Hello my friends
I hope that you’ve had a nice weekend
and passed week. We’re doing well. The
weather is getting a little cooler now being
July is our hottest month and it is nearing
its end. We’re in the mid 70’s now at least
for this week according to the weatherman,
or in our case the weather programs that
we have on our computers hehehe. I may
mow a little tomorrow, but if not, I will
do some mowing Tuesday. It all depends
on how I am feeling. So far the grass has
not grown too high, but I want to prevent
it from getting out of control being all we
have is this little 15 inch battery operated
push mower. It works well, but my back
and legs tend to give out as well as breath
of air being I have asthma. I have to stop
and breathe often as well as have a sit to
rest my legs. What used to take me only
a few hours to do, now takes me a few
days to do LOL, but I get it done. I am
so very happy that the weather is cooling
off. I know that in Texas where I’m from
August is the hottest month, but up here
it is July. On top of that, I’m thankful
that we don’t have the 90-100 degrees of
weather that Texas has in its summertime
months. Though I totally miss all of my
friends and family in Texas. I wish that
I were in better shape for traveling, but
my body has gone through Hell. Oh well,
that’s life. I’m just glad that this is not
like the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s and that
we have long distant telephones so we
can talk as long as we want as well as the
internet, for I am sure many of you can
recall the days of AOL and charging by
the minute and then the hour for internet.
Yep, if it was those days, I would only
be able to keep in touch by USPS hehehe
and a few VERY BRIEF phone calls LOL.
I have been checking up on our landlord
lately. I am concerned about him. His
health is very bad and he might soon end
up in a nursing home. His wife is already
in a nursing home. He had told us that
we can live here as long as we want to.
We have become family as we have lived
here for over 15 years. Back in the olden
days I swore I would never move out of
Texas, but as of December 2007, here I
am, way up here in Maine LOL. Our
first day up here was pure Hell. It was
snowing and while I and her family were
trying to unload the Uhaul, Judy had
a heart attack in the bathroom and that
was like 2 hours after we had gotten there.
So, she was care flighted to Bangor and
I rode with her sister and brother in law
down to Bangor to stay with Judy until
she HOPEFULLY got better. Within a
few days she healed and they released her
and we went home only to find that there
was about 4 foot of snow that had fallen
since she went to the hospital and our car
was buried under a ton of snow. I could
not see where it was so I poked around
with a snow shovel till I found it and dug
it out. The amazing thing was that my old
Mazda cranked right up. The windshield
wiper fluid was frozen solid hehehe. I had
to wait for a day that the sun was shining
and leave the hood up to allow the fluid
to thaw LOL. Anyways, here we are 15
years later finding ways of dealing with the
weather and all. God’s most surely blessed
us and our home, though we know that
problems will still make themselves known.
Thank You God for all that You have done
for us and for all that we’re sure that You
will do. Please watch over our family and
friends as well as the many that we know
not of. Send them blessings to help them
in their lives. Amen and Amen. Now I do
believe it’s time for me to be reading back
over all that I’ve written here to see if I can
find me a good word or phrase that I can
use for a title for today’s brand new poem.
So it’s away I go, to that little place of my
recollection that I like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE. I think I may have stumbled upon
a fairly decent title right near the middle of
all of my rambling and now after checking,
I see that it’s not been used yet, so used
it shall be. Here goes…
Never Move
Make the steps
to better scenes
and don’t only
live in dreams.
Seek to change
your daily stride
by letting Jesus
to come inside.
Find the sights
that better form
lessons from life
to heal the thorn.
Search and find
some better roads
some of blessings
that God bestows.
Don’t just stand
in a horrid groove
saying that you
will never move.
©By Bill Pearce
July 30, 2023
Well, there ya go. I hope that you liked the
poem and maybe even a little of my rambling.
I wasn’t sure what I was gonna write, but then
that’s the way it is most of the time 🙂 Anyways
I can’t think of anything else to tell you other
than what I tell you nearly every week and that
is, I wrote some more poems and haiku. Yep,
10 more poems and 22 more haiku for all the
haiku lovers out there. I hope you can find 1
or 2 of either or both that you like. Now with
that said I reckon it’s time for me to begin my
search for that hardly elusive off switch, but
not before I wish you a truly blessings filled
week. Remember, Jesus loves you and we do
too. Okey dokey, so where can that ornery
off switch be trying to hide this time???????
Hmm, this might take some time. It seems
it has found a good hiding spot this week 🙂
Ok, now the closer that I look I see that my
flashlight to the left of me as been moved a
little bit. It was not quite as close to the edge
of the desk before, but now I see that it is
there with the strap hanging over the edge
with doofus dangling from the strap hahaha.
What, did it not go how you had planned?
LOL Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Focus on Life
Look for the moments
maybe smallest degree
that may be well hidden
in what all that we see.
Don’t allow your focus
to become a closed door
not seeing all the beauty
that times have in store.
Seasoned from decades
of our changes in path
maybe a moment’s time
that’s found in the grass.
There may be reflections
in a pond of memories
sitting right behind us
just like some tiny seas.
Creating the doorways
for good times and strife,
so look for the blessings
as you focus on life.
©By Bill Pearce
July 24, 2023
Just a Twig
Minds of a moment
might only be seen
as that of pathways
to wantings extreme.
Yet in our journeys
we might not find
the twigs of lifetimes
the best of design.
So many perceptions
can formulate views
as life continues on
with our daily news.
Truth of the matter
is that wanting eyes
often look seeking
the largest of size.
But due to blindness
what seems very big
might only be times
that are just a twig.
©By Bill Pearce
July 24, 2023
Sky of White
A sight of scenes
might fly above
in a sky of white
just like a dove.
Birds of emotion
create the views
with sights of life
that time accrues.
Minutes are born
as living details
in a sky of white
with cloudy sails.
Many blessings
as times unfold
become rhythms
of young and old.
Birds correspond
to the scenic sight
and flutter and fly
in a sky of white.
©By Bill Pearce
July 25, 2023
Windows of Views
Seeming as dreams
or a mere illusion
often our windows
are just confusion.
Scented heartbeats
thriving in time
windows of views
live on in the mind.
Opening a doorway
to scenic sights
windows of views
of days and nights.
Textured as scenes
the seconds infuse
creating stages of
windows of views.
©By Bill Pearce
July 25, 2023
Summertime’s Tour
Travels of moments
create and display
times within times
of life’s distant day.
Highways of views
transform the skies
often as a doorway
filled with surprise.
Summertime’s tour
is a journey of style
often as heat waves
moments compile.
Traveling mindsets
of a greater plan
find a perspective
with a cooling fan.
Yet it’s a journey
of moments allure
seeing the scenery
summertime’s tour.
©By Bill Pearce
July 26, 2023
The Night
Moonlight glows
in darkened skies
forming illusions
within our eyes.
Scenes as clouds
become a storm
and then maybe
they’ll transform.
Becoming sights
of scenic scenes
that come to life
as living dreams.
You might surely
notice some stars
and then maybe
Venus and Mars.
Heavens blessings
a God filled phase
His own artwork
of wondrous ways.
The clouds of life
may glow of light
as ages of stages
within the night.
©By Bill Pearce
July 26, 2023
Wading Thoughts
A summer’s breeze
within the days
becomes a window
as a sea of waves.
Scenes of emotion
a pondering view
wading thoughts
to then thereunto.
Hearing heartbeats
as waves roll in
time is a doorway
that can be a friend.
Opening passages
to wade and think
learning the lessons
of how not to sink.
Wade with wonder
but don’t get lost
within a window
of wading thoughts.
©By Bill Pearce
July 27, 2023
Visuals of Heart
Look around you
and see all the views
maybe not right now
but as times infuse.
There may be a lake
or pond of memoirs
as visuals of heart
with dreams in stars.
You might even see
some cloudy designs
high up above you
as shadowy minds.
Time might expose
a scene of degrees
found as a window
of summertime trees.
Becoming a legend
of a time long ago
the visions live on
in a timeless show.
Let your mind drift
into works of art
creating perspective
of visuals of heart.
©By Bill Pearce
July 28, 2023
Random Sights
Seasonal flowers
weeds of design
create a window
of beauty divine.
Random scenes
come into view
sights that ignite
with various hue.
So many colors
of weeds of style
as random sights
give us a smile.
They seem to be
a magical realm
a heart’s array,
God at the helm.
Open your eyes
see what alights
maybe a flower
of random sights.
©By Bill Pearce
July 28, 2023
Emotions of Minds
Seeing the reflections
of times passing by
often gives teardrops
as hello and goodbye.
We might encounter
times in our heart
that are now only
as life’s work of art.
As a passage or page
written within style
of times passing by
that give us a smile.
They might have life
as an old memory
or stage that lives on
in shadows history.
Maybe as a portal
to heartfelt designs
exploding blessings
emotions of minds.
©By Bill Pearce
July 29, 2023
for July 29, 2023
Too many people
allow misery to thrive
and become empty.
Throughout history
we might make many mistakes
that we should learn from.
Years of illusions
can live within memories
and seem very real.
Yesterday’s shadows
can give us many lessons
if we don’t forget.
Threads of emotions
can sew together lifestyles
within their choices.
Doors to tomorrow
open in many places
with some not so good.
Jumping in puddles
can get you and others wet,
so take heed your stride.
As years pass us by
they leave many memories
of happy and sad.
Watching ones walking
can cause you to lose focus
on what steps you make.
The tears of sadness
may look just like happy tears
and not be seen true.
Seeking from others
what’s not meant for you to have
can be dangerous.
Essence of beauty
is not only what we see,
but what that’s within.
Tomorrows of time
can often be depressing
thru expectations.
Sought after lifestyles
that you mistaken for good
can become nightmares.
Leaves of a season
become chapters in our life
as we take pictures.
The deeper our thoughts
the more chances we might see
that we might not win.
Eluding trouble
can often become trouble
that’s headed your way.
Staring down a bull
in a field of emotions
he might attack you.
Within memories
there might be misconception
of times remembered.
Yearning for true love
and being unlovable
you will be alone.
Opening doorways
to things we don’t know about
might not end so well.
Hesitant footsteps
can find you with much regret
as chances pass by.
©By Bill Pearce
July 29, 2023
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂