Hello my friends
Judy and I are doing well. We had a great
day last Tuesday on my birthday. I’m 65
now 🙂 Hmm, I don’t feel any older. Judy
said I don’t act any older either hehehe. Not
really LOL, but I’m sure she’s thought it 🙂
We went Mini golfing and then out to eat
for my birthday and yes we took loads of
pictures and a few selfies. The weather was
great. Just a little windy, but that was OK.
We had a blast. Anyways, as always I took
tons of pictures there and back as I always
do 🙂 The temps up here have been getting
cooler with each passing day. Yesterday’s
high was 63 and right now at 6:20 PM it’s
62 F degrees. Expecting rain tomorrow
beginning late tonight. Judy and I took
the boys out for a field trip Saturday and
they loved it. They always enjoy a run in
the field and doing a little exploring as
they run about. Judy and I enjoyed the
stroll as well. We took a lot of pictures
of the boys as well as both of us hehehe.
It’s looking as if it is going start raining
soon. That’s good by me. Though this
week I plan on going out and getting an
old tire from the field to use to get Judy’s
bird bath finished giving it stabilization.
I got out and fixed our front steps to
our house today. They were a little on
the steep side before, but now they are
easier to manage. Benny was having
a difficult time getting up the steps after
I worked on them, so I had to do some
modifying. Now they work for us all 🙂
I made good use of my skill saw and
electric drill/screw driver 🙂 That’s why
I bought them. For little chores around
the house. Yep, and the ladder comes
in handy too. Anyways, I am so happy
that summer is ending. I suspect we’ll
be seeing snow in the next month or two.
I love to watch it snow. It’s an awesome
sight. Snow seems to create beauty from
the ugliest sights. Old run down houses
become a thing of beauty. The only thing
that I hate about winter is the cost to heat
the house, but there is always a downfall
to be found LOL. Though I love to get
out and play in the snow especially with
the boys. Benny and Rocky love it when
I come out with them and toss snowballs
for them to chase and try to catch. Yep,
winter brings alive another world to play
in. I know many don’t like it, but I’m
very hot natured and love it as well as
the beauty that it brings with it on little
journey through the seasons. Judy also
loves winter, but also like me, hates it
when it starts melting becoming slush
and refreezing becoming as a nightmare
of a skating rink. I have busted my butt
more times than I can count on the ice.
Anyways, we have a full tank of heating
oil to get us into the first three months
of winter and we’ve got on tab at DOC’s
enough to fill it again, so we’re ready
for winter 🙂 Bring it on! Judy and I are
excitedly waiting for autumn so we can
go and take autumn pictures. We try to
keep tabs on the changing of the leaves.
We might do our autumn drive on our
anniversary when we go out to eat and
maybe even play mini golf if the mini
golf is still opened then. No matter, I’m
sure we’ll have a great day, but then that
is nearly a month away 🙂 So, what else
is going on here at the Pearce’s Place?
Well, being honest, not much. Nope we
live an often uneventful life other than us
watching our favorite TV programs LOL.
Fortunately we like most all of the same
TV programs and movies. There are a
few that we differ in our likes, but very
few. She’s still busy crocheting and I’m
still busy doing my poetry pictures. I’m
not sure if I mentioned this in the passed
journals, but I got me two more books
published, (13 and 14) and I am ceasing
with the Kendle versions. They’re a waste
of time in my view. So, now I have 14
books published and will one day work
on getting more published, but for now,
14 will do. I know, I write a lot, but it
keeps my mind and brain active and also
keeps me from going nuts. Believe it or
not, I only lack 2 poems by having 18
books done LOL. Then I can start on
book 19. It seems I am always thinking
as ideas flow as a river, especially since
I’ve began using the pictures that we take
and Judy’s paintings for inspiration. The
ideas are endless it seems. Judy loves me
to read my poetry to her. We enjoy our
time together. We both know that life
has its expiration date, so we try to do
the best we are able with the time that
we have. I think far too many people
waste the time that they have by always
complaining instead of looking for the
blessings that are there. Yes I am sad
that I have no nearby immediate family,
but Judy’s family treats me as their own.
I love them. I realize that there are many
that have it worse than me and there are
also ones worse off than you. So look
for the blessings in life and don’t focus
so much on the negativity. Anyways, I
think it’s time for me to be reading back
over all that I’ve written here to see if I
can find me a good word or phrase that
I can use for the title for today’s brand
new poem. So it’s away I go to that little
place of my recollection that I like to call
RECOLLECT VILLE. I think I may of
found a decent title a 3rd of the way back
in my rambling and now after checking I
see that it has not been used yet, so used
it shall be. Here goes…
Inspired by one thing
or that of another
can often be the tool
to take you further.
Time has a turnstile
for many paths
to be our inspiration
then shadows to cast.
Living for a moment
might turn to dust,
for so many minutes
are do or to bust.
Take on the pathways
and let them to ride
allowing the blessings
to live deep inside.
Let yourself breathe
the blessings of time
and don’t focus on
what’s yours and mine.
Look deep within you
in times imagination
and find you the tools
of life’s inspiration.
©By Bill Pearce
Sep 5, 2021
That’s it. I hope ya liked the poem and
maybe even a little of my rambling. The
temp outside is 58 and soon to be raining.
I can smell the rain in the air. Anyways,
it’s 9:20 PM and I think I have told you
all there is to tell other than what I tell
you every week and that is, I wrote some
more poems and haiku. Yep, 10 more
poems with 2 of them a bit Christmassy.
I also wrote 22 more haiku for all of the
haiku lovers out there. I hope you can
find 1 or 2 of either or both that you like.
Now I do believe it’s time for me to begin
searching for the hardly elusive off switch,
but not before I wish you a happy Labor
Day and and blessed week. Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too. So OK,
now where can that ornery off switch be
trying to hide this week? It didn’t even
try last week LOL. I think I spotted it
hiding behind my 9 volt battery charger.
Yep, there ya are, once again peeking
out. You are so bad at hiding hehehe.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Winter Strives
Wheels might roll
within the snow
as seasons find
their sudden flow.
We might recall
a time and place
seeming just like
a seasonal race.
We might recall
a Christmas view
as winter strives
to live within you.
A pictured scene
of a long time ago
might come alive
in winter’s snow.
Such as the sight
of maybe a scene
a time of delight
seeming a dream.
It might be only
how time derives
the sight therein
as winter strives.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 30, 2021
Evening’s Fantasy
Sometimes a ripple
can seem like a wave
glistening on waters
of so distant days.
Moments reflections
unleash the designs
that of a memory
deep in our minds.
A lake of emotions
produces our dreams
as evening’s fantasy
with magical scenes.
Seeming so timeless
as a ripple effect
scenes that continue
and seem to connect.
Waters might show
a moment of prayer
within an evening
as a breath of air.
Look in the ripples
and find a destiny
that you can live
in evening’s fantasy.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 30, 2021
Park Your Mind
Take a moment
to stop and breathe
take in the sights
that you perceive.
Park your mind
beside the road
and let it become
a peaceful abode.
Let the skyline
become your eyes
as time passes by
and becomes alive.
Open the eyes
to your inner soul
and see the sights
a heavenly goal.
Find the moments
that come alive
found deep within
a scenic drive.
Stop for a while
to see each design
and find a place
to park your mind.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 31, 2021
Up Hill
So many travels
are in stride
horse and buggy
a journey’s ride.
They take paths
that others go
up and down
their own flow.
Some find life
a peaceful quest
and others find
it only a test.
Find some peace
in a rising sun
and live life
not on the run.
For many times
we might fulfill
the best in life
when it’s up hill.
©By Bill Pearce
Sep 1, 2021
Sky of Peace
Moments we see
can become a phase
of a time and place
in so distant days.
A sky can unleash
what’s seen and heard
that’s of a dream
of a scenic bird.
It might be a place
you remember so well
a time that you find
a wondrous detail.
There might be crops
in a field of style
sharing their beauty
and giving a smile.
It all may begin
as moments increase
formed as a dream
in a sky of peace.
©By Bill Pearce
Sep 1, 2021
Peeking Through
What seems as eons
might be just a day
a time you remember
that’s now gone away.
It may seem as clouds
with blue sky therein
that’s showing places
your mind has been.
It might seem to drift
to a distant design
giving a remembrance
of a heartfelt time.
Remember the best
of moments long ago
and hold them within
as dream clouds flow.
It might be a moment
or seamless reflection
exhibiting the styles
seeming as perfection.
Find a perspective
of a skylight of blue
that shows of smiles
just peeking through.
©By Bill Pearce
Sep 1, 2021
Scent of Sight
Breathe a moment
and exhale a dream
a time like a window
or awesome cuisine.
Taste with your eyes
the scent in the air
that becomes echoes
an evening of prayer.
Open up the eyes
of your inner heart
and see the sights
as moments impart.
Take in the scenery
breathe in the view
as a scent of sight
becomes all of you.
Let it to blossom
dreams from above
seeming as magic
an essence of love.
Time’s as a camera
giving things to see
as life comes alive
wondrous and free.
Take time to enjoy
each passing frame
finding the blessings
to then surely claim.
Open up your mind
and see the light
found in the frames
as true scent of sight.
©By Bill Pearce
Sep 2, 2021
Country While
Seasons display
a moment’s path
as time gives way
to futures past.
Windows open
and allow sights
a country while
in winter’s whites.
An old red barn
might be seen
while passing by
in rhythms dream.
Forming stories
words and more
to help recall
the times before.
A special blessing
comes in view
a time and place
that lives in you.
Times as magic
dreams compile
as a passing gaze
a country while.
©By Bill Pearce
Sep 2, 2021
Cold Ice Glimmering
Finding a memory
that opens your mind
might be as seasons
transformed in design.
Glimmering essence
of a winter white day
can become windows
with a season’s array.
Maybe as reflections
or timeless memories
moments transfixing
become then as seas.
Found as life’s stages
that show so precise
as melting snowflakes
are glimmers of ice.
Then with the scenery
the changes begin
glimmering brightly
as minutes transcend.
Leaving a new day
to become much more
displayed as turnstiles
minds can explore.
Seen as passionate
times to remember
often as glimmering
scenes in December.
Scenes as snowflakes
we are remembering
then to become as
cold ice glimmering.
©By Bill Pearce
Sep 3, 2021
A Christmas Dream
With just a glimpse
of winter’s snow
I find I’m dreaming
of a place to go.
A place of Christmas
that many believe
shines of an essence
of Christmas eve.
It hold’s old Santa
and his reindeer
awaiting the flight
as time comes near.
It’s but a dream
of a bearded smile
the sight of Santa
and his lifestyle.
A heartfelt sight
of a magical scene
at the north pole
a Christmas dream.
©By Bill Pearce
Sep 3, 2021
for Sep 4, 2021
Flavors of lifetimes
pour in many glasses
that may seem bitter.
Heartbeats of true love
might seem as only a joke,
but it might be real.
Between two flowers
might be many types of weeds
acting as flowers.
Threading a needle
can become more than a chore
than doing the sew.
Time is just a page
that is turned from day to day
to display choices.
Teams of perspectives
can open many windows
that are not the same.
Living for others
can become a death struggle
when you are alone.
Trials of a moment
can create strength to live on
if you don’t give up.
Losing your focus
on the needed direction
can find many bumps.
In need of a hug
you might find entanglements
that may have a price.
Beneath ones anger
might be self-centered motives
fueling the fire.
A sea of lifestyles
can become as many waves
washing ones ashore.
Learning how to live
needs an open minded brain
to allow to learn.
Within our shadows
are glimpses that others see
that they see as us.
Mornings and evenings
are as doorways and windows
that the day may find.
Searching for true love
you might get lost in vision
and forget the heart.
Beyond and nearby
are often our illusions
as distance is faint.
New days will be seen
even when we’re gone away
for then there’s Heaven.
Various moments
can become our memories
found as confusion.
Believing in things
that we’re unable to see
requires some faith.
Reaching for a hand
when trouble is surmounting
does not make you weak.
Plowing through winter
with a snowplow and shovel
can become your life.
©By Bill Pearce
Sep 4, 2021
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂