Soon We Will


Hello my friends

It’s been nice these passed few days,  but
I haven’t taken many pictures.  I guess it
might be due to the fact that we didn’t go
to town any this past week other than me
driving to town Friday when it was just me
and the boys/dogs.  Yep,  Judy went down
to Bangor with her sisters for a doctor visit
and to see their brother Ricky that is in
the nursing home.  I took the boys with
me that day and drove to Walmart to
pick up a few groceries and of course my
camera was in the seat next to me just in
case I saw a moose or a deer that I could
stop and take a picture of LOL.  Nope no
moose or deer.  I did take a few pictures
of our plants.  We’ve got 2 tomatoes that
are almost ready to pick and a few new
baby tomatoes beginning their path to
maturity.  Yep,  not much going on here
at the Pearce’s Place.  We’re getting ready
to bring all of our flowers and our tomato
plant inside.  We’ve already had a couple
of nights in the 30’s.  Don’t want them to
freeze and die.  We live such an exciting
life LOL.  I might be forced to publish
another book soon.  I only lack 24 poetry
poetry pictures to have enough for another
book.  That makes 11 and 12,  but I am
still planning on doing a couple of books
of Christmas poetry pictures :).  Maybe
soon,  maybe later or maybe even next
year LOL.  When my other books start
selling I’ll put more thought in it,  but
until then,  it’s all on the back burner 🙂
So,  what else is going on around this
place?  Judy has been playing around
with decorative fingernails that her
daughter Mandy is selling 🙂  She has
also dyed her hair purple again and I
think she looks nice with purple hair.
Right now at 5:30 PM it’s 61 F degrees
and it feels good.  It shows according
to my weather programs that we’ll see
a few days in the 70’s by the end of this
week.  That’s still not too bad if you
ask me 🙂  Nope,  not too bad.  It’s a
lot better than 80’s, 90’s or 100’s LOL.
Yet of course soon we will be into the
cold grasp of winter with snow falling
almost every day.  I don’t mind it.  I
actually look forward to it,  but I am
sure there are those that have to get up
and go to work every day that might
not care for it too much.  I wasn’t all
too crazy about having to get up and
out in the cold and snow at 4 or 5 AM
to dig the car out and make sure that
Judy could make it to work,  but other
than that I loved the snow.  Now that
we’re both retired,  the only places we
have to go are to the grocery store and
doctors appointments,  etc.   Plus now
that I have much of the things to deal
with the snow such as a snow blower
and snow shovel which are both 40v
battery operated the same as our lawn-
mower.  Yep,  I’ve got us all fixed up.
Of course our landlord has someone
plow our driveway for us,  so all I’ve
gotta take care of is digging out our
car and around it so that the boys can
go potty.  So,  our snow blowers come
in handy for that 🙂  I do get tired of
winter after about 3 or 4 months of it.
Plus when the snow starts melting and
then refreezes creating nightmarish
skating rinks it becomes hard to deal
with LOL.  Although I do have some
cleats that I attach to my shoes and
that does help a bit 🙂  Anyways,  that
is how we function up this ways LOL.
God’s been good to us and not allowed
any horrible things to befall us.  I’m
reasonably sure we’ve got a few worn
out guardian angels that have been
walking with us in life fending off the
evil 🙂  Thank You God for all that You
do and all that You continue to do in
our lives.  Now I believe it’s time for me
to be reading back on all that I have
written here to see if I can find a good
word or phrase that I can use for the
title for today’s brand new poem.  So,
it’s away I go to that little place of my
recollection that I always like to call
RECOLLECT VILLE.  I think I found
a decent title amidst the halfway mark
of my rambling I can use even though
I’ve used a variance of it LOL.  Hey,
it’s getting hard to come up with new
titles hahaha.  Anyways,  here goes…

Soon We Will

Time will pass
and now will be
just a form
of history.
Scenes of life
that we find
might live on
within our mind.
Soon will be
a  flame of life
flickering surely
pain and strife.
Allow that flame
to find relief
amidst a prayer
for perfect peace.
Think of Heaven
and hold it tight
within your mind
as brightest light.
For on the day
you time’s at end
you will become
just like the wind.
Allow your heart
to then fulfill
a heavenly journey
that soon we will.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 15,  2019

There ya go.  I know it’s not that great,
but not all of my poems can be winners.
I’m sure that everything you do isn’t so
perfect either LOL.  We all have our bad
and good days.  Mine tend to roll back
and forth in the middle of the days LOL.
Anyways,  I hope you liked the poem and
maybe even my rambling.  If not,  then
I at least entertained you for a brief as
you read it LOL…  So,  once again I am
asking for prayers for my friend Sara’s
mom and dad as well as Sara.  I know we
all have our struggles in life that maybe
no one knows of.  So I’ll say a prayer
for all of you.  Now,  I need to tell you
what I tell you every week and that is,
I wrote some more poems and haiku.
Yep,  10 more poems and 2 of them are
Christmas poems.  I also wrote 22 more
haiku for all the haiku lovers out there.
I hope you can find 1 or 2 of either or
both that you like.  Ok so I reckon it’s
time for me to begin my search for that
hardly elusive off switch,  but not before
I wish you a truly blessings filled week.
Remember,  Jesus loves you and we do
too.  Now,  where can that off switch be
trying to hide this time?  Hmmmmm,
it looks like my external harddrive is
moving around.  Oh for crying out
loud.  LOL that thing isn’t big enough
for you to hide behind.  Oh,  you just
thought I would not look over there
huh.  Well I might not of if I hadn’t of
caught a glimpse of it scooting around.
Gotcha,  see ya,  CLICK zzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Benny,  Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Rippling Pleasures

Flowing as doorways
time pours a stream
rippling pleasures
found as a dream.
As scenes come alive
and moments fulfill
the waters of time
may trickle and spill.
Nature’s displayed
as alive and well
as rippling pleasures
with stories to tell.
Many might envision
a dreamers solitude
a time that they find
like the Blue Danube.
Planted in the mind
as a dreamlike seed
rippling pleasures
as want and need.
Become as a dreamer
as scenery flows
with fluid of nature
a moment bestows.
Allow for slumber
to begin its quest
seeking for peaceful
a moment of rest.
Find you a blessing
of a pirates treasures
then for a moment
rippling pleasures.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 9,  2019

Scenic Illusions

Arrangements of styles
moments might share
as a place and time
of a cloud of air.
Your heart may beat
of a fearful array
when scenic illusions
come out to play.
Yet looking closely
you might surely see
arrangements of styles
that God gave free.
The scenes may evolve
as a dreams disguise
with clouds forming
in mountainous skies.
So scenic illusions
the times may become
as the shadows evade
the sight of the sun.
Look for the blessings
within every scene
and you might find
a colorful dream.
The colors of autumn
might then display
as the scenic illusions
of our day after day.
Don’t fear the colors
of the days gone by,
for they may enlighten
your where and why.
Imagine the beauty
of a time and place
and let it show as
a smile on your face.
Search for the dreams
within all you view
and scenic illusions
might then come true.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 9,  2019

Ticket To Heaven

Life’s full of lessons
a teacher of gains
often discerned as
times full of pains.
Yet Heaven waits
with a ticket to ride
on that old stairway
to the other side.
It’s not very hard to
get a ticket of time
as all that you need
is a forgiving mind.
Not holding anger
and not holding hate
inside of your mind
with daily debate.
Seek for the stairway
with a prayerful heart
and when life ends
another will start.
A ticket to Heaven
will be given to you
when on this Earth
your body is through.
Find the forgiveness
seventy times seven
with a peaceful heart
and ticket to Heaven.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 11,  2019

Pond of Peace

Rippling journeys
times can display
as the waters of life
come out to play.
Bringing peaceful
into every sight
day becomes filled
gleaming with light.
A pond of peace
enhances the view
becoming a dream
to live within you.
There may be a place
to sit for a while
a bench by a pond
a wooden type style.
It may welcome you
as time moves along
inviting you to sit
by a peaceful pond.
Listen real closely
as words fade away
giving the moments
to enjoy in the day.
Silence is words
of a timeless release
found on a bench
near a pond of peace.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 11,  2019

Winter Begins

Hearts full of summer
may soon see a sight
as autumn fades away
into winter white.
Snow begins falling
painting the ground
as winter begins
with signs all around.
Snowflakes floating
from a sky of clouds
unleashing changes
each moment endows.
As a painted array
with snow white tint
heavenly blessings
of a flavorful scent.
Many start dreaming
of Santa in flight
as winter transcends
to Christmas Eve night.
Lights all a glistening
as dreams come alive
with Christmas songs
on a scenic drive.
You might not see
what’s hidden real well
as a Christmas sight
a story to tell.
It might be hidden
in the season’s winds
a sight in the white
as winter begins.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 11,  2019

Season’s Shadows

So many viewpoints
seasons become
found as a doorway
to a drummers drum.
Ways we see winter
and ways others do
become as windows
with a clouded view.
So many see winter
as a cold frozen Hell
while many others
see stories to tell.
Christmas so scenic
a painting to perceive
such as the snowflakes
and sights they leave.
Look for a moment
at the awesome designs
and find the beauty
that lives in ones minds.
Look beyond coldness
and find you a view
a time that’s so divine
that can live within you.
Find what so many
truly love to see
in the season’s shadows
that are so Christmassy.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 11,  2019

Above The Clouds

Waters of life
pour into souls
syncing shadows
as time unfolds.
Clouds of purpose
fulfill their place
with a sky of blue
and life’s enlace.
Above the clouds
there may be scenes
a time and place
of dreamers dreams.
A hopeful voyage
for when we die
above the clouds
with our Adonai.
For when we go
we’ll see His face
above the clouds
with saving grace.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 12,  2019

Enkindling Views

Drawing our attention
to a time or place
might be a moment
with heavens embrace.
Maybe a mountain
or a hillside view
a time that you find
that’s pulling on you.
It might be a skyline
of gray clouds above
with enkindling views
that display much love.
You might even see
a field that unfolds
displaying a journey
as moments propose.
They might enlighten
of another fine day
such as dreamworld
you dreamed to display.
Those enkindling views
that become much more
such as a window
to a place to explore.
Look within the scenes
and find you a sight
as timeless perspective
from day unto night.
See some wind turbines
as they spin so fast
becoming as landscape
of future and past.
Those little moments
that many forsake
passing them daily
as a pond or a lake.
Now just visualize
what a lifetime accrues
found in landscapes of
enkindling views.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 12,  2019

The Longing

Distant thoughts
become as faces
timeless scenes
a heart embraces
The longing for
a moment’s gaze
somehow fills
the distant days.
Just like a beam
of bright sunlight
shining through
the day and night.
The longing finds
a certain path
a gain from all
the aftermath.
Roads we travel
to thereunto
are remembered
old and new.
Dust may settle
upon a home
a time and place
of your very own.
The longing then
becomes a glance
remembered times
of song and dance.
Take it to heart,
remember it well
the longing of
life’s carousel.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 13,  2019

Scenario of Leaves

Becoming as artwork
the leaves multiply
designing a stage
under a true blue sky.
Seeming to enhance
all the other sights
a scenario of leaves
that a moment ignites.
Change may be small
as each day meets end,
but in time the colors
give much to transcend.
A scenario of leaves
as a painter’s brush
creating many pictures
that sounds like a hush.
Wind blowing lightly
as leaves begin to fall
off of all the trees
to make their install.
The ground becomes
as a colorful sight
a scenario of leaves
with colors so bright.
It’s as a seamstress
that life interweaves
found within autumn
a scenario of leaves.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 13,  2019

for Sept 14,  2019

Time is a moment
that many are miscounting
as they look at life.

Doorways to a field
can be rows of daffodils
or dandelions.

The links to a chain
are as boundaries in life
constructed by time.

Seeds to emotion
are as plants waiting to grow
to become flowers.

The chances we take
could make all the difference
in our days and nights.

Seasons of sunshine
create life’s diversities
as snow and flowers.

Shadows of a day
might become as memories
on another day.

Trees may one day die,
but seeds within them may sprout
to grow other trees.

Ones perceptiveness
can change the view of a life
seeing beyond sight.

Searching far and wide
for a heartbeat of the same
might lead you back home.

Now is just a time
that will become our future,
but now needs molding.

Leaves on autumn trees
are as stages of changes
with colorful sights.

The sight of flowers
brings many a peaceful thought
as others see death.

Breath of a second
can enlighten the minutes
within the hours.

Things that we dream of
can one day become as real
if they’re meant to be.

Springtime meets summer
as autumn follows behind
to welcome winter.

Weather of a time
might be all we remember
if we never grow.

Believing in love
and allowing it in you
can create more love.

Jumbled emotions
can become as fuel for pain
as time is misread.

Windstorms of lifetimes
may have stories within them
with peaceful endings.

Chapters of our life
might seem a bit out of place
as we remember.

Today brings new life
beginning with an ending
of each yesterday.

©By Bill Pearce
Sept 14,  2019

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂