Hello my friends
I hope you’ve had a good passed week
and the weekend went well for you. We
are experiencing a rather mild winter and
praying that it does not cause us to have
an over abundance of bugs this summer,
but I fear that we will. Oh well, the bug
spray will be used as well as our bug lights.
Right now at 7:30 PM it’s 19 degrees and
that’s rather warm for this time of year.
Tomorrow’s high is supposed to be 34 F,
but Tuesday’s high is supposed to be 45 F
and that my friends is springtime weather
if I have ever seen it 🙂 or least it is for up
here LOL. We in most of the passed years
have had winter on into April and ever so
often into May. So, yes the weather we
are having this winter is lacking on the
cold and snow that we’re used to getting.
Of course it should save us on heating oil,
but we still have to use it to keep us warm.
Anyways, that’s the weather for up here.
I’m starting back to my conga playing and
already done a few music videos, but I’m
going wait until I get a little bit of practice
in before I upload any videos. The ones I
did yesterday were not very good and I am
thinking about deleting them, but might
save them to reflect on to see what needs
to be changed. I haven’t done much conga
playing since last year and even then I did
very little. I’m going to try and do a lot
more this year than I’ve done in the past 🙂
There’s no guaranties or promises though
being they do wear me out LOL. Hey I’m
old and not the young whippersnapper that
I used to be hehehe, but I’ll do the best I
can. Judy is doing well. Her hair’s begun
to fall out gradually, but that’s Ok. It’s
just a side affect to the chemo and she only
has 2 more doses to take. She has a wig to
wear and some chemo hats that she has
been crocheting. I am also ordering her
a few cute wigs to wear that don’t cost too
much money. I try my best to take care
of my Judy 🙂 I know that I’m not that
great of a husband, but I do my very best
to take care of her. Rocky is still being his
little ornery self, but he’s tired now being
that he was up with me every time I had to
go to the restroom or I stood to stretch and
walk around due to my body aching. Yep,
I do not get much sleep and often Rocky
doesn’t get much sleep as well. Thankfully
Judy is a sound sleeper and she rarely even
notices me getting up. Me on the other
hand, I am a very light sleeper and it takes
very little to awaken me thanks to one of
my ex’s LOL. Judy and I are enjoying the
milder winter, being it means I don’t have
to clear the driveway of snow as often as
I had to in previous winters 🙂 Oh yea, our
hot water heater died on us early last week
and I called around to plumbers to ask how
much to get it fixed and the price was WOW,
but thankfully our landlord’s daughter and
her boyfriend came and replaced to heating
elements in the heater and it’s back up and
running. I had called her to only ask where
the water shut off valve was or if I was going
to have to turn off the well, and she said
don’t worry about it, she’ll take care of it.
Our landlord is incapacitated as his health
has continued to drop. We actually only pay
for the land we rent, but he figured that we
had paid for the mobile home since living
here for 16 years, So now I am responsible
for all the repairs, but his daughter I guess
thinks of us as family. When I pay rent I’m
going to give them some money for all that
she and her boyfriend did. At least what I
can afford to give. Life in our fast lane of
life is like a slippery road of ice LOL. You
never know what’s gonna happen, but God
does and I’m thankful for that. He continues
to watch over us as we continue our stride
thru life. Thankfully, He has sent us many
angels and kindly spirits to give help when we
are in need. Troubles are guarantied to come
into our life, but we have help from above
to get us by. Remember, you are never all
alone, for God is always there. Of course
He only does what He knows is needing to
be done and not what we think He needs to
do. Thank You God for never wavering in
Your being. We pray that you watch over
all of our family and friends as well as the
many people that we know not of. Amen.
Now, I think it’s time for me to be reading
back over all that I’ve written here to see if
I can find me a word or a phrase that I can
use for the title for today’s brand new poem.
So, it’s away I go to that little place of my
recollection that I like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE. I think I found me a fairly decent
title near a third of the way from the start
of my rambling and now after checking I
see that it has not been used as of yet, so
used it shall be. Here goes…
Needs To Be Changed
The wants we’re wanting
we may think as needs,
but often it’s our visions
that plants those seeds.
Seeing what another has
and wanting the same
not realizing what all
things might then attain.
For problems may gather
as wants are fulfilled
not being as the needs
your life needs instilled.
Look beyond wantings
and find what is true
the things that you need
to make a better you.
Open up your eyes now
let life be rearranged
finding all the wanting
that needs to be changed.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 25, 2024
There ya go. I hope you liked the poem and
maybe even a little of my rambling. I haven’t
got much else to tell you other than what I tell
you nearly every week, which is, I wrote some
more poems and haiku. Yep, 10 more poems
and 22 more haiku for all the haiku lovers out
there. I hope you can find 1 or 2 of either or
both that you like. Now with that said I think
it’s time for me to begin searching for that silly
hardly elusive off switch, but not before I wish
you a truly blessings filled week. Remember,
Jesus loves you and we do too. Now, where’s
that ornery off switch hiding this time??????
Hmm, LOL hiding amidst my meds would of
been a good hiding place, but I believe you
may have forgotten that just because you are
hiding behind my non aspirin PM, it doesn’t
mean you are behind my Allergy Relief. In fact
you are in front of my Allergy Relief hehehe.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.
P.S A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others. Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Wintertime’s Delights
The memories of days
we remember so well
become a long journey
with stories to tell.
A moment’s perceptions
that seconds unfold
as a stage of attractions
that glitters as gold.
A pathway remembered
as a time and place
sights of our loved ones
our hearts embrace.
Scenes as picture books
with seasonal sights
loved ones within as
wintertime’s delights.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 19, 2024
Trails of Time
So many dirt roads
might display a way
a path to a dream
with words to say.
The words are seen
as a story to read
unveiled with trails
that many stampede.
Found as perspective
of a writer’s rhyme
a journey’s pathway
as trails of time.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 19, 2024
Yesterday’s Gaze
Emotions of memories
create life’s supplies
yesterday’s reflections
hellos and goodbyes.
Moments we remember
as a faraway dream
that’s gazed from afar
like a hypnotic scene.
With an ocean of desire
there may be a sight
seen as the perspective
that so many delight.
Transforming memories
to wonderful ways
remembered times
with a yesterday’s gaze.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 20, 2024
Gleam of Sunshine
A sunny interface
with an eve of night
creates a doorway
with beauty of light.
Scented of a breeze
with magic of breath
transforming scenes
to wondrous finesse.
Textured with clouds
enhancing the view
filled with the colors
that seconds accrue.
Becoming as blessings
seen oh so divine
as heavenly portals
a gleam of sunshine.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 20, 2024
Pictures Become
Lost in a moment
life is displayed
as the pictures
a season has made.
Waters of ripples
beneath the skies
become windows
seen with our eyes.
Hearing the sound
of natures scenes
becomes as a flow
of cosmic streams.
Creating pathways
as natures drum
is what happens
as pictures become.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 21, 2024
Springtime Dream
We might remember
a season of bliss
sights and sounds
as a fragrant kiss.
Life becomes sight
of moments in time
scented of blessings
a season’s design.
Found as doorways
a lifetime’s cuisine
seeming stardust
a springtime dream.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 21, 2024
Echoes of Sight
Reflections memories
bring forth a view
times we remember
that seem so anew.
Moments as shadows
of a distant array
echoes of heartbeats
of a so distant day.
Lifetimes as pictures
we took long ago
providing blessings
with times all aglow.
Glimmering moments
of a sweet memory
found in a picture
of time’s history.
Still with the aroma
of a timeless delight
living with memories
of echoes of sight.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 22, 2024
Waves of Style
Often our emotions
might seem as waves
growing bestowing
an unpleasant phase.
Allowing the ripples
to be filled with hate
can become all ones
find as your trait.
Learn from times
that life went wrong
and become a wave
with a healthy song.
Sung that of beauty
of a harmonic smile
finding the blessings
in the waves of style.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 22, 2024
The Road Ahead
Travels of scenery
that we journey thru
often have pathways
that lead to a view.
Views might be faint
as a wintertime trail
or as scenic windows
with a snowy detail.
Roads we’ve driven
might even become
as a time and place
of a seasonal sun.
It may seem a story
with words of praise
a gift from Heaven
of Godly displays.
Transcending scenes
to become our path
creating blessings
our shadows to cast.
Giving us messages
as yarns of thread
sewing lives together
with the road ahead.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 23, 2024
Becoming Surreal
Looking out windows
when riding along
you might see scenes
that are of a song.
Sung as a snowflake
that joined a few
becoming surreal
as blessings to view.
Thriving as scenery
becomes as a sight
stages God sent us
becomes snow white.
Creating doorways
as an essence of love
forming pictures
as gifts from above.
Scenes grow large
on time’s windowsill
while creating beauty
becoming surreal.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 23, 2024
for Feb 24, 2024
Now’s a perspective
that we might not understand,
but answers will come.
Transferring ideas
to a mind that doesn’t hear
is a waste of time.
Sitting all alone
in a room full of people
might be in your mind.
Tomorrow’s problems
might begin as reflections
from things you ignored.
Chasing a moment
could be like reaching for stars
that cannot be caught.
In search of pages
that you can read peacefully
might be fictional.
Scenic emotions
of a day of illusions
might display hopeful.
Holding onto times
that have passed with the seasons
can hold back your growth.
Looking in mirrors
we might see a perception
that others don’t see.
Hearing things at night
can form delusional fears
not knowing the truth.
When we are in need
a prayer can give you hopeful
with strength to succeed.
Sharing a moment
you can often see yourself
within others eyes.
Traveling life’s doorways
there might be a few windows
to stop and look thru.
Painting with your mind
using memories as paint
you can create time.
Mindsets of worry
can only see the problems,
so lose the worry.
Walking thru snow
you will leave an impression
with each step you take.
A mere breath of air
can bring life into a heart
and create blessings.
Glancing at darkness
you might think you see moments
that are only leaves.
In search of progress
many only see failure
if they’re closed minded.
Sleeping with anger
creates nightmares by morning,
so peace before sleep.
Treading life’s water
needs us to know how to swim
or we’ll drown in time.
Reading between lines
you might get the wrong story,
so take care your mind.
©By Bill Pearce
Feb 24, 2024
Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions, you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill