Breezes to Blow


Hello my friends

I hope you’ve had a great weekend and
no disasters have come your way,  but if
they have I hope you’ve survived without
too many problems 🙂  Our weather’s still
not too bad.  The mid to upper 60’s for
this week with a few days in the lower 60’s.
Yep,  not too bad.  Judy and I drove to
the graveyard where her mom and dad are
buried and we put some plaques down on
Memorial Day.  Judy got a picture of me
using her cell phone as I was down on the
ground setting up the plaques in front of
the graves 🙂  I took a few pictures of her
standing next to her mom and dad’s grave.
Wednesday I took our battery operated
push mower and mowed a path out in the
field,  for us to walk on when we take the
boys out for field trips 🙂  Saturday I did
a bit more mowing out there and then I
mowed around our house a bit until my
old body almost collapsed.  I had to sit
down and rest often,  because my back
and legs were giving out.  My body is not
in it’s youth anymore and thanks to those
darned health issues it’s slowing me down
faster and faster LOL.  Last Thursday
Judy had a colonoscopy and she’s in a
little bit of pain,  but it’s subsiding.  We
went today (Sunday) at 11 AM to get
our car inspected.  It’s good for another
year.  Yes,  VIP does car inspections on
Sunday LOL.  After we got the car done,
we went to Walmart to pick up some of
Judy’s prescriptions and we bought a few
groceries.  We figured we’re going back
to town again sometime this week to pay
our electric bill and stop at our landlord’s
house and give him the rent check.  So we
only bought a few things.  I tell ya what,
the more I hear of the temperatures down
south and all,  the more I do not miss it.
LOL I have enough trouble dealing with
60 and 70 degree weather.  Forget about
the 80 and 90 degrees or even worse the
100 degree temps.  No thank you Hahaha.
Right now at 3:30 PM it’s 65 degrees and
I’m loving it.  Not too warm and not too
cold.  We’ve got the windows opened and
letting the cool breezes to blow through
the house.  Judy opened the windows on
our porch.  We’ll be spending a lot of time
out there with our lap tops watching the
days pass us by.  We love to sit out there
when it’s raining.  It’s such a heavenly
feeling.  Though we’ve gotta clean off the
table a bit before we can sit out there,
but it’ll get done.  Oh yea,  we’ve got new
neighbors.  An older couple is moving in
behind us and their son of which is more
our age is moving in another of the homes.
They’ve got a lot of work to do before they
can move in,  but they’ve been after it all
day today and yesterday.  The wife of the
older couple told us her name is Claudia,
but she told us we can call her Judy being
that’s her middle name it might be easier
for us to remember hehehe.  It’s amazing
that I remembered her first name hehehe.
She came and introduced herself yesterday.
She said they have a little dog too and it’s
smaller than Benny and Rocky.  So the
boys might be meeting it soon.   She didn’t
say whether it was male or female,  but it
don’t matter.  The boys are fixed or if they
could talk they would say,  we ain’t fixed,
we’re broken LOL.  Here’s a bit of humor.
We have a ghost in our house and there
are times that it seems that he or she loves
to mess with us.  There was a time a while
back that one would ring our doorbell to
get our attention.  I even removed the
doorbell button and it still rang it so then
I completely unplugged it from the wall.
No sooner than I did that it began knocking
at our back door LOL.  Anyways,  we’ve
had a few weird epidemics,  but none have
seemed evil,  just playful hehehe.  The other
day it seemed an either female or male was
in a funny mood and unplugged Judy’s
Keurig coffee pot and mind you,  you’ve
gotta pull hard to do that.  LOL then just
yesterday Judy filled it full of water and
put the lid on it,  but when she came back
to fix her a cup of coffee saw that the lid
was missing.  She looked all over,  but then
looked behind the coffee maker and there
it was,  just like it was set back there LOL.
Yep,  we have a humorous ghost.  We don’t
mind.  The way I look at it,  Heaven is where
you are happiest and if he or she is happy
hanging around with us,  then that’s fine with
us.  We’re sure that God is always watching
over us and we have many angels looking
after us which might be one of them that
is just making themselves known 🙂  Thank
You God for all that You have done for us
and all that You will do.  Now,  I believe it’s
time for me to be reading back on all that
I’ve written here to see if I can find a good
word or phrase that I can use for the title
for today’s brand new poem.  So,  it’s away
I go to that place of my recollection that
I always like to call RECOLLECT VILLE.
It looks as though I may have found me a
good title just about midways in my rambling
and now after checking,  I see that it hasn’t
been used as of yet,  so used it shall me today.
Here goes…

Breezes to Blow

Life is a story
a written cuisine
breezes to blow
creating a dream.
Some may begin
as only hot air
found as a time
a mere nightmare.
Yet within seconds
a change is made
turning our lemons
into lemonade.
Breezes to blow
of a singular day
might become more
as many will pray.
God and His glory
outshines the views
of a dynamite time
with a short fuse.
Seasons of grandeur
can fall in place
breezes to glow
with saving grace.
Answers will come
as minutes will flow
God with His will
and breezes to blow.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 2,  2019

There ya go.  I hope you liked the poem.
I also hope that you enjoyed my rambling
and I didn’t bore ya to death hehehehehe.
Yes,  I know, I can get silly at times,  but
silliness is often needed to lighten the load.
It’s looking as though we might get a few
showers tonight,  but that’s OK.  we love
the smell and sound of rain.  I especially
love it when there is lightning and thunder.
I know many of you are scared of it,  but
it helps me to relax.  Of course our boys
don’t care much for it.  Benny and Rocky
get all nervous when it starts thundering.
So,  that’s about all I have for ya.  We
live such an exciting life Hahahahahaha.
I guess it’s time for me to be telling you
what I tell you every week and that is,
I wrote some more poems and haiku 🙂
Yep,  10 more poems with 1 of them a
bit Christmassy.  I also wrote 22 more
haiku for all the haiku lovers out there.
I hope you can find 1 or 2 of either or
both that you like.  Now,  I believe it is
time for me to begin my search for that
hardly elusive off switch,  but not before
I wish you a truly blessings filled week.
Remember,  Jesus loves you and we do
too.  Now,  where can that ornery off
switch be hiding or trying to hide this
time LOL????  You really need to find
some new hiding spots.  It’s like you’re
not even trying to hide LOL.  Peeking
out from behind my glasses case isn’t one
of your best displays of hiding hehehehe.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Benny,  Rocky
and the spirit of Milo Pearce

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6,
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
10 and 22 hehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Assuming Hills

Wind turbines turn
as a mind rolls on
as noon meets evening
and night meets dawn.
Assuming perception
that moments display
can make a time frame
to seem a bit gray.
Losing your views in
a small point in time
can create turmoil
that a mind can find.
Look beyond vision
and learn to perceive
a time frame of scenes
that life can conceive.
Bring it into frame
as a place to bestow
as the assuming hills
with momentous flow.
Listen to them sing
as winds pass through
maybe in your mind
of a time in your view.
Let all the sadness
of a time to fall away
and then let the hills to
become a better day.
Wind turbines of pain
can be all that you see
if you only remember
the sad of history.
Find you a smile now
and let it to grow
becoming as rhythms
of waters to flow.
Find what a time
most surely fulfills
becoming as blessings
in assuming hills.

©By Bill Pearce
May 27,  2019

Eve of Winter

Looking fastly
scenes fade away
time becomes as
an eve of day.
Winter’s lifestyles
come and go
often with the
season’s snow.
Evening displays
such a sight
the eve of winter
start of night.
Like a journey
without feet
the time begins a
days retreat.
Look for shadows
look for signs
found within the
days designs.
Maybe clouds will
form a haze
shrouding visions
in a phase.
The eve of winter
brings its views
often changing
to hazy blues.
Time might display
clouds of white
snowflakes falling
there in sight.
Creating pictures
elating scenes
as eve of winter
creates dreams.
Becoming seconds
seeming more
an eve of winter
to explore.

©By Bill Pearce
May 28,  2019

Summer’s Colors

Our tomorrows
might not show
the colors bright
that now bestow.
You might see
a different view
a time and place
of life brand new.
Some tomorrows
become stages
showing life
of different ages.
Plants becoming
scenes of gold
while some others
then unfold.
You might see
a reddish plant
giving times
to then enchant.
They might blend
into the scene
with some colors
shades of green.
Summer’s colors
find a way
enhancing sights
from day to day.
Even the nights
may show others
scenes of things
of summer’s colors.

©By Bill Pearce
May 28,  2019

Grazing on Life

Feeding on a moment
to move a little further
brings to point notions
it’s greener on another.
Sometimes our sight
sees only but a portion
of lifestyles ones lead
that’s just a distortion.
While grazing on life
you might see someone
looking back at you
thinking you have none.
They might even think
you have so much more,
but yet may be wrong
for it might be a lore.
The things people say
to create such a thought
as you’re grazing on life
on a little or a lot.
As we seek tomorrow
we must focus on today
and graze on right now
until it’s gone away.
Allow for the lessons
of the wants of things
to show the right way
and not only dreams.
Then as time passes
while grazing on life,
maybe you’ll find joyful
and not a lot of strife.

©By Bill Pearce
May 28,  2019

Alone on The Wire

We often find ones
that gather in groups
looking down on us
gathering scoops.
Taking in viewpoints
while we are alone
trying to do our best
that nobody’s known.
There are so many
just like you and I
going through stages
as ones say goodbye.
So many judge us
by what others say
and they’re mistaken
of our daily array.
Don’t let it get to you
find now a smile,
for soon in the future
they’ll see your style.
Then those watching
with regretful minds
might see the truth
of yesterdays times.
So just do your best
to be who you are
as time marches on
from near to afar.
Some will see truly
who was the liar
as you continued on
alone on the wire.

©By Bill Pearce
May 29,  2019

When Time Meets Life

As we each encounter
the moments ahead
times might display
a segment of dread.
Mowing peacefulness
in the grasses of time
life can become as
a tormenting mind.
Seek beyond sadness
and look for release
found in a field of
sought after peace.
Search for goodness
and seek for gain
found in a blue sky
after clouds of rain.
Time is perspective
when seen by a few
as life’s existence
that so many view.
When time meets life
and minutes pass
we are the echoes
of a shadowy cast.
Bringing forth scenes
of a natural high
as prayerful release
from a true blue sky.
Look beyond sadness
and find you a smile
as you move onto
another great while.
When time meets life
it’s a magical way
seasoned with hopeful
and maybe some gray.
Seek for the blessings
and find what is true
when time meets life
and found thereunto.

©By Bill Pearce
May 29,  2019

Blurs of Colors

Looking quickly
time moves on
sometimes blurred
of right and wrong.
Leaving glimmers
sights beheld
blurs of colors
times we meld.
Bonding together
left and right
the blurs of colors
show a sight.
Scenes encountered
timeless found
blurs of colors
sight and sound.
Seeming to mimic
the words we say
as confusion
from day to day.
Life’s a story
that many read
blurs of colors
want and need.
Leaving statements
with our voice
blurs of colors
our daily choice.
Choosing one way
and the others
often displays
blurs of colors.

©By Bill Pearce
May 30,  2019

Heaven is Formed

When at a pathway
time might be laid
seen so heavenly
blessings had made.
Maybe a snowstorm
of living attire
Heaven is formed as
life and desire.
For as storms come
with snow or rain
life is created from
pleasure and pain.
Allow for a moment
to be as it should
maybe as pure luck
to knock on wood.
Heaven is a place
that awaits us all
yet some will see it
and some will fall.
Seek for the journey
learn from the view
things we encounter
to show what to do.
Time’s a benefactor
as minutes pass by
becoming memories
hello and goodbye.
Then may seem only
as a mere illusion
time moves onwards
seeming confusion.
Living for a moment
can be as hell bent
as that of shadows
not so Heaven sent.
Heaven is formed
as life does unwind
scenes we’re awaiting
an unfathomed find.

©By Bill Pearce
May 31,  2019

Elation of Stride

Profound decisions
can seem perplexing
creating  illusions
that need correcting.
Not seeing clearly
a personal view
that’s found elating
within me and you.
So many will only
see what they wish
as elation of stride
a time of delish.
Not seeing clearly
the troubles instilled
seeking substance
a moment fulfilled.
A moment persists
displaying its wake
maybe as a rowboat
and shimmering lake.
Yet sometimes waters
will not show true
the sight of plight
that comes in view.
Prepare your oars
to row through life
that’s often of good
and often of strife.
Allow for peaceful
to come inside
found within blessings
elation of stride.

©By Bill Pearce
May 31,  2019

Winter to Christmas

Cold snowy paths
on roads through time
begin their journey
as rhythm and rhyme.
Scenes enhancing
as snowflakes form
painting the pictures
of a Christmas morn.
You can even smell it
its aroma’s so fine
scented of pinecones
such a magical time.
A road so scenic
begins with a phase
that’s found December
a moment to gaze.
Winter to Christmas
is bound to unfold
times so divine
that they seem as gold.
Look now and see it
remembered so well
times that you found
a great story to tell.
Linked to a moment
you lived long ago
maybe of a time
you played in the snow.
Maybe even pictures
that displayed so true
winter to Christmas
a magical view.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 1,  2019

for Jun 1,  2019

Looking for anchors
in an ocean of despair
is a prayer away.

Green grass of nature
forms many different views
some with many weeds.

The passing of life
leaves many with emptiness,
but spirits live on.

Challenge of lifestyles
can bring sadness to many
with wants of others.

Looking at the stars
you might discover twinkles
of life way out there.

Need is confusion
when want comes in the picture
acting just like need.

Counting the minutes
might show time passing faster
as patience wears thin.

The leaves on the trees
of a springtime fantasy
might have much to say.

Morning passes by
leaving the essence of life
embedded in time.

Becoming someone
can often present problems
if it is not you.

Living for the now
can leave you in misery
as then fades away.

The ghost of ourselves
that come after we pass on
could be as angels.

A bicycle chain
needs oiling time and again
to keep from rusting.

Scattered as raindrops
a person can be lightning
soon to be thunder.

Change is a doorway
with many different views
and many choices.

Pages from a book
might hold mysteries within
that ones need to read.

As we are breathing
we are also excelling
so take heed your breath.

Clinging too tightly
to the ones that you adore
can push them away.

Sought after moments
that are in our memories
might not live today.

Bringing your baggage
to a new relationship
might end it quickly.

Now is but a time
that comes and goes as it will
to become the past.

Looking to the skies
you might see familiar sights
deep within some clouds.

©By Bill Pearce
Jun 1,  2019

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
Ben Geurts Drawing Art site
and Old Fashioned Christmas site
My Animal’s Greetings site below
One of my friends sites below
and once again the poetry contest at
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂