Hello my friends
It seems that summer wasn’t quite through with
us being that we’ve had a number of 80 F degree
days this passed week and it looks like we might
get a few more this week before moving back to
the 70 F degree range and below. Our nights
have been in the 60’s, but even that should get
back to normal by the end of the week. It did
the same thing last year or at least I think it did
as my memory sort of recalls LOL. I’m not sure
beyond that. This winter is supposed to be a
bad one, but we shall see. What some call bad,
I call pretty, but on the worse days, tolerable.
I would be dying if I were in Texas. My body
can’t handle the heat. I am very hot natured.
Yes, I do get cold, but not quite as often as
Judy does. I most times have to sleep on top
of the covers. Anyways, onwards with the
journal. Benny and Rocky are getting along
great. Rocky has finally caught on to the fact
that he is to do his pottying outside, but he
still often gets into our clothes and chews on
things. The lady gave us a random birthday
and both Judy and I know for a fact that he is
not no 3 years old LOL. More like 9 months
to a year or so. So we have made his birthday
the same day that we picked him up from the
airport which was Benny’s birthday which is
July 16, 2011, but made Rocky’s birthday
date more like 2014 hehehe. So we will be
celebrating their birthdays together. Milo’s
birthday was Oct 31, 2004 (a Halloween pup).
Rocky still has his baby teeth and is always
chewing on something and that includes my
fingers at times hehehe. He’ll grow out of it,
maybe hehehe. Benny still loves to play and
chew on my fingers which does get him a
scolding from time to time. Yes, we scold
Rocky too about it. So far Rocky’s chewing
doesn’t hurt, but Benny has all of his teeth.
They are growing to be closer as each day
comes to pass. Seeing them playing chase
through the house makes us smile. Rocky
will even go outside to potty without me
having to literally carry him outside and
put him at the bottom of the steps. That’s
a blessing, being that was getting old LOL.
We’ve got our portable AC running in here
in the PC room. That thing was one of the
best things I ever bought aside from our
radiator heaters for winter 🙂 Right now
it’s 84 F degrees at 2:30 PM. Yeppers it’s
a tad warm for up here, but it will pass in
time. Next topic. The camera I ordered
was supposed to be here last Friday, but
it’s been rescheduled for Monday July
17th so I should get it tomorrow. It’s the
same make and model of the camera I
have now, but hopefully in better shape 🙂
They said it was in very good condition,
so if not, I’ll return it, but I think it will
be as noted. Their sales record is very
good with 5 stars. I’m getting tired of
having to keep retaping my camera so
it will hold together hehehe. I might in
the future figure out a way to fix it, but
it would be nice to have the new old one
so I don’t have to mess with it. It takes a
long time to retrieve pictures through a
USB cable directly from the camera and
that’s how I am having to do it now. I’ll
keep it for a back up, but I’m fairly sure
that the tape will not hold in our subzero
temperatures hehehe. OK, so what else
is their to ramble about. Oh yea, Judy’s
brother Ricky is having his leg below his
knee amputated Monday. Judy is driving
down to be with him and stay and come
back Tuesday. She has already got her
a motel room booked to stay in that is
near the hospital. Lewiston is a 4 hour
drive south of us. Please keep Judy in
your prayers as she makes the journey.
I’ll have to stay here and take care of
the boys. Last week when she went she
called when she got there and when she
was headed home so I would know she
was OK. I understand more and more
as time goes by why my mom and dad
always had me call when I got to where
I was going and then when I was headed
back home. The unforeseen things will
happen that we’re not prepared for at
times and it’s good to know that after
a bit, someone will be looking for you
if you do not call or don’t show up at
the time you should be arriving. I’ve
learned many lessons as I’ve gotten
older. Some of them were through my
stubbornness. Yes I still find myself in
stubborn ville, but not as often as I was
visiting it in my youth. We all have our
moments of stubbornness that we want
what we want and want it now. It might
not display in a great scale in your life,
but there are still places, times or things
that we wish would hurry up and get here.
Life has a funny way of not handing out
all that we want and no not in a funny
HaHa sense, but yet in a not so HaHa
sense. Life is a mystery no matter how
much you think you know. The skies
will often rain even if the weatherman
says it’s not in the forecast. Yep, rain
clouds have a way of just showing up at
their own discretion. We will often get
snow when it’s nowhere in the forecast.
That’s why it’s always best for us to be
prepared. I know we can’t prepare for
everything, but we can prepare for most.
Firstly, prepare your soul for Heaven,
by taking Jesus as your Savior and not
losing yourself in the sins of life. Yes,
we all sin on a day to day basis, but
having Jesus as your Lord and Savior
gives way for forgiveness. To be human
is to be a sinner. It’s in our blood, but
we can let God work through us to try
and change our lives as best that we
can. I have tons of backwash in my
life that I have given to God. I know I
cannot go back and change it, so I give
it to Christ to forgive me. Let God show
you a brand new life through His Son
Jesus Christ. Learn to let things go if
you see that you’re just hanging on to
baggage. I’ve had some laughable stuff
to find its way into my life and that’s the
part that I hang onto as memories that
I use to cheer myself up when I’m sad.
The harder times I remember so as to
remind myself that things can always
get worse, but I will be OK, because
I have Jesus in my life. I stared death
in the eyes and survived a number of
times and that just strengthened my
faith in Jesus. Our lives are numbered
as many come and go at their own time
of which we might think too early. But
the fact is, it’s always the right timing
for God knows what’s best. Learn how
to live today and not stay in depression
for what we cannot change. Learn from
the past and find the joy in the future.
Now I believe it’s time for me to begin
my little quest back through all that I’ve
written to see if I can find a good word
or phrase that I can use for the title of
today’s brand new poem. So, it’s away
I go to that little place of my recollection
that I always like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE. I think I found a decent title
near the middle of my rambling and now
after checking I see that I have not used
it yet, so AWAY WE GO.
It Will Hold Together
Lives of destruction
with a definite face
can hold together
through Jesus Christ Grace.
Sometimes a turnstile
that we had mistaken
finds us with problems
of futures partaken.
You can find blessings then
from God forever
and your life structured
it will hold together.
Taped up with passion
and love oh so fine
it will hold together
through Jesus Divine.
Our seasons troubles
might seem to explode
and then return with
times down the road.
Yet with God’s mercy
your heart will show true.
It will hold together
with Jesus Christ glue.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 16, 2015
There ya go hehehe. I hope that was good
enough for ya. I hope my rambling didn’t
put you to sleep. So, what else do I need to
tell ya? Once again, please keep Judy in
your prayers and definitely keep Ricky in
your prayers. Judy’s brother is facing his
amputation tomorrow (Monday) and we
are not sure about his faith in God. He’s
a good man, but we are not sure if God
is a part of his life. Please pray that his
eyes are opened and the surgery goes well.
OK, so what else is there to tell ya? Hmm,
it looks like I have run out of my thoughts
and so it is time for me to be telling you
what I tell you almost every week and that
is, I wrote some more poems and haiku.
Yep, 10 more poems with 1 of them being
sort of Christmassy. Also I once again
wrote 22 haiku for all of the haiku lovers
out there. I hope you can find 1 or 2 of
either or both that you like. Now, I do
believe it’s time for me to be searching
for that not so elusive off switch, but
not before I wish you a most wonderful
weekend and a blessings filled week.
OK, where the dickens are ya you lil
whippersnapper? I see ya hiding over
there in front of the Air conditioner 🙂
I guess hiding wasn’t as important as
staying cool today huh hehehehehehe.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
Waves Of Thoughts
Beneath the oceans
waves of thoughts
life is flowing
twist and toss.
Scenes are changing
time begins
waves of thoughts
with raging winds.
A ship found sailing
there and to
might be homebound
ocean blue.
Waves of thoughts
are found begun
beneath the starlight
and the sun.
Each scene blessed with
sights to see
waves of thoughts
with history.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 15, 2015
Troubles Come
Life goes on
as times consume
things we think of
then and soon.
Troubles come
and doors are found
leaving footsteps
on the ground.
Lessons come from
troubled times
learning from the
bad designs.
Many times
we’ve no control
troubles come
to take their toll.
God gives blessings
time agin.
Troubles come
from mortal sin.
So many doorways
open wide,
troubles come
to take a ride.
Use those moments
strengthen your mind
when troubles come
the blessings you’ll find.
After the troubles
you might see
all of the lessons
in history.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 15, 2015
Within A Storm
Lightning streaking
across the sky
gives out volume
thunders cry.
Sounds found roaring
loud to hear
within a storm
it will appear.
Captured seconds
the lightning is
something to see.
Thunder roaring
loud with gain
gives a bellow
to attain.
Within a storm
is hopes design
found with raindrops
time to time.
The clouds of white
might turn real dark
and then appear
to growl and bark.
Within a storm
time might display
a distant rainbow’s
wondrous way.
The clouds might leave
to later form
lighting and thunder
within a storm.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 15, 2015
Winter’s Dream
Summertime’s painting
is left with a gaze
filled with the brushstrokes
of many displays.
Painted with colors
of blue skies and more
seeking for winter’s
dream to adore.
Winter’s perception
is that of snow white
often with colors
of Christmas delight.
Time becomes countless
with minutes to spare
bringing in winter’s
on special flair.
Christmastimes beauty
within winter’s dream
becomes an echo
of red, blue and green.
Those Christmas colors
that are found in the night
as winter’s dream
of a wonderful sight.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 15, 2015
His Love Is The Greatest
No matter our structure,
no matter our mind
God loves us greatest
through all of mankind.
He sent us His Son
to show us the way
and help us when weakened
with our day to day.
His love is the greatest,
for He truly cares
as He gives us hopeful
through all of our prayers.
No matter our color,
no matter our voice,
Lord God still loves us
with every bad choice.
His love is the greatest
for Jesus bestows
His strength to guide us
through our highs and lows.
Don’t let a moment
to steal away your heart
for this too shall pass on
as time frames depart.
His love is the greatest
and always shall be
there through Lord Jesus
to give love for free.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 15, 2015
Lost One Of Heartaches
When in a whirlwind
you might not see
all that’s around you
and given for free.
Life could be awesome
if only you’d find
peace within Jesus
and your own design.
Often our troubles
are out of our hand
so we need Jesus
to help us withstand.
A lost one of heartaches
might only find Hell
left within turnstiles
of times not so well.
Don’t let your problems
to drive you insane.
Let God to guide you
through better to gain.
A lost one of heartaches
can learn how to fly
as they’re with Lord God
in Heaven on High.
He’ll take those problems
and show how so true
a lost one of heartaches
can be made anew.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 15, 2015
The Scent Of Winter
With autumns windows
comes colors divine
found as the makeup of
flavors to dine.
Tasty looking morsels
of colors so sweet
display their banquet
for snow to defeat.
The scent of winter
then comes rushing through
with the aroma of
white snow so true.
The feast is enlightened
for wintertime’s days
scented with blessings
in so many ways.
The snowflakes start falling
and painting the sky
with every morsel
just learning to fly.
The scent of winter
is brought forth from fall
as autumns colors
are not seen at all.
The white snow envelops
the colors before
as the scent of winter
is there to adore.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 15, 2015
The Moon’s Big Smile
Some people say
that the man in the moon
lives there so brilliant
for true love to swoon.
Some people say
that the moons big smile
can bring us passion
in just but a while.
Some people say
that the guy that they see
is a moon man of time
with smiles given free.
Some people say
that big thing that glows
can then when it’s looked at
end all our woes.
I think the moon
holds many mysteries
as it will cause
the swelling of seas.
I think the moon
is much more than just round.
It gives reflections
right here on the ground.
I think the moon
is much more to compile
than just a segment of
the moon’s big smile.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 15, 2015
Breezes Of Summer
Deepness of summer
is found sort of warm
with breezes blowing
to give us its charm.
Breezes of summer
are found in the sky
as fluffy clouds come
passing us by.
Summer’s on moments
will come and then go
leaving for autumn
and winters white snow.
Time becomes pathways
driven to be
breezes of summer
and so much to see.
Sometimes a rain cloud
will leave its trail
breezes of summer
then are set sail.
Found in the echoes
of time come before
breezes of summer
display so much more.
Heartbeats of sunshine
with many a plan
breezes of summer
to seek for a tan.
Summer shows portholes
of time moving on
breezes found blowing
to find a new dawn.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 15, 2015
Desert Realms
A dusty trail
of thoughts galore
is desert realms
of times before.
Lost with footsteps
counted true
are desert realms
with hope so few.
Too much baggage
can revert
to the realms
of trails desert.
Find the answers
and then learn
to leave the desert
to discern.
Lessons thrive
in desert realms
when you let God
take the helms.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 15, 2015
for Aug 15, 2015
A glancing moment
might display the wrong viewpoint
for others to see.
Knowing ones lifestyle
might not prove that you know them,
for reasons evade.
A cameras view
does not always catch it all,
for our eyes see more.
Tree leaves of summer
sing their songs with the breezes
as sweet melodies.
Searching for some peace
might be better found within
as you kneel in prayer.
Life has many paths
with turnstiles to enter in
or to walk away.
Beneath a large tree
there might be a smaller tree
needing some sunlight.
The moonlight of night
brings forth many sights to see
with the stars above.
Life can seem hurried,
but often it’s our actions
that need slowing down.
Appointments in time
might need to be rescheduled
due to importance.
Following a bird
in its flight through the night skies
might need some talent.
Sometimes our windows
might need a little cleaning
so we can see clear.
A persons heartbeat
might be hidden from others
and no one know it.
Signs of a liar
are displayed in their actions
that are not normal.
Halfhearted people
will often become disease
that infects you too.
Looking for starlight
finds many staring upwards
searching through the skies.
Life has a doorway
that needs to be opened up
to allow true love.
The needs of others
might seem very tedious,
but to them they’re great.
Life in the fast lane
could cause you to crash your mind
and end in despair.
Someone’s deception
might end up as crying wolf
and no one to come.
As summer finds end
it leaves a trail of sunshine
to lead to autumn.
Painting with photos
needs one to look all around
and see the unseen.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 15, 2015
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
{Moonlight and Owls by Judy Pearce}
and her newest
{Hello My Name Is Benny}
They can also be found at Amazon
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂