Hello my friends
Spring has finally locked in an the snow
is melting. Of course it has also begun a
few floods around Aroostook Maine due
to ice jams in many of the rivers. We’re
OK where we are though. We have a tiny
river down below us, but it would have to
rain for 40 days and 40 nights to get the
water high enough to affect us LOL. OK
maybe not 40 days and 40 nights hehehe,
but you get my point. We’re just waiting
for the ice cream place to open up hehehe.
Judy and I were talking last night about
us doing some mini golfing this summer.
We love to mini golf and then get some
ice cream afterwards. We always take a
lot of pictures while golfing 🙂 as well as
me taking pictures on our journey up to
and from the miniature golf course. Yep,
we have many plans for this summer. We
hope that we’re able to do a few of them.
I am hoping that this summer isn’t too
hot. Though it does seem that the temps
are getting warmer up this way. We shall
see. Hopefully we don’t have many days
in the 90’s. Normally we only have a few
days such as maybe a week in the 90’s and
I can handle that as I stay near our dear
air conditioner LOL. On those days I
don’t so much mowing. I prefer the 60’s
and 70’s. Anything above the 70’s is too
hot for me especially for outdoors work
such as mowing. The temp now is 48 F
and that is nice. It’s supposed to be in
the upper to mid 50’s most of the week.
Today’s high was supposed to be 52 F.
I’m not sure if it ever made it to 52 F
or not, but it got close. I went outside
and took a few pictures. Much of the
snow has all melted leaving puddles and
in our yard and a small lake as it does
every year LOL. There was one year in
the past that we had neighbors that had
a canoe and their kids rowed it back and
forth in our little lake. LOL even Benny
got in the game of it. We only had little
Benny for a few months back then. We
got Benny March 9 2012 and the small
flood in our yard was June 27. It was
a fun day. Judy and I took a lot of pics
and I took a few videos. I sure miss all
the times with the neighbors kids. We
have had some good neighbors and some
not so good. Yep, we’ve got quite a few
memories to reflect on in form of photos
and videos. We’re hoping to have a few
more great memories to come in view.
At the moment, not much is going on
around this place. Judy’s right behind
me crocheting her a sweater and Rocky
is lying in the floor between Judy and
I. God has been good to us. He has
kept His mighty hands over us as life
has taken us on pathways of mysteries.
I am sure that many angels and kindly
spirits are watching over us as we strive
ahead in life. Thank You to all of the
many spirits and most of all thank You
God for never giving up on us. Please
put Your mighty hands over our family
and friends as well the many that we’ve
no knowledge of and protect them and
give them strength to continue through
life. Amen and Amen. Now I believe
it’s time for me to be reading back over
all that I’ve written here to see if I can
find a good word or phrase that I can
use for the title for today’s brand new
poem. So, it’s away I go to that little
place of my recollection that I always
like to call RECOLLECT VILLE…
It looks as though I may have found
me a decent title right near the halfway
point of my rambling and now after
checking, I see that it hasn’t been used
yet, so used it shall be. Here goes…
Back and Forth
Now and then
time moves on
leaving scenes
as timeless song.
Sung as breath
of a distant view
back and forth
from old to new.
God paves ways
for us to travel
that may seem as
roads of gravel.
Rough and tough
in days gone by
time gives lessons
of how and why.
Teaching tools
found in frame
may have lessons
we can attain.
A daily pathway
of learning force
is often blessings
back and forth.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 16, 2023
Okey dokey, there ya go. I hope that you
liked the poem and maybe even a little of
my rambling. There’s not much else to tell
you other that what I tell you nearly every
week and that is, I wrote some more poems
and haiku. Yeppers, 10 more poems and
22 more haiku for all the haiku lovers out
there. I hope you can find 1 or 2 of either
or both that you like. Now with that said
I reckon it’s time for me to start searching
for that not so elusive off switch, but not
before I wish you all a truly blessings filled
week. Remember, Jesus loves you and we
do too. So Ok now, where can that ornery
off switch be trying to hide this time, as
if it ever actually puts any effort in hiding.
Looking around the room at all the old
hiding or not so much hiding spots LOL.
Hmm, our internet router seems to have
an extra item that does not look like it
belongs there LOL. Um, the switch for
the router does not look like that hehehe.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Years and Counting
Through a mirror
reflections of time
may become blurry
the memories find.
Opening a doorway
to another realm
can create portals
as time at the helm.
Steering a pathway
across bumpy roads
years and counting
a moment bestows.
Painting a picture
of a timeless cruise
within the windows
that we win or lose.
Maybe a perception
of a countrified feel
textured with styles
the minutes reveal.
Becoming blessings
time is surmounting
formed in our life
years and counting.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 10, 2023
Frozen in Time
So many hearts
get lost in a gaze
looking for love
in wrongful ways.
Searching designs
in waters of style
to then only find
times to compile.
Frozen in ways
that life is framed
displaying life as
seasons attained.
Look for truth
in midst of ways
and seek less of
wanting arrays.
Let life’s sadness
displayed in mind
to be as lessons
frozen in time.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 10, 2023
Sunshine Morn
The light of day
might come alive
as sunlight shines
in morning’s skies.
Life then awakens
and gives a breath
as new beginnings
and past finds rest.
There may be life
a harmonic phase
crashing ashore
with ocean waves.
This timeless scene
may be just a tale
as words connect
and ships set sail.
Morning shining
glimmers of light
can create echoes
of day and night.
Enhancing views
as new days born
as night says hello
to sunshine morn.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 11, 2023
Connecting Rails
Our time on Earth
forms many paths
with day after day
in shadows we cast.
Creating doorways
and window views
that might in time
but only confuse.
Many connections
we may come upon
might become life
as a singer’s song.
Times train tracks
become our stage
found on the rails
of a coming of age.
Life keeps ticking
as seconds connect
creating pathways
that many detect.
Then as a blessing
of timeless details
life continues on
as connecting rails.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 11, 2023
Rainbow Eyes
Looking up above
in a distant view
you might perceive
a sight just for you.
It may be of colors
a scenic perception
featured in clouds
as time’s reflection.
A living rainbow
with colors of light
so distantly shining
in the sky so bright.
With colors united
and stories foretold
believed to end at
a true pot of gold.
Heavenly rainbows
can form a display
giving ones hopeful
in wondrous array.
Look for the heart
in the colorful skies
filled with blessings
for rainbow eyes.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 12, 2023
Waiting To Plow
So many are wasting
their lifetimes away
as they sit around
getting old and gray.
Search for purpose
and seek for a field
making your choices
a bit less concealed.
Take a step forward
to someplace in time
and seek to create a
new path to climb.
Let God guide you
to a much better life
not getting stuck in
time frames of strife.
Seek to plant seeds
of new life to grow
creating perspective
for times to bestow.
Let God intervene
and let love endow
while not just sitting
and waiting to plow.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 12, 2023
Waves of Prayer
Listen for the rhythms
within ocean dreams
scented with an aroma
of saltwater scenes.
Life’s crashing sounds
are heard in the mind
with waves of prayer
of God’s own design.
Take a little venture
as you close your eyes
and fly above waves
within seascape skies.
Open up your heart
and breathe the view
as a breath of scenery
and let it live in you.
Let God to enlighten
each breath of air
as He gives blessings
of waves of prayer.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 13, 2023
Drifting Along
Some see memories
as a passing view
that they only visit
a moment or two.
Yet within memories
time can find peace
when now is in war
with a certain belief.
Use the memories
as more than a grave
to seek the lessons
from our yesterdays.
Drift on through life
using all you learned
from all the errors
now has discerned.
Seek through prayer
a much better song
sung while learning
and drifting along.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 13, 2023
Reflections Desire
Often like windows
time opens wide
allowing reflections
to wander inside.
Leaving memories
planted in place
as heartbeats thrive
like a smiling face.
Time is a doorway
that we walk thru
often as dreamers
just seeking a view.
Searching pathways
of moments accord
often as blessings
from our sweet lord.
Open up your eyes
find truth to acquire
instead of but only
reflections desire.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 14, 2023
Years May Pass
Glimmers of snow
with a winter appeal
might be as changes
the moments reveal.
Even as a memory
or as our reflections
the years may pass
in unique directions.
Springtime awaits
its moment to begin
as snow melts away
to yet begin again.
Wintertime releases
its seasonal hold
to allow spring time
with lesser of cold.
Yet within the midst
shadows may cast
as time goes its way
and years may pass.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 14, 2023
for Apr 15, 2023
Life is like artwork
that we paint with our heartbeats
in brushstrokes of time.
Limitless doorways
are within our daily paths
holding a future.
Minds joined together
can create or tear apart
as it is their stride.
Glancing at the stars
you might discover moments
that died long ago.
Sharing your blessings
enhances all that you have
giving more to share.
The winds of today
can seem to be blowing strong,
but be in your mind.
Dancing in the rain
can help to clear your vision
as you then dry off.
Yesterdays anchors
can become as hindrances
preventing your growth.
Basking in your wealth
can become very empty
with shallow friendships.
Tomorrows shadows
await for our construction
so take care your path.
Beyond memories
holds visions yet created
to become our thoughts.
Tides of the ocean
are as minds of deception
going in and out.
Trembling with anger
you might do something wrongly
and have much regret.
Years that pass us by
can often become mirrors
reflecting our thoughts.
When treading water
you might need to just stand up
because it’s shallow.
Nursing a problem
instead of learning from it
you might never grow.
Tending to a mind
that is stuck in evil ways
might just suck you in.
Searching for the wind
you may need to look upwards
for branches might sway.
Tying ends of life
together with ends of thoughts
you might have answers.
Believing in God
unlocks blessings deep within
that were always there.
Heads above water
can help ones to find a breath,
but be waterlogged.
Keep your views ahead,
but recall the yesterdays
that got you in place.
©By Bill Pearce
Apr 15, 2023
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂