

Hello my friends

Yep,  it’s me again.  Though this week the
journal will be much shorter than normal.
Last week was not good for us,  but things
have gotten a little bit better since then.  So,
first off I did some repairs to the roof of our
porch and it almost killed me.  There was a
time that I called down to Judy and told her
she might have to call 911 because the heat
had gotten to me and I was literally out of
strength due to the heat.  It was real near 90
degrees and the roof was like fire and burned
me in places as well as zapped what strength
I had.  I tried to climb down the latter but
I couldn’t do it being so weak.  Judy then
moved the latter out a little bit to less of a
angle and I managed to slowly climb down,
then I didn’t have enough strength to go up
the steps to go inside so I had to crawl LOL.
I made it and got rehydrated and rested.
I was down for the count for the next day
and then I went out and did a little mowing
Friday as it drizzled on me the whole time.
I figured I better mow,  because it’s supposed
to rain all the way into Thursday of this week
and the grass had already grown up quite a
bit.  I knew if I didn’t that our lil lawn mower
would have a hard time getting through it by
next Friday or Saturday LOL.  Anyways, I
only wrote 4 poems last week due to all of
that which might seem a lot to you,  but I
am a writer hehehe.  Though this writer was
totally exhausted and could barely stand up
or keep focus on anything especially writing.
So,  I went with Judy Friday for her doctors
appointment to get a colonoscopy.  She is
doing good.  Happy to say they found no
cancer there either 🙂  So we celebrated and
stopped and got donuts and burgers to eat.
Donuts for breakfast being she had to fast
for her colonoscopy.  The burgers were for
our dinner later.  God has been watching
over us.  We are so very thankful that He
is always prepared and that He has sent
us many angels and kindly spirits to watch
over us as well.  Please God,  keep watch
over all of our family and friends as well as
the many that we know not of.  Thank You
Father.  Amen and Amen.  Now I believe
it is time for me to be reading back over all
that I’ve written here to see if I can find me
a good word or phrase that I can use for
the title for today’s brand new poem.   So,
it’s off a go to that place of my recollection
that I like to call RECOLLECT VILLE 🙂
I believe I may have found a fairly decent
title near the midway point of my rambling
and now after checking I see that it hasn’t
been used yet,  so used it shall be today 🙂
Here goes…


Life as journey
flows as a stream
often as exhaustion
running out of steam.
Allow for moments
of a restful design
to come find a place
in a sleepy mind.
Don’t let the hurries
to distort your view
becoming exhausted
within all you do.
Let God to help you
to find a way down
from that of a roof
as unrested frown.
Find that of peace
in a hurried array
when you’re exhausted
with needs of a day.

©By Bill Pearce
June 4,  2023

LOL Yes I wrote the poem to myself as I do
from time to time.  I have to tell myself to
stop and take a breath,  being I have always
been a workaholic which is pretty much the
reason why my health is so bad now hehehe.
I got it from my dear dad as he was also a
workaholic.  So I guess it’s in my blood LOL.
Anyways,  that’s about all I have for you other
than what I tell you nearly every week and
that is,  I wrote some more poems and haiku.
Though this time I only wrote 4 poems and
10 haiku for all the haiku lovers out there.
I hope you can find 1 or 2 of either or both
that you like.  Now I reckon it’s time for me
to begin my search for that hardly elusive off
switch,  but not before I wish you a blessings
filled week.  Remember,  Jesus loves you and
we do too.  Okey dokey,  so where can that
ornery off switch be trying to hide this time?
Looking high and low hehehe,  which I didn’t
have need to do being that silly things had
thought I wasn’t gonna write any today and
so it just kicked back and was relaxing right
behind my keyboard hehehe.  Fooled ya LOL.
Gotcha,  see ya CLICK zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

God bless from Bill,  Judy,  Rocky
and spirits of Benny and Milo Pearce.

P.S  A link to our brand new books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
is at the end of the journal along
with all of the others.  Enjoy 🙂
Please buy our books 😉

Now it’s on with the poems and haiku
4 and 10 hehehehehehehehehehehe 🙂

Blossoms Reveal

Scenes as flavors
pour out like wine
revealing the sight
of a certain design.
Scented as flowers
blooming of spring
often becoming as
our songs to sing.
Colors transposed
as artwork of time
sceneries blossoms
for hearts to find.
Becoming the life
of a memoirs day
revealing shadows
in wondrous array.
Opening a window
to see and to feel
this is the passage
blossoms reveal.

©By Bill Pearce
May 29,  2023

Time Remembers

Echoes of the past
may seem to be
words as windows
we hear and see.
Time may memorize
what life has done
with colorful stages
of a clouded sun.
We might perceive
a passing sight
as that of windows
of day and night.
Yet life’s illusions
might come in view
recalling wrongly
a so scenic hue.
A barn colored red
may become embers
of all the reflections
time remembers.

©By Bill Pearce
May 29,  2023

Grasp of Evening

The sun setting
provides a sight
a scenic moment
soon to be night.
Enlightening life
of different scale
as faded scenery
with bright detail.
The eves arrival
comes as breath
breathed in deep
as a dreamful rest.
Displaying time
as a living scene
grasp of evening
headed to dream.

©By Bill Pearce
May 30,  2023

Adventures of Minds

Within an icy river
there may be a scene
down below the ice
a wintertime stream.
Waters flowing thru
as time breaks away
bestowing adventures
of a wintertime day.
The ice might begin
its venture to spring
as minds of moments
might seem to sing.
Songs of adventure
and songs of a style
creating doorways
to a seasonal smile.
Open up your eyes
and see life’s designs
the heavenly portals
adventures of minds.

©By Bill Pearce
May 30,  2023

for June 4,  2023

Today brings changes
that we might perceive wrongly
as good or real bad .

Time is a number
that many count as wantings
and not of their need.

Thriving desires
can often become problems
if they take over.

The years of our life
might look just like reflections
that are not of us.

Breathing in a smile
from the sadness of today
needs you to look deep.

The answers of time
often come from our actions
that we know not of.

Seeds of a heartbeat
can plant hope within a life
and grow a blessing.

Changes we acquire
might have many mysteries
that we’re unaware.

Within a forest
you might find yourself searching
for your own footsteps.

Hearing some thunder
you can be sure there was more
as lightning streaked first.

©By Bill Pearce
June 4,  2023

Our Newest books
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 1
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 2
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 3
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 4
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 5
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 6
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 7
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 8
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 9
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 10
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 11
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 12
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 13
Pearce’s Poetry Pictures 14
and if you want to buy them all
or maybe the kindle versions,  you can
do that on my author page below 🙂
I will soon be canceling the Kindle versions.
My wife Judy’s Poetry books 🙂
My Animal’s Greetings site below
Me on YouTube
Your frosty friend Bill 🙂