Hello my friends
So, how have ya been? Judy and I have
been doing fairly well. It’s rained off and
on throughout the past week, but we were
able to take a bike ride in the field after it
dried up a bit. Monday, Judy went to her
daughter’s house for her to cut her hair.
Mandy did a real nice job on Judy’s hair.
While she was there, I went outside and
did a few selfies of me with our lighthouse
and then I did a little conga video. A little
later I took the boys out in the field for a
little run or in my case walk LOL. They
always have fun running and playing in
the field. They will always run a bit and
then look back to see if I am behind them
and they’ll wait for me to catch up. So,
OK, Benny doesn’t always, but Rocky
does LOL. When Judy got home, we
all went to Walmart to do a lil shopping.
It was fairly cool, in the 60’s. The boys
always love to go for a car ride. Next
topic. Judy has found that she’s pretty
good at painting. She has been busy
making pictures. She had one sheet of
painters paper left to be painted on and
so I gave it a shot. LOL I suck. It’s
not my cup of tea. I can do ceramics,
but that’s it. I guess my gifts are poetry,
music/drums, and photography LOL.
Judy went yesterday evening (Saturday)
for another craft night and they all did
paintings. Each one of them including
Judy have been practicing for a week
or so to get ready for that night hehehe.
They all did really well. Judy’s hung
hers up in here beside her computer.
I told her to do what she wants with my
piece of painted garbage LOL. I have
seen pictures 4 year olds have painted
that looked better than mine. My dad,
was a real good artist. We have one of
his paintings hanging in our living room.
We’ve got many of my ceramics placed
throughout the house. But yet again,
painting does not seem to be my forte.
I told Judy when she gets more paper,
I might give it a few more goes, but
if after four or five they don’t get any
better, I’m giving it up LOL. No sense
wasting paper and paint, oh and yes
my time 🙂 Two of Judy’s cousins came
up for a few days and they were also
there for paint night and yes they too
made my UGH painting look like a
child’s finger painting hehehe. Judy
has gone over to her sister Trudy’s
house now to visit. Her cousins are
going to be there. It’s not too warm
today. Our high for today is 78 F
degrees, but tomorrow, the high is
supposed to be 69 F 🙂 We have yet to
of seen but maybe one day nearing the
90 F degree mark all summer long 🙂
Tomorrow it’s supposed to rain with
a 100% chance. It looks like a wall
of rain clouds are headed our way
and according to my weather satellite
and radar, the rains will commence at
around 5 AM Monday morning. So
it looks like we won’t be riding in the
field for a couple of days until it dries
out a bit. No more rain in the forecast
except for Friday which we might get
a few showers. That all can change,
as I’m sure you know LOL. Another
word for forecast is predicting LOL.
One thing among many things that
I love about being up here is I don’t
miss those Texas summers and the
fact that I love snow. LOL although
most of the Mainers think I’m nuts
to love snow. OK not all of them, but
many of them. There are a few that
love the snow also. Of course it’s the
after affects of the snow that I don’t
like, and that is the slush and the ice
that follows. I have lost count of how
many times I have slipped and fallen
on our steps. You can’t always see
the ice. I have some cleats that I put
on the soles of my tennis shoes, but
I don’t always know when I need
them LOL. Benny and Rocky love
the snow and I bet they’ll do as they
always do, go running and rolling
around in it on the first day of snow.
Until then, they are enjoying each
other as they frolic in the field as
Judy and I watch and take pictures
and videos. It’s gorgeous outside
right now, but the boys don’t want
to go outside. They’re both lying in
the living room waiting for Judy to
get home. I might take them out
in the field in a little while after I’ve
finished with this, but no promises.
My feet are hurting bad and my leg
is sort of banged up after the arm
of my computer chair breaking and
me toppling to the floor as the back
of the chair gave way. I landed on
my left leg. I have since repaired
the chair, but I’ll take little bit
more healing time HaHaHa. I had
a few extra chair arms in the spare
room and so, I just took off the
broken with pieces and put on the
new one. I’m back in business 🙂
The other night I leaned back in my
chair and I heard a loud pop, but
I didn’t know what it was. I soon
found out what it was LOL. Judy
should be home before too awful late.
OK, so when her and her sisters get
together, there’s no telling what time
she’ll come home. No matter, me
and the boys will be OK. We always.
are 🙂 It never got up to 78 F today.
76 F was as high as it got and now
it’s 73 F. It’s cooling down LOL.
The boys just ran in here and ran
back out. They’re playing chase or
tag in many cases. They do that
often. God has most surely filled
our home with His Love. We do
often run into problems, but with
His strength and many blessings
we are able to endure and find
answers. The answers might not
be what we would like, but they
seem to always be the best for us.
Anyways, I reckon it’s time for
me to be taking my little journey
back through all that I’ve written
here to see if I can find a good
word or phrase that I can use for
the title for today’s brand new
poem. So it’s away I go to that
lil place of my recollection that I
always like to call RECOLLECT
VILLE. I believe I found a nice
title about a 3rd of the way back
in my rambling. So now to see
if I can do anything with it LOL.
Here goes…….
A Little While
A view of you
which many see
might become
the bitter key.
A little while
that passes by
might discern
the reason why.
The key, the note
of which they hear
might be found
in yesteryear.
A little while
that time portrays
might be views
mistaken ways.
So as minutes
gather on
the thoughts you had
might all be wrong.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 21, 2016
There ya go. I hope you understood the
poem and my rambling didn’t bore you
too much 🙂 I’m sure you’re wondering
how it is I can write so much poetry 🙂
Well, most of it is either about my past,
my present or my future and some of it
is my imagination and dreams. It seems
I never run dry of thoughts. It’s God’s
gift to me, which at times can become
a curse, being my brain never seems to
want to shut down and let me to rest 🙂
I’m always thinking as poetry thrives
inside of me as what at times seems as
just a weed. But yet the weed is not of
the plain sort, but a Dandelion or a
Sunflower that blossoms with many
seeds to spread and prosper its own
existence as poetry of life. LOL Oops,
sorry. I drifted off a bit there. Benny
and Rocky just came in here begging
me for treats, so I gave them some
Bark’n Bacon hehehe. That pacified
them for a bit, I HOPE. LOL wrong,
Rocky just ran in here and gave me that
look, like, he’s gotta go POTTY, and
so both of the boys are ouside LOL. I am
so glad he has learned to tell me when
he needs to go potty. Benny will most
times just hold it until Rocky’s gotta
go, but there’s been a few times that
Benny has been the one raising cane
saying, gotta go. They’re good boys.
I am so proud of them. When ever
we have to leave them at home in
their crates all we have to do now is
say, sorry, get in your crates and
both of them walk over and get in
their crates and sit down and wait
for either Judy or I to shut their
doors. LOL Rocky has in a way
figured out how to shut his own
door, but hasn’t figured out how to
latch it. That could be a good thing
ya know LOL. We love them just
like our children and would not
want them to be in a hot car. We
have fans in the living room and
one fan aimed right inside their
doggy cages so they stay cool 🙂
So I reckon I need put the brakes
on my rambling and tell you what
I tell you almost every week and
that is I wrote some more poems
and haiku. Yeppers, 10 more
poems and one of them is sort of
Christmassy. I also wrote 22 more
haiku for all of the haiku lovers
out there. Although I accidentally
wrote 1 extra haiku so that makes
it 23 haiku. I hope you can find 1
or 2 of either or both that you like.
Now I believe it’s time for me to
begin my search for that hardly
elusive off switch, but not before
I wish you all a most wonderful
weekend and a truly blessed week.
Remember, Jesus loves you and
we do too. Now, where is that
ornery off switch trying to hide
this week? Oh my word hehehe,
Now that is hilarious. It’s taking
a ride on the curtains hanging on
like a cowboy as the wind blows
them all around. LOL you’re silly.
Gotcha, see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzz.
God bless from Bill, Judy, Benny, Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce
P.S A link to Judy’s new book as at
the end of the journal along with the
others. Enjoy 🙂
P.S. again. I put a few of the pictures
that Judy did in the stationery and I of
course put the piece of garbage I painted
in it also LOL. Mine is the one with the
green field with trees and Dandilions
with the sky and clouds :), or so it is
supposed to be 🙂 HaHaHa I figured I’d
give all you that can see the stationery
a laugh at my efforts at painting hehehe.
Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22+1 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂
A Field Of Green
Scenes with colors
green and blue
fill the distant
things I view.
A field of green
with yellow hint
paints the scenes
so Heaven sent.
A sky of blue
is also seen
above the field
a flavored dream.
Clouds of white
float overhead
in skies like water
a riverbed.
Time moves forward
with great designs
a field of green
that life refines.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 18, 2016
The Age Of Man
As the passing
of a day
the age of man
is on display.
Things we thought
we new so true,
the age of man
gave different view.
As some pages
turning fast
now becomes
our distant past.
The age of man
becomes a sight,
some thought wrong
some thought right.
Time relinquishes
what that’s true,
what that’s me
and what that’s you.
Life is ticking
minutes found
as our lives
go round and round.
What we’re seeing
is God’s plan
to fulfill
the age of man.
Lessons learned
from times mistakes,
the age of man
finds life’s Earthquakes.
Some as rumbles
timeless scenes,
the age of man
nightmares and dreams.
So the echoes
time portrays
might just help
some better days.
Remembered pages
books of time,
the age of man
might fall in line.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 19, 2016
A Winter’s Thought
Summer brings moments
a bright burning ember
time with some snowflakes
found in December.
With a winter’s thought
that’s counted and named
Christmastime comes
so fervently framed.
Ages of heartbeats
find ways to thrive
in a winter’s thought
with dreams to arrive.
The flavors of moments
so tasty delight
become as the echoes
that soon come in sight.
A winter’s thought
brings forth many things,
blessings uncountable
as angels sing.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 20, 2016
A Distant Place
Those times I remember,
those times I recall
are now just an echo
of pictures on the wall.
Those minutes and hours
are counted in space
of a voyage I remember
to a distant place.
Miles were as pages
to a book across land
within a distant place
of an ocean and sand.
Footprints of so many
in this place faraway
are now just an echo
of that so distant day.
Voices were as Heaven
with a soulful enlace,
a time I remember
of a distant place.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 20, 2016
With A Smile
Just a fraction
of a while
can be brightened
with a smile.
Even when you
are so sad,
someone’s smile
can make you glad.
Don’t let time
to wear you down
and plant a seed
for lifetimes frown.
Look beyond all
that you see
and with a smile
change history.
Seek the blessings
moments while,
make it better
with a smile.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 20, 2016
Moving Along
Roads we’ve traveled
dusk to dawn,
then it’s there
and now it’s gone.
Mornings flavors
come to be,
here and there
each day to see.
Moving along
time goes by,
as ones wonder
where and why.
Within a window
clear and blue,
you might see
a distant view.
Times so happy
traveled on,
like a train track
oh so long.
Tracks are displayed
far and wide,
trails of many
Moving along
a distant breeze,
rustles madly
in the trees.
Hearts can find
a wondrous song
just moving along.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 20, 2016
No Tears
A sea of sadness
can be dried
with some love
that’s prayer applied.
Troubles stitches
might come loose
with ones sought
a hangman’s noose.
Yet with passion
you and I
there’s no tears
that cannot dry.
Not just giving
empty wells
for the sadness
time compels,
But with truthful
love and prayer,
no saddened tears
will fill the air.
Yes of course
a smile or two
might have tears
within their view,
but those tears
will magnify
life and love
as time goes by.
Again some sadness
might appear
to a person
loved so dear.
Ones you know not
what to do,
for even then
you cannot view.
In those times
Lord God will send
the rightful one
to enter in.
You might see
a horrid place
with ones found
a frowning face
Yet those times
of distant years
might one day
be found no tears.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 20, 2016
Ripples And The Waves
Some vessels way out in the sea
will bounce with waves of time,
ripples seen as waves recoil
to paint the oceans rhyme.
Vintage sails will catch the wind
to carry on the view
as the waves will rock the skip
within the ocean blue.
Ripples seen as waves go by
and leave a little trail,
such as time within a play
that sailors do entail.
Ripples and waves join together
creating scenes of wonder
as the captains of the ships
sail far out over yonder.
For beyond the times horizon
the ships sail on for days
while the captains guide the course
through ripples and the waves.
By Bill Pearce
Aug 20, 2016
Night So Starry
While looking up
at darkened skies,
the night so starry
gives replies.
Words as twinkles,
moonlight too,
the darkened skies
are there to view.
Scenes so special
in the night,
starry pictures
come in sight.
Time then beckons
many thoughts
the night so starry
far across.
Then an echo
of a sound
the night so starry
does astound.
Yet the darkness
gives a gaze,
starry scenes
of many ways.
Fearful moments
come to mind,
night so starry
time to time.
Yet that fear
might soon be gone
starry skies
of dusk to dawn.
for its frame
that with fear
you did attain.
In a way
it says it’s sorry
with its twinkles
night so starry.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 20, 2016
Within The Words
Actions with actions
connecting scenes
time in a bubble
might flow like streams.
Within the words
of actions made
a time might be
just lemonade.
Struggles countered
at a glance
might just be ones
song and dance.
For the minutes
rushing by
within the words
are how they fly.
So the doorways
you perceive
might be time
to look and leave.
Within the words
of actions found
you might need be
homeward bound.
Walking passed
a flock of birds
hearing truth
within the words.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 20, 2016
for Aug 20, 2016
A star flying by
might be one to wish upon,
or a UFO.
Times that we’ve delayed
might show opportunities
that also flew by.
Night displays journeys
of the stars up above us
and patterns they chose.
Such as a flower
our lives are waiting to bloom
and show our colors.
Beyond the seasons
holds a place filled with changes
that our eyes perceive.
Without a heartbeat
our lives cannot continue
so take heed your heart.
Tomorrows lifestyle
might not be today’s format,
so don’t judge too quick.
Lessons of changes
might come with some depression,
but time moves along.
Bringing in nighttime
awakens the many stars
joined by the moonlight.
A gentle river
can become a massive flood
with too much water.
Scenarios shine
as a flashlight on your life
and some are burned out.
A flashing second
could be a time for a change
or a warning sign.
The wings of a bird
ride the winds like an ocean
to seas near and far.
A path in the woods
could be a good thing or bad,
so hiker beware.
Lightning in the sky
tells a story of thunder
and how it’s displayed.
Worry brings illness
and illness will bring worry,
so find peace in prayer.
A shattered heartbeat
will allow hatred within,
so take care of it.
Scenes of a doorway
will open and close with time,
so ready your mind.
Beyond the cosmos
holds a mystery of life
that we do not know.
Guessing about life
is a lost competition
that only God knows.
New discoveries
are found within our planet
that prove we don’t know.
A tomorrows voyage
needs some planning in today
to make it better.
Spur of the moment
can be a good decision
or a real bad one.
©By Bill Pearce
Aug 20, 2016
Judy’s newest books (Pearlescent)
and (Just Get Up And dance) can be
found here which has all of her books.
Take a look sometime.
My wife Judy’s Poetry other books 🙂
{Moonlight and Owls by Judy Pearce}
and her newest
{Hello My Name Is Benny}
They can also be found at Amazon
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂