Hello my friends
How have you been? I took a vacation last
week from writing my journal being it was
Easter 🙂 Judy and I went to her twin sister’s
house and we celebrated Easter with all of the
family that made it over there. We ate some
good food and played some games. It was
a great day although I was sad that I could
not be with any of my family, my immediate
family that is. I guess it could be worse, but
still miss my family as well as my good friends
that live in Texas and thereabouts. Oh well,
life goes on. The weather is still playing on
and off with the freezing and not hehehehe.
I had to order us some heating oil being we
were just about to run out. Our grandson
Christian asked the other day if he could
come and spend the night with us either
this Sunday or next. I said sure. You are
always welcomed. So he said, let’s make it
next Sunday. We’re needing to cut up boxes
and all that have been strewn in the living
room so he can sleep on the futon hehehe.
I reckon we will get on that pretty quick.
We bought a burn barrel and a grate that
fits on top of it to prevent anything from
flying out. We’re gonna burn these boxes.
So what else is going on around this place?
Well, Rocky is doing good. He’s as ornery
as ever. He’s our alarm clock. He will not
let us sleep passed 4 PM no matter if we’ve
not gotten to bed or gone to sleep until 6
AM LOL. Yep, he starts pawing at the bed
on Judy’s side of the bed of course hehehe,
but I feel it too. I am a very light sleeper
when in fact I am able to sleep at all which
is a rare thing LOL. It’s 53 F degrees right
now at 7 PM. By tomorrow morning it is
supposed to be 30 F LOL. So you see what
I mean about the weather playing its little
game of on and off hehehe. There are still
a few patches of snow here and there where
the sun don’t shine. LOL I looked at this
week’s forecast and it is supposed to snow
this coming Friday. Not a lot, but still 🙂
Yep, compared to Texas weather, this is
winter weather hahaha. We have often
still had a lot of snow even as far as May.
It took me a few years to get used to the
weather up here, but now the thing to
get used to is all of the ice that follows
the snow creating walking and driving
hazards. That’s something I might never
get used to. Yet there are things in many
place that we live that one might never
get used to. It’s just the matter of what
you can deal with the best or accept. I
have been having to learn to accept the
way things are being that I can’t change
the way things are up here. I’ve met a
lot of idiots hehehe. The ones that think
they can drive the same speed on a icy
or wet road as they do on a dry road 🙂
Yeppers, they come up behind us and
Judy and I just let them pass us. We
figure we’ll see them down the road a
bit in the ditch or worse. Some people
have no common sense. Anyways, we
are doing well. Judy and I spend a lot
of time watching our favorite programs
on TV if we’re not amidst our hobbies.
Sometimes we’ll watch TV while we are
doing our hobbies writing or knitting.
LOL ain’t we exciting! I hope you all
had a happy Easter or at the very least
a peaceful one. God has been good to
us as He continues to watch over us and
do what we are unable as well as sending
many angels to watch over us allowing
kindly spirits to intervene time to time
to give us a nudge in the right direction.
Thank You God for all that You have
done for us and all that You will do if
You see the need. Please watch over
all of our family and friends as well as
the others that are in dire need of Your
love and care. AMEN and AMEN…
Now I do believe it is time for me to be
reading back over all that I have written
here to see if I can find me a good word
or phrase that I can use for the title for
today’s brand new poem. So it’s away
I go to that place of my recollection
that I always like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE. I think I may have found me a
decent title just about a 3rd of the way
back in my rambling and now after I’ve
checking I see that it has not been used
yet, so used it shall be. Here goes…
He Continues
Time is a moment
a passing phase
found as a turnstile
of age unto age.
God’s always there
watching our path
as He continues to
teach from the past.
He’s often waiting
for us to recall
a time in our life
that we lost it all.
Then to look ahead
and become stronger
learning the lessons
to help a little longer.
We might fall prey
to doubt and fear,
but He continues
to be very near.
He’s always awaiting
our voice in the air
seeking His guidance
found in a prayer.
So in the moments
let lessons be found
as He continues
to guide you around.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 24, 2022
There ya go. I know it might not be one
of my best poems, but hopefully you get
the point. So, that’s about all I have for
ya aside from what I tell you nearly every
week and that is, I wrote some more poems
and haiku. LOL actually I wrote them all
last week before Easter. I have written a
few this passed week, but I’m gonna wait
and share them with ya next Sunday :).
Anyways, a week ago I wrote 10 poems
and 22 haiku for all of the haiku lovers
out there. I hope you can find 1 or 2 of
either or both that you like. Now I do
believe it’s time for me to see if I can find
that hardly elusive off switch, but surely
not before I wish you a blessing filled week.
Remember. Jesus loves you and we do too.
Now, where’s that silly off switch trying
to hide this time? It’s had an extra week
to search for a good hiding spot hehehe,
but I doubt that it did anything, but
flipped itself on and off trying to make
the lights flicker LOL. Hmm, I think I
see a little movement behind my camera.
My good camera that is 🙂 What are you
up to this time? Surely not trying to take
a selfie hehehe. You need to be in front
of the camera, not behind it. You can’t
take your picture in the view finder that
is in back LOL. I guess you forgot what
day it is huh. Next week, try harder 🙂
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Be as a Star
Search within
and find a place
a star to shine
upon your face.
Seek a blessing
amidst the day
as you shine
a magical way.
Be as a star
shining bright
or in a scene
sands of light.
Let your mind
wonder about
seasons of life
not with doubt.
Open your eyes
be who you are
the best you can
be as a star.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 11, 2022
Dreamers Illusions
With just a dream
a place can reveal
snow as of winter
a season’s appeal.
Textured as time
scented as a phase
dreamers illusions
of seasonal days.
We may remember
a passing breeze
within our minds
as leaves on trees.
Dreams can instill
a heavenly stage
that is imagined
from age unto age.
The turn of times
can become found
within the illusions
of sight and sound.
Yet as time passes
found in confusion
we might only see
dreamers illusions.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 12, 2022
Gifts of the Past
Minds of moments
that times bestow
become as the gifts
that we love so.
They might be life
of a distant age
or our reflections
a turn of a page.
The pictures seen
might hold in view
a time and place
that thrives in you.
It might be a gift
the love of a smile
a timeless friend
a four legged style.
You might even
recall the scene
seeming a shadow
a wondrous dream.
It might portray
a moment so vast
Heaven’s blessings
gifts of the past.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 12, 2022
Discerning Life
Clouds might form
within our eyes
and fill our hearts
with tearful skies.
Raining droplets
upon the sights
discerning seconds
as dimmest lights.
Search for scenes
with a better view
behind the clouds
in a sky of blue.
You might then
find your way
to discerning life
of a better day.
Say a little prayer
and seek the love
that lives within
from God above.
Find the portions
of hearts desires
and let them grow
as Heaven’s fires.
Allow the clouds
to cease of strife
as you continue
discerning life.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 12, 2022
Easter Reflections
So many memories
and so many styles
is Easter reflections
a season of smiles.
Thankful for Jesus
and all of His love
as Easter reflections
from God up above.
Time is as artwork
found within frame
as Easter reflections
our heartbeats attain.
Grasping for times
as our connections
may be moments of
Easter reflections.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 13, 2022
Easter Art
Now and then
a time begins
seasons as of
passing winds.
Life moves on
then is now
as Easter art
the times allow.
With our eyes
we may view
seasons sights
of old and new.
God gives life
into our heart
from His son
as Easter art.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 13, 2022
Passing of Phase
Up over a hill
might be a time
seen as a portal
of eve of design.
Sunshine seen
as a scenic sight
a passing phase
into the night.
You may travel
with true desire
seeking for time
as heartfelt fire.
It may be false
or an illusion
with the passing
scenic confusion.
Look for the joy
in coming days
for it might be
passing of phase.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 14, 2022
Light Transforms
An evening sky
with light at crest
shines so bright
as night’s abreast.
Scenes we find
amidst the sights
become as dreams
within the nights.
Light transforms
and creates views
colors changing
into many hues.
Maybe of orange
with a yellow tint
or maybe gray
as times imprint.
Clouds may form
and live within
as evenings come
and nights begin.
It might look like
a heart of gold
with a sky of eve
and stories told.
Bringing essence
seeming as storms
timeless scenes as
light transforms.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 14, 2022
Illuminating Sky
With just a glance
we might not see
the passing clouds
above you and me.
They might await
to shout and sing
or begin raining
essence of spring.
Time illuminates
as a passing stage
formed as a style
of passage of age.
Skies transform
seasons of time
as they illuminate
all that we find.
So often as rain
on a cloudy day
and on the others
a sunny display.
Yet as the clouds
create and dance
they form a life’s
magical romance.
Seen as rhythms
that float and fly
creating art in an
illuminating sky.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 15, 2022
The Winding Way
Roads we travel
can twist and turn
as the reflections
of all we discern.
They might hold
sweet memories
shadows of times
in many degrees.
Seeming to form
a pathway of style
as then within us
as a distant smile.
We often travel
to wishful places
within our minds
of hopeless cases.
Yet if we’ll seek
a blissful design
we might unleash
a prayerful time.
There may be pain
from day to day,
but good will come
the winding way.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 15, 2022
for Apr 16, 2022
Sensing some changes
so many might become fearful
of what that’s needed.
Lights shining brightly
can seem like the very best,
but be deceivers.
Daytime meets nighttime
as bad times meet the good times
in need of them both.
Time is a journey
that seconds and minutes form
creating chances.
Springtime to summer
life becomes as a window
showing us stages.
Waves of an ocean
can simulate a heartbeat
when crashing ashore.
The leaves of autumn
can create many paintings
without any paint.
Life as a dreamer
often turns into nightmares
if the dreams aren’t true.
Living in a shell
you might find you have no tools
that help you to grow.
Searching for answers
from ones that are ignorant
you’ll find more questions.
Turbulent rivers
might seem to speak many words
that can’t be explained.
Challenges in life
design and create pathways
for us to travel.
The needs of others
might not seem so great to you,
but you are not them.
Telling many lies
ones will soon not believe you
when you tell the truth.
Trivial moments
can become important times
if we pay no mind.
Life of a raindrop
does not end when it’s landed,
for it becomes more.
Threading a needle
needs some patience and perception
to make it complete.
Viewing clouds above
you might see reality
within illusions.
When in search of peace
you might need to imagine
and then kneel in prayer.
The seconds will pass
leaving an image of time
hidden in the days.
Morning awakens
bringing a new life to live
with yesterday gone.
A forest of trees
cannot always hide a mind,
for thoughts come to light.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 16, 2022
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂