is a chance
of life and love
with true romance.
Lose your doubts
and lose your fear
of moving ahead
to another year.
Clockwork dreams
can come alive
with the scenes
that jump and jive.
Let life grow
and flourish true
a brand new life,
a brand new you.
Look on beyond
the cloudy skies
and find the sun
within your eyes.
A life of peaceful
wondrous things
found in life as
clockwork dreams.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 7,  2019

Life of Eve

Waves of lifestyles
come ashore
kinds of minds
of an ocean floor.
Thought is gathered
within the waves
as life of eve
shows other days.
Time’s a pageant
flourishing styles
as evening comes
and life compiles.
Building an essence
of certain seas
with waves of life
not so at ease.
Yet as a picture
you can remember
a life of eve
is a burning ember.
A time of life
with magical views
upon a beach
of choice to choose.
We each have waves
that days explore
and land in times
upon our shore.
The waves of life
your eyes perceive
might hide true love
in life of eve.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 7,  2019

Seamless Signs

Times we’ve seen
and wondered why
might be dreams
up in the sky.
Times unfolding
wondrous shows
such as clouds and
some rainbows.
Seamless signs
or so it seems
signs of times
appearing dreams.
Life’s a doorway
then and there
that might seem
to go no where.
Seams of timeless
bizarre connections
seamless signs
with lost directions.
A rainbow sky
might hold in place
some clouds above
with a stormy face.
Look on beyond
the view of then
and let your life
to again begin.
Search for dreams
up in the sky
as clouds drift on
that seem to fly.
See the beauty
and find release,
stories unfolding
drops of peace.
Find the rainbows
of wondrous times
connected smiles
of seamless signs.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 8,  2019

Scented of Autumn

Time full of colors
life is at hand
pictures united
sights oh so grand.
Scented aromas
autumn prevails
lifetimes displaying
seasonal tales.
Time is a journey
a pathway of style
found in perspective
a moment a while.
Ones can envision
a scented array
autumn transpires
with a colorful way.
Daylight becoming
a season’s details
leaves of all colors
autumn prevails.
So many moments
brought to the eyes
scented of autumn
and cloudy skies.
It creates journeys
with photographs
as ones snap many
of future and past.
It’s all remembered
and not forgotten
as leaves of color
scented of autumn.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 8,  2019

So Sad

Times of sadness
and times so blue
bring alive moments
within me and you.
A scene so distant
yet seeming so near
might hold within it
a time less of cheer.
A time of sadness
that lives in today
as a scene or a thing
within a weird way.
Search for blessings
and search for peace
throughout sadness
for a little release.
You might discover
what’s thought so sad
was such a blessing
a moment you had.
So often time frames
will come and go
leaving perspective
as a high or low.
Life is a window
that we look through
and some are clearer
sometimes to view.
For as a moment
passes us by
we might feel sadness
and begin to cry.
Yet all the moments
that made us so sad
can be the blessings
for all that we had.
Leaving then a smile
in place of the past
a time when so sad
was shadows so vast.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 9,  2019

Unborn Poems

Found as a mirror
a reflection of words
a poem is a story
as a flock of birds.
Fluttering so softly
or thrusting to fly
the unborn poems
seek to tell us why.
Answers in rhythms
or just but a view
as but a story
either false or true.
The poem may begin
as a lightning storm
a time or a place
that’s yet to be born.
It might be a face
ones see in a mirror
a smile to compile
to see a little clearer.
For as a writer
begins with his style
the unborn poems
may display a smile.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 9,  2019

The Optimist

Negative insight
brings into view
what that so many
can’t ever do,
but an optimistic
looks for a way
things they’re able
to do day to day.
Wanting to change
within yourself
needs rearranging
of your shelf.
For as a snail
looks on by and by
it sees a way
to be a butterfly.
Look for chances
and ways to change
from what you are
for better to gain.
Find you a way
to add to your list
a better profile
like the optimist.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 9,  2019

Surprises Within

Snow laden hills
with life to shine
has surprises within
of their own design.
Christmassy scenes
on a tree one day
displays the season
in its own little way.
Surprises within
as a little memory
found as a blessing
a moment to see.
Elegant snowflakes
become a memoir
written by many of
times near and far.
I see the scenery
and dream of a view
a time I remember
a Christmassy hue.
Thinking of a time
loved ones of bliss
surprises within
and a seasonal kiss.
That of a moment
as snowflakes begin
I find the blessings
as surprises within.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 9,  2019

for Mar 9,  2019

Time is a comic
as it gives many laughter
as ones will forget.

Searching for the stars
on a dark cloudy evening
will be waste of time.

Opening turnstiles
without knowing what’s inside
could lead to trouble.

Life as a flower
is planted as a seedling
and needs love to grow.

Sunshine of winter
might not feel so very warm,
but it does its job.

In moments that pass
there are portions that remain
to add to today.

Time within a field
of oceans of emotion
becomes just a thought.

The links of a chain
are the same as our journeys
one link at a time.

Wintertime’s snowmen
will be puddles of water
as springtime makes way.

Heaven holds a place
for many to dream about
and others to go.

Found in the shadows
are the things that many do
that moments record.

Tying up loose ends
could prevent you from growing,
so learn from mistakes.

A sky full of stars
unleashes its memories
for our eyes to see.

Beyond and within
are the things we might not see
due to cloudy minds.

Changing who you are
needs you to know who you are
and then seek better.

Moving too quickly
can cause you many mistakes
that could be deadly.

The life of a star
begins and ends with more life
as it changes phase.

Pages of a book
hold many different views
of how ones perceive.

An ant carries on
and never gets discouraged,
so be like an ant.

Charting to pathways
in a world of illusion
you might find despair.

Believe in yourself
as you do the best you can
and let growth begin.

Need is confusing
when want becomes what we need
in bad perspective.

©By Bill Pearce
Mar 9,  2019

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂